: Added July 6th 1998
Last Updated 6/13/99

My Only Love

A Sailor Moon Dark Kingdom Fan-fic Page
Now in Alphabetical order (ohhhh!)

New Stories: Untitled by Cairnsy

In the Works: "Cycle of Our Souls", "No Time for Generals", "Oaths and Promises",
"At The Begining With You" (sequel to "As You Wish"), "The Golden General",
and "Four Lovers"

As You Wish

By: Sailor Mask

e-mail: sailormask@oocities.com

Visit the author's webpage
Visit the author's other webpage

Set during the Silver Millenium, this is the story of the universe's
takeover by Beryl and those who are trying to stop it

As You Wish Chapter Index

Coming Soon

At the Beginning With You

By: Sailor Mask

e-mail: sailormask@oocities.com

Visit the author's webpage
Visit the author's other webpage

Coming Soon


By: L.M. Griffin

e-mail: wrengrif@udel.edu

Dreams about the destruction of the Silver Millennium cause
the scouts to wonder just who the woman whom they call betrayer is.

Betrayals index
Last Updated 11/21/98

A Chance Meeting

by: C-span

e-mail: snowstorm7@hotmail.com

The first meeting between Zoisite and Ami, the Princess of Mercury.

Features: Zoisite and Ami
Timeline: Silver Millennium

A Chance Meeting

The Changes that Come Along

by: JF-C

e-mail: dreoilin@mailexcite.com

This story takes place before Beryl attacks the moon kingdom.
Unlike many stories, in this one the four we all love are
part of the Negaverse already.

Features: Generals
Timeline: Silver Millennium

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Cherry Blossoms

By: Delilah

e-mail: fritchka@fast.net

A poem about Kunzite's (Malachite's)realization upon Zoi's death.

Cherry Blossoms

Coming Soon

Cycle of Our Souls

By:M is for Mars

e-mail: MCW717@hotmail.com

Visit the Author's Webpage

Coming Soon

Cycle of Our Souls Index Page

Double Cross

By: Dan Orner

e-mail: omegaonyx@oocities.com

Visit the author's webpage

Believing Queen Beryl has gone too far with her brainwashing of Prince Darien,
Malachite seeks a way to get rid of him for good.

Double Cross Index

Coming Soon

Four Lovers: Air on a Cosmic String


e-mail: jkc1984@niia.net

The Generals Saga

By: Bob Hubbard
Visit his webpage

e-mail: rustaz@mindspring.com

A retelling of what happened to the generals during the last
few days of the Silver Millennium

Chapter 1: Jadeite's Story
Chapter 2: Nephrite's Story
Chapter 3: Zoisite's Story

Coming Soon

The Golden General

By: Austin and Jade

e-mail: tnag@lightspeed.bc.ca

Coming Soon

Guardians of the Millenium Series

By: Alina
Visit the author's webpage

e-mail: alinasan@yahoo.com

When Greg draws a picture of a vision he has the scouts must
try to remember their pasts and the love they found back
during the Silver Millenium.

Guardians of the Millenium Series
Last Updated: September 11th

The Heirs of Siol

By: Luna and Phoebe
Visit their webpage

e-mail: Luna - Herbert.Raaf@t-online.de and Pheobe - WSPhoebe@t-online.de

summery to be added soon

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

The Long Road Home

by: Delilah

e-mail: fritchka@fast.net

Starting with the impending downfall of Silver Millennium
from the inhabitants of Earth's Point of view. Will eventually
span through the first season of Sailor Moon into the future.

Features: Generals
Timeline: Silver Millennium

The Long Road Home


By: Dalles

e-mail: dalles_@hotmail.com

A poem of Kunzite's (Malachite's) loss and why he manages to continue to live


Monty Python's Search for the Holy Cape

by: Delilah

e-mail: fritchka@fast.net

Kunzite finds himself trapped in a part of the Dark Kingdom
where nobody respects his rank. He and the other kings are given
a quest by Metallia to find the almight Holy Cape. A humerous story
written using a script I found for the movie Monty Python's Search for
the Holy Grail

Monty Python's Search for the Holy Cape
Last Updated: August 25th.

The Negaverse of Caesarea

By: Amberlin

e-mail: merolan@hotmail.com

Jadeite is freed and must cope with his new surroundings as
well as deal with voices telling him that he has wronged his prince.
A cross over fan-fic dealing with characters and situations found
in The Empire of Caesarea, a fantasy series by Jillian Byar.

Features: Jadeite, but may contain others as the story progresses.

The Negaverse of Caesarea
Last updated August 28th

Coming Soon

No Time for Generals

By: David H. Olivier

E-mail: davidholivier@sk.sympatico.ca

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Oaths and Promises

By: David H. Olivier

E-mail: davidholivier@sk.sympatico.ca

Coming Soon

Passage of Time

By: Delilah
e-mail: galynthia@yahoo.com

Poem told by Kunzite revealing that they have returned to
their duties in the future and explaining why we did
not see them during Sailor Moon R

Passage of Time
Added 12/17/98

The Persistence of Memory

By: Celeste Goodchild

e-mail: luna_dreamscape@hotmail.com


A five chapter fan fic based on my twisted versions of the
Senshi and the four Kings. It moves through many worlds and time periods as I give
them all new pasts, and throw in new characters just to add to the fun
and confusion. What's it all about? Justice, and the lack thereof. The
words to explain it are thus - "life by it's very nature is cruel and unkind and unfair"

Features: Generals

The Persistence of Memory
Last Updated November 18th

A Quest For Serenity

By: Robyn Mukai
Visit the author's webpage

e-mail: jmukai@lausd.k12.ca.us

When Renie returns from the future with the news that Crystal Tokyo
is under attack the scouts must prepare to battle some old enemies from the Negaverse

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Roads Less Traveled

By: Richard Beaubien
Visit his webpage

e-mail: beaubird@uvic.ca

Naru and Usagi are sent to another dimension in which Naru has joined Beryl

Roads Less Traveled

The Road to Redemption

By: Sailor StarScream

e-mail: utahraptor@hotmail.com

Nephlyte and Jadeite awaken in the Negaverse after Beryl is killed.
Together they have to find a way to keep Beryl from being reborn

Chapter 1

A Rose By Any Other Name

By: Margaret Fisher
Visit her webpage for more fan-fics

e-mail: DELILAH@InfoAve.Net

A frighteningly real dream comes back to haunt a girl when she moves
to a new home and meets the man who is the prince of her dreams.

Features: Generals/Alan, Ann
Timeline: First part of the Second Season


The Shattering of a Soul

By: Zoi

e-mail: Lucy1463@aol.com

This is a tale of the two Kings of Beryl, Kunzite and Zoisite
and the pivotal turning point in their lives that changed everything.....

Features: Generals
Timeline: Before SM starts but after the attack on the Moon Kingdom

Shattering of a Soul: Part 1
Shattering of a Soul: Part 2

Shifting Positions

By: Luna and Phoebe
Visit their webpage

e-mail: Luna - Herbert.Raaf@t-online.de and Pheobe - WSPhoebe@t-online.de

summery to be added soon

Shifting Positions index
Last Updated: 8/12/98

Silent Tears

By: Delilah

e-mail: fritchka@fast.net

This poem is for any of the couples in Sailor Moon who have found
themselves pulled away from their loved ones, usually due to death.

Silent Tears

Soul Mates

By: Lady
Visit her webpage for more info on Soul Mates as well as pics of some of her characters!

e-mail: ladylyn@mb.sympatico.ca

The arrival of two mysterious men forces Usagi to come to terms
with an event that forced her from Japan a few years earlier.

Features: Generals
Timeline: After SMS

Soul Mates
Last Updated 4/1/99


Untitled (for the moment)

By: Cairnsy

e-mail: cairnsynz@yahoo.com

This deals with the Kings being released from the control placed on
them by King Calcite (Beryl never existed, Calcite did in this story) and how they deal
with their new found freedom in the face of a new threat to earth. In the process all four kings learn not only
about how to live and love again in a world where they don't really
belong, but also the real truth behind their convertion to the side of
Calcite, and how someone from the past could hold the key to the happiness of one of the Generals' in the future.

Index Page

Voices Inside my Head, Echoes of what you Said

By: Dalles

e-mail: dalles_@hotmail.com

After the death of someone he loves, a king hears her voice and has to pay the price

Voices Inside my Head, Echoes of what you said

Added 4/17/99


By: Dalles

e-mail: dalles_@hotmail.com

A comedy fan-fic about Beryl's newest mission for her generals.
They must find her a new copy of the game 'Battleship' but
little do they know that someone is working against them.

Wannabe: Part 1
Wannabe: Part 2


Welcome Me

By: M is for Mars

e-mail: mcw717@hotmail.com

Visit the Author's Webpage

A young American girl runs into a man who can't remember who he really is.
When they investigate she discovers some truths about herself as well.

Welcome Me Index


Link to the sight containing this wonderful saga!

Added 10/25/98

Be sure to read Calico's Fan-fic. They can be found at her page

Another wonderful fan-fic page can be found at Stayka's Dark Kingdom Page

More Dark Kingdom fan-fic can be found here at Naru-chan's page!

Be sure to visit these sights for more great fan-fic!

The Darkstar Library and Heather's Fanfiction Page.

Do you have a site that has fanfic dealing with
Sailor Moon villains? If you do and are interested in
joining my webring go here



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