58th Croydon (St Andrews) Brownies Homepage

Welcome! To all our WAGGGS friends

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We have 30 Brownies in our pack. They are aged 7 - 10 years. Brown Owl is Maggie who collects ornamental, Tawny Owl is Louise, Snowy Owl is Jill, White Owl is Camilla and Eagle Owl is Tamara.

We enjoy going on pack holiday at least once a year. Some of our themes have been Disney, Christmas, Mr Men & Little Miss, Robin Hood, Snow White & the Seven Dwarvesand Winnie the Pooh.

THESE ARE THE THINGS THE GIRLS LIKE BEST ABOUT BEING A BROWNIE: Playing Games:Emily 9, Marie 8, Jessica 9,Sophie 8, Amy 7, Ciara 9, Emily 8, Emilie 7, Naomi 8.
Getting Badges:Louise 9,Elizabeth 7.
Doing Our Concert:Kanesh 8.
Being Crazy:Sarah 9.
Writing:Toshinga 7.
Skipping Ropes: Sierah 7.
Pack Holiday:Sara 8, Joanna 8.
Making Things / Craft:Lauren 8, Amilia 7, Gemma 9, Manuela 8, Philomena 7, Yasmin 7.
Singing:Yolanda 8.
Because It Is Good And Funny:Katherine 8.

These are our sixes:

Kelpies "We're the little Scottish Kelpies, Smart and quick and ready helpers." "Gnomes Here you see the laughing Gnomes Helping mother in our homes." Imps We're the ever helpful Imps, Quick and quiet as any shrimps." Sprites "Here we come, the sprightly Sprites, Brave and helpful like the knights." Elves "Here we come the helpful Elves, Helping others not ourselves."

We have been working on our world cultures badge. We had an Australia Day celebration. We made Fairy Bread (white braed buttered with 100's & 1000's or sprinkles), ate Anzac biscuits and made a jigsaw out of a map of Australia, plus had loads of colouring sheets with the Austarlian Flag, Koalas, Kangaroos, etc. We also found out about the song Waltzing Matilda and did both the new and old versions.

At our Chinese New Year celebrations we made couplets (traditional good luck banners), Lucky Red Packets, Dragons on lolly sticks, coloured in pictures of traditional dress and dragons and ate Prawn Crackers and Rice Crackers. We played a game of chinese whispers and learned how to say "Happy New Year" in Mandarin and count 1 - 10 in Mandarin and Cantonese. All the girls got a pair of chopsticks and a fortune cookie to take home.

Links to other sites on the Web

Our Famous Brownies (& leaders) -MAY TAKE A WHILE TO LOAD!!


If you have any questions please contact Tawny Owl : louiseannwatts@hotmail.com or Brown Owl (Maggie) manicmaggie00@hotmail.com
Thanks for visiting, see you again soon! P.S. If you want to buy books from Amazon.com, please use one of the links on our website as the 58th Brownies get a percentage of every book sold!!!!! Have a look at the new range of Oddies books for Brownies, Rainbows and Cubs. Thanks again!

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