Fields of Study - Sunnydale MU

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Martial Science

The study of all forms of combat, both ancient & modern, which the student
might find useful in the field are covered here. In addition the program is
further enhanced by courses in geopolitical theory and standard espionage
practices. In many cases some previous experience in the field is required. It
is to be expected that all students entering into these studies at an advanced
level are self-proficient and thus MU Sunnydale takes no responsibility for the
student's well-being.

Carpathian Studies

The core program of MU Sunnydale, the Carpathian Studies Department
is also her pride and joy. Covering all areas, both theoretical & practical, which
centre on this field of esoterica, students will often supplement their studies
with courses in both the Martial Sciences & Medieval Metaphysic Departments.
With the aid of both field practicals and research courses, we are confident
that there is no more complete study of Nosferatu and their ilk offered today.

Medieval Metaphysic

Centring on the study of higher logics, as well as the mysteries of ancient & medieval
philosophies, the Department of Medieval Metaphysic works closely with the
Dept. of Cosmology in offering the advanced program of Master of Reality
in an effort to search out the answers to the higher mysteries of the universe.
Entry into the program requires proof of one's academic abilities, mental integrity,
and permission of the faculty.

Celestial Mechanics & Cosmology

In conjunction with the Dept. of Medieval Metaphysic the mysteries of the
universe are explored in the Master of Reality program. The Cosmology
Dept. centres on the study of natural sciences as they truly exist with a
progressively advanced program starting from basic physics & calculus to
the higher realms of temporal mechanics and cosmology.

Metahuman Science & Development

A pioneer in the field, our MSD department draws upon the experience of more
than 7 decades of metahuman studies. Giving the student both a theoretical
grounding in the history of the rise of the metahuman and extensive practical
experience in the development of metahuman capabilities our courses in Metahuman
Sciences are a distinct asset to those wishing to pursue a vocation in the field.
Located on our beautiful Westchester campus our students receive first-rate training
and instruction.


The Dept. of Para-History, spawned as a direct result of the successul time
paradox created by the Rosinante Project, studies not only the parallel worlds
of Barsoom, Atlanton Earth & Eddison's Mercury, but also (and primarily) the
history of the numerous parallel time-loops which now exist between 1978-1998
as a direct result of the Young-VanDriel time anomaly. Students in this field
of study are encouraged to minor in higher logics and cosmology.

Metaphysical & Metallurgical Sciences

The newly formed Dept. of Metaphysical & Metallurgical Sciences combines the
best that MU Sunnydale has to offer in the higher transmutational logics. The implications of
alchemical research on the fields of the real as well as the geomantic spectrum are all covered.

Department of Statistical & Necromantic Arts

One of the original departments of MU Sunnydale, the Department of Statistical & Necromantic
Arts has worked closely with the Centre for Supercomputing as well as the Department of
Celestial Mechanics in a bid to provide the discening student of the goetical arts with research
opportunities without peer in the known world.