
If you have a quote that you want to be included on this list, please take the survey.

"HEY...you were dead a minute ago?" - Jeff

"The only thing keeping you alive is the lack of a convenient way to dispose of the body." - Anon

"Just leave the computer on." - Cristal (we use a program to generate characters)

"Oops, I slipped" - Doc (after a 20 on a Medical check)

"You've got a bad feeling that makes your sphincter pucker." - Dane

"There is more to darkness than the sun going down." - Lee (a.k.a. Winter)

"Didn't that thing kill us last game? ...crap..." - Ryan

"What do you mean it gets back up?" - Zombie

GM: "Well, I guess because of your 22 Charisma, the Dark Lord Abstragoath lord of the Demon rift and despoiler of nations...thinks your an OK kinda guy" - David Dalke

"Learn to swim, but never EVER go in the water." -Drake

"I'm not asking you to trust us, just take our money." -Two faced employer talking to fresh meat (young minion hunters).

"You're the one who smarted off to the warbot!" -Drake to Jobe

"Hmm..Hmm..[dead]" -dying dog on an island of zombies

"He's ok, just don't poke him." -man describing his friend who is slowly turning into a minion.

"I am not evil.....wait!...Drake don't shoot!" - Jobe

"WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!! Don't pull the lever by the cage with the minion-looking thing in it!. . . Your ankle's tangled in the cord!" -Di'Armand, Who soon met a tragic death


"Sorry, I thought you were a burglar", after shooting his companion in the leg for bad mouthing America -Bianchi

"Stop, or I'll Fire!" (Spoken during the middle of a raging gunfight, by a military officer) -Ashley

"They'll never get that grenade in here.............." -Rob Smith/Edward Crychek

"Well, if I hadn't been cringing in fear I'da ......." -Noah

"How many times have I told you...never trust anything that thinks for itself and you don't know where it keeps it's brain!!!!!" -Mrs. Weasley

John McMillan watching on dense red clouds near the Danish coast:"Well, there's something rotten in the state of Denmark."

Brillo Headed Rat"My bowels are loose!"

Tim the new player "Er what's a throw skill" after attempting to throw two grenades in a hole

Ryno about people, "They don't breed them for smarts"

"We can take these punks" - says Jerbo right before he starts rolling up a new hunter

"Relativity is a Conspiracy Theory. No Speed Limits!" - Wah Tze Tuya

"The taps are internal, a result of plumbing." - Kevin

"But, Shrimp are people too!" - Jeremiah Pugh

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