The House of Eshu

Eshu called me to the practice and study of Esoteric Quimbanda. "Quimbanda" comes from an Angolan word meaning "sodomitic sorcerer". This line is Esoteric because it contains many elements of Western Occultism, particularly those currents of Thelema, the Zos-Kia Cultus of Austin Osman Spare, and the Cult of the Black Snake of Michael Bertiaux. There are no "popes", no hierarchy, and no dogma. Each House is independent. "Success is thy proof".

To worship in Esoteric Quimbanda in the House of Eshu, one will meet many forms of Eshu. In fact, every worshipper has his or her own Eshu and Pomba-Gira (the female form of Eshu). In Thelemic terms, 0=2, Eshu & Pomba-Gira. In Spare’s system, the Zos and the Kia, and the "Neither-Neither" principle. This is equivalent to the Beast and Babalon, Nuit and Hadit, Shiva and Shakti, etc. Therefore, Sex Magick is an important magickal tool in the House of Eshu.

The male magician will pleasure himself sexually, concentrating on Pomba-Gira (Nuit), using sigils if he so desires, to the point of orgasm. Pomba-Gira in this ritual is cognate with Lilith, as these rituals do not lead to procreation (except in the unique case of the Moonchild). Instead, they create servitors or demons, Eshu’s People of the Cemetery, the Children of Men.

(Eshu of the Cemetery)

For the Priest-Priestess in the House of Eshu, EVERY sexual act must be a magickal act. The Priestess in solitary or other workings concentrates in drawing forth Her Children from the loins of men or in producing the kalas in solitary rites. Masturbation is one of the most powerful rites of the House of Eshu. The Priest or Priestess who can tap into the energy of all the orgasms happening in the world (or other dimensions) is mighty indeed. Homosexual magicks are even more potent.

The Ritual of the Elements

The Feasts of the Times

(Eshu of the Black Cape)

There are special rituals for the Solstices and Equinoxes, as Eshu/Lucifer is "the Light Bringer". Rituals on these dates will honor each of the elements: Fire (Aries), Water (Cancer), Air (Libra), and Earth (Capricorn).

Study of the English Qaballa has led to an important series of timed astrological rituals, mainly the Sun-Venus and Sun-Mercury conjunction rituals. The paths of Sun-Venus conjunctions traced through the Heavens form a pentagram. Those of Sun-Mercury form a hexagram. As "nothing is accomplished without Eshu", who is Mercury in all His forms, the House of Eshu performs rituals upon the conjunctions of Mercury with each planet, particularly, the Seven inner planets (the "Seven African Powers"). There is one further secret which the House of Eshu shares with the Cult of L@M. It cannot yet be disclosed.

The Priests of the House ofEshu know that many reading these lines have problems that Eshu can resolve. E-mail me, if you wish. I will suggest a Working for you or refer you to someone who can do it for you. Remember: it is best to reward Eshu AFTER you receive what you wish! (But, do not forget Him!!!)

Those who wish to begin workings on the Mercury conjunctions are also urged to contact us at once. The House of Eshu awaits you.

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