Fun with your Oscars

     In this section I will explain how to have fun with your Oscars. As if just having them isn't fun enough.  Remember Oscars are smart and can learn pretty fast.  I was reading an article about Oscars and it said in a study oscars that were given "toys" which I will talk about later, compared to Oscars that lived there life without toys were relativly smarter in brain size and understanding.

The First thing I will talk about is "Toys" for you Oscars.  A great toy and something they will take their aggresion out on instead of each other or the heater etc is a ping pong ball.  This will keep your Oscars busy for hours.  If you only have one this is a great thing since your Oscar will be by thereself a lot it gives them something to do.

Rubber Dog toys are also a good choice.  Make sure they will float.   These come in a variety of choices so you can buy a lot and give your oscar a proper education.

Use these choices and also use anything else that won't pollute your water, or that you fish can swallow.  If you give them a new toy each week it will make them smarter.  But this doesn't mean you have to buy them a new toy each week you can if you want, but just buy five or so and alternate them weekly.

Oscar Tricks

The bell trick: In this trick when you ring a bell your oscars will swim to the top of the water and know it is feeding time.  First you will need a bell or something that makes a noise like a bell.  For awhile whenever you feed them ring the bell first and then put in the food.  After a week or two when you ring the bell they will know it's feeding time.

Have your oscar swim through a hoop: First you will need a small hoop or ring that your oscar will be able to fit through.  Hold it in the water your oscar should eventuly go up to it and then put his head through a little.   When he does ring the bell and give him a treat.  Then do it again until he finally goes all the way through.  This may take a week or more.

Pet your oscar: In this trick you will be able to pet your oscar.  First you will have to get your oscar used to your hands.  Do this buy putting a little food in the tank to get them to the top, then slowy put your hands in the tank and don't make any fast movements.  Leave them in there for awhile each day until the oscars start to explore them.  Eventuly they will let you touch them.   My first pair of oscars I had must have been the best ones I've ever seen.   They let me touch them the first time I tried and they used to eat out of my hand like dogs.

These are the only tricks I know if you know any EMAIL , And I will post them.


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