The Oscar General

information page

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This is the general information page on Oscars.   It will fill you in on any general information about Oscars.  Like size, other names for oscars, etc.

First the scientific name. Oscars that have the ocelli or eye spot on the tail are called Astronotus ocellatus but some other types of oscars have different scientific names.

The maximum size of an Oscar is 14" but in an aquarium most Oscars only get to at the most 12" unless you have a very large aquarium like 150 gallons or more.

Oscars are one of the smartest fish I think they are the smartest but some people tend to argue.  The family Cichlidae or Cichlids are the smartest altogether. so don't let anyone tell you that Oscars are dumb.

Oscars love to eat and most of them will eat everything and anything you put in the tank.  Only if it is small enough to fit in there mouth.  They are also messy eaters and will require a good filtration system.

Oscars are bulky fish so they will need a large tank.  Also you will need to make frequent water changes and siphon the gravel.

Oscars are considered aggressive but they are generally nice and peaceful.  The only reason they are considered aggressive is because they are preditorial and will eat fish small enough to fit in there mouth and since they are big fish a lot of fish fit into there mouth.  But as with every creatures even humans there is always that certain few that are very mean and sometimes kill everything you put in the tank.  Even other oscars.

Oscars can tend to beg their owners for food and a lot of people think they are really hungry and overfeed them.  So if you think you are not feeding your oscars enough you probably are.  But remember it is always better to under feed than over feed.

well that is all the general information I have now make sure to check out the rest of my site.