Feeding Oscars


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(Oscars can move their eyes around so they can hunt other fish better.)


Feeding Oscars isn't very hard, because they will eat anything.  But that does not mean that you can feed them anything.  With all fish it is a good practice to vary their diet.  Even though pelleted and flake food provide attiquite nutrition, it is still better to give them a variety of foods.  How would you like to eat the same thing everyday of your life?  You probally wouldn't.

I will now list some foods with descriptions of each:

Cichlid Pellets: If you budget is low this is the way to go.  (that rymed) They provide all the nutrition you precious oscars will ever need.  They also provide color enhancers to bring out the colors in your oscars.  If feed properly they won't cloud the tank at all.  This is what I feed my oscars most of the time, I also give them other foods so they have a variety.

Flakes: Provide the same as pellets but use only on baby or small oscars.   Most big oscars will ignore them.

Live Fish: This is what oscars eat in the wild.  So if you are the type that wants the oscars to feel more at home then this is the way to go.  There are a few drawbacks here one is your oscars could get a disease from the fish, and they like them so much that sometimes they won't take other foods.  If this happens make sure you get a feeder fish tank and stuff those feeders with flakes or pellets,  I mean really over feed them and your oscars will get good nutrition.  Also this is one of the most expensive diets.

Beaf Heart: This is a lean meat and is healthy for your oscars to eat.   It is not recomended because it will cloud the water, but if you run out of food and can't get to the pet store for awhile this is the way to go.

Earth Worms: These are good to feed as ocasional treats.  The oscars like the way they wiggle in the water.  But they have to much protein and in the long term feeding will do more harm then help.  Also you can dig these for free, but be carful where you dig and make sure there was no chemicals in the soil.

Brine Shrimp:  They are good for fry.  But way to small for anything else.

Now it is time to talk about feeding times.  Try to feed your oscars about the same time every day.  If you are feeding them live goldfish give each full grown oscars about 2 or 3 a day.  Feed smaller oscars guppies, in the same amounts.   If feeding pellets follow the directions on the packages and store in a cool dry place. If you feed them Beef Heart only feed them once a day.

There are more foods for oscars but these are the only ones I would ever use so be carful in your choices and remember oscars always look hungary so don't be tempted to over feed.