
"Acute hepatitis C is almost indistinguishable from acute hepatitis B infection. Patients with acute hepatitis C frequently are asymptomatic, even when liver tests are abnormal."

Soon after contracting the infection many people have aflu-like illness with fatigue, fever, muscular aches and pains, nausea and vomiting. About 10% of them become jaundiced (their skin turns yellow). Symptoms may occur from two weeks to six months after exposure, but usually within two months' time. Usually these symptoms resolved themselves and the person has no symptoms of liver disease for many years (20 - 25 years in most cases).

The symptoms of chronic infection and cirrhosis range from no symptoms at all to gradually progressive fatigue and lack of energy to complete dibility. The effects of the virus vary widely between individuals. Some have several symptoms while still others experience very few if any. Cirrhosis symptoms include progressive fatigue, jaundice (yellow skin), icterus (yellow eyes), dark urine (the color of cola), abdominal swelling, muscle wasting, itching, disorientation and confusion, loss of appetite, and easy bruisability.

Below is a list of symptoms that other Hepatitis C sufferers have experienced. You will not necessarily have any of these symptoms or you may find you have several of them. Remember, this is an individual disease and treats everyone differently.

1. Fatigue, weakness, tiredness
2. Joint pain, muscle pains, arthritis
3. Memory loss and mental confusion - (Brain Fog)
4. Skin problems - ie: dry, itchy, rashes, spots
5. Depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings
6. Indigestion, nausea, vomiting, gas
7. Sleep disturbances, insomnia
8. Pain or discomfort in the abdomen
9. Chills, sweating, hot or cold flashes
10. Eye or eyesight problems - (Blurred Vision/dry eyes)
11. Sensitivity to heat or cold, sweating
12. Vertigo, dizziness, coordination problems
13. Headaches
14. Urinary problems - ie: odor, changes in coloration
15. Fever
16. Slow healing and recovery
17. Succeptibility to illness or flu
18. Weight gain and water retention
19. Menstrual problems - ie: irregular periods, cramping, PMS
20. Loss of appetite and weight loss
21. Swelling of stomach, legs or feet
22. Oral/mouth sores and problems
23. Excessive bleeding
24. Upper right quadrant pain - side pain, just beneath the ribs, Hepatalgia - (pain/discomfort in the liver area)
25. Loss of libido - (Decline in sex drive)
26. Red palms
27. Hot flashes
28. Indigestion, vomiting, gallstones, ascites - (Swelling in the stomach area)
29. Diarrhea, grey, yellow, white or light colored stools
30. Jaundice - (yellowing of eyes and/or skin)

As you can see there are several symptoms and many of them could be a sign of something totally different from Hepatitis C. Be sure to ask your Dr about any symptoms you feel you have.

SOURCE: Sapient Health Network

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