Jesus loves you


Sex addiction: freedom from sexual sin

by Richard Steel

Danny Halhbohm

Are you struggling with sexual sin, inappropriate sex addiction? Are you addicted to sex, cybersex, pornography, alcohol, food, work, people, or money? Where does your identity , and self-esteem come from? Where do you get your sense of self-worth? Do you love yourself as God loves you?

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul seeks to be found in Christ. (Philippians 3 verse 9) How often have you tried to get your identity through how people accept and affirm you? Perhaps you have been tempted with sexual sin in your desire to be affirmed, and you have operated on the level of exalting your flesh above your spirit, perhaps with lustful thoughts taking ahold, as you have sought to manipulate people to boost you in this way. Perhaps you seek self-esteem through your career status, your job. This is very unstable shaky ground. In Matthew 7 Jesus talks about the wise man who built his house on the rock, and the foolish man who built his house on the sand. When the floods, the troubles, the vicissitudes of life came, the foolish man's house crumbled. Why? Because he had put his confidence in the world, and the flesh. Psalm 118 verse 8 says, "it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." Who or what do you put your trust in? Is the object of your trust absolutely 100% dependable, and eternal?

You can have a problem loving yourself because you look at your sins, your failures, and if you have a spirit of perfectionism, you can never measure up to your own impossible standards, and will always be unhappy as a result. The answer is found in God's love. Romans 5 verse 8 says that "God commended His love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 1 John 1 verse 9 says that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." In that way we can have peace with God, and with ourselves. In John 14 verse 27 Jesus tells us that He leaves us His peace, "not as the world gives." In Matthew 22 verse 39 Jesus tell us to love others as we love ourselves. If we focus on God, and His love, and not ourselves, then we can break through the torment of addiction to release and freedom which can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ultimately, our self-worth must come from God alone, because He is our Creator, and more than that, He wants to be our Father through Jesus Christ. Psalm 16 verse 11 tell us that "in His presence is fullness of joy." Ephesians 2 verse 14 tells us that Jesus "Himself is our peace."

Perhaps you were never affirmed by your parents. Maybe you never enjoyed that right relationship with your earthly father. This can leave us feeling insecure, and can sometimes lead to bondage such as homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, addiction to alcohol, drugs, or anything else. John 3 verse 16 says that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son" to die for our sins. Read the start of that verse again but replace the word "world" with your own name. Personalise it to you, because God loves you intimately, personally, and desires to pour out His Father heart love on you in a way you can barely imagine. It is no accident you are reading this now. God can heal you of a broken identity and addiction in your life. He loves you more than your earthly father could ever have done. Ask God to touch you now. His mercies are new everyday the bible tells us in Lamentations 3. It is not about your performance, your achievements, your looks, your job, and what people think of you. God has wonderful plans for you. Reach out to Him now. Pray this prayer:

"Father, I'm sorry for finding my identity in the world and not in You, and in Your love that cannot be earned. Jesus be the Lord of my life as well as Saviour. Set me free to be the person that you created me to be, a new creation in You. Deliver me from everything that is holding me back, and fill me with Your Spirit, Your Presence, and Your Peace. Let me live the rest of my life to glorify your name. Thankyou Lord. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ I pray, Amen."

If you would like prayer, then email us. If you have received Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Saviour for the first time, let us know. Get alongside other Christians to encourage you , build you up and fellowship with you. That means finding a good Church if you do not already belong to one, and making time to spend with God each day. You may have been a Christian for a long time, but God has so much more for you! May He bless you as you seek to find your true identity, and freedom in Him alone.

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