Michigan Day at Gettysburg


ALMIGHTY GOD, we thank Thee for the preservation of our lives to see this day, and to enjoy all that it signifies to us who are here assembled. We thank Thee for the preservation of our National life and unity, in spite of all treasonable efforts to sunder and destroy it. We thank Thee that so many of America's sons survived the shock of battle and the waste and ravage of disease, and are permitted to live and enjoy the blessings, in the defense of which, they imperilled their lives.

We thank Thee that so many of the brave sons of Michigan are permitted to assemble ill this town, made memorable during the rebellion; men who left all, and hazarded all, for the defense of the nation's honor and life. May God bless them in their homes and lives, and grant them length of days, that they, with all our people, may enjoy the blessings of such a heritage as ours.

We are here to dedicate to the memory of Michigan's brave sons--they who laid down their lives on this memorable battlefield--monuments of granite, and we pray that so long as they last, so long may the memory and the deeds of these dead heroes be fresh and green in the minds and hearts of the people. Bless the President of this great nation.

Bless the State in which we are assembled today, and its Executive. Bless the people of this State in their great calamity and sorrow, and send them speedy relief.

Bless our own State and its Executive, and may we all prove to be worthy sons of a great and free republic.

Guide Thou, oh God, in the conduct of all the services of this occasion, and especially direct all who share in these significant services.

Guide us all to Thy praise, and when life's work is done, receive us to Thyself in heaven, for Christ's sake, amen.

Last Updated: 12/25/00
Webmaster: Rob Richardson
All original material Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Rob Richardson