Welcome to my pictures page. These pictures came from The Unofficial Jurassic Park Haom Page.
Scenes From The Movie

Hammond looking at amber cane

Baby Raptors

Grant, Tim and Lex looking at the Braciosaurs

Braciosaur eating a branch limb from Grant

T-Rex drawing of attacking a car

Grant showing Tim and Lex an egg

Grant holding flare

Grant, Tim and Lex standing around

Hammond looking at amber (close up)

Raptor close up

Look how much blood

Dinosaurs coming out of lake

T-Rex saves the day

Grant and Lex facing T-Rex

T-Rex chasing Ian

Raptors in kitchen

Drawing of T-Rex attacking a raft

Raptors looking in the kitchen

Raptor model

Raptor looking around

Side of Raptors face

Raptor model (larger image)

Sick Triceratops

Grant, Tim and Lex with a Braciosaur

Raptors roaming the kitchen

T-Rex attacking a upsidedown car

Spitter and Nedry

Making of T-Rex

T-Rex roars

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park

Earth Watch at Kauai

Hurricane at Kauai

Brachiosaurs eating

Dinos Browsing

Sick Triceratops

Grant waiving flare

Raptors in kitchen

Raptors teeth

Raptor pokes head out

Misquito in amber

T-Rex head shot

Dennis Nedrey steals the Embryos

T-rex running after Ian Malcolm

Raptor inside the Kitchen

Impact tremors in the plastic cup

T-Rex eating a Galimimus

T-Rex in front of Alan Grant and Alex

A Raptor attacting Alan, Lex and Tim

T-rex is attacking the overturned Explorer

The raptor looking at lex

T-Rex in front of Alan Grant


 Behind The Scenes

Earth Watch Hurricane

Jurassic Park Dinos

Crew helps clear road

Raptor Model

Triceratops Model

T-Rex Model

T-Rex Model 2

Triceratops model

T-Rex model (side view)

T-Rex model (front view)

A model of a Velociraptor

Alan Grant sitting near the Triceratops

The Head of a Raptor

T-Rex at the Car


Picture of Grant

Picture of Hammond

Picture of Ian

Picture of Lex

Picture of Muldoon

Picture of Sattler



Running Gallimimus

Eating a Gallimimus

T-rex eating Gallimimus


Map Of Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park CD

Another JP logo

Small JP logo

JP logo

Jurassic Park Map

Jurassic Park Yellow Vehicle


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