Reviews Page
Commercial Reviews

Chicago Times - Roger Ebert 
You want great dinosaurs, you got great dinosaurs.

Woman Studies 
"but when Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.""Jurassic Park" is certainly the most terrifying film ever to be given the increasingly ubiquitous and meaningless PG 13 rating.

Over All Star Rating 
Personal Reiews
James Berdinelli
I can't say how JURASSIC PARK will rate overall, but I will admit that, in my opinion, this is the first big-budget film in a long time to live up to its pre-release reputation.

Albert S. Wang
perhaps the most powerful and frightening element is the dinosaurs themselves, a force of nature that was destroyed in a mass extinction of life, only to be resurrected by man.

Phineas Narco
If you think you've seen it all--see this movie for something you've never seen before and to feel like a kid again. JURASSIC PARK is a winner.

Eric Walker
You want dinosaurs? There has never been anything on the screen quite like the dinosaurs we see in JURASSIC PARK.

Mark R. Leeper
Most skepticism seems to center around a belief that dinosaur DNA would deteriorate in amber over the tens and hundreds of millions of years. You could not really clone DNA that old. But even that is open to conjecture.

Lewis Butler
I didn't write a review of JURASSIC PARK when I first saw it for many reasons, primary amongst them the fact that I was too busy standing in wide-eyed amazement at the technological wonder of the whole thing to pay the slightest bit of attention to the story, the characters, the dialog, or really any part of the movie beyond the truly amazing special effects.

Michel E. Kabay
"No knowledge shall be the property of only one member of the team." After all, if that solitary guru were to leave, go on vacation, or get eaten by a dinosaur, you'd be left without a safety net.

David N. Butterworth
Barney the Dinosaur has finally met his match.

Micahel Har-even
I wanted to forget my integrity and to write this review without going to the film. Then, I have decided against seeing the film and against writing this review. Finally, I saw the film and got 100 million reasons in favor of writing this review.

Sarah M. Elkins
ANALYSIS: Scary fun. I and others in the audience shrieked and screamed at several points in the movie.

David Milner
When JURASSIC PARK was released, history was made.

Ken Johnson
The characters are well done and are written so that the viewer can't help from hoping that they survive (or bite it depending on your frame of mind).

John Hagerman
I came away feeling that I had some idea what it would be like to stand next to a live dinosaur.

I.I. Pasternak
This article Uncle Pasternak will be reviewing that summer blockbuster, JURASSIC PARK.

Over All Star Raing 
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