Thanks, Lee, for your wonderful original midi music! Please visit his website to hear his music.

Moonsinger's GeoCities Homepage <BGSOUND SRC="beethoven.mid">

MERRY MEET! Welcome to my website!

Creed of Peace

I am guilty of war when I proudly exercise my intelligence to the disadvantage of my fellow man.

I am guilty of war when I distort others' opinions which differ from my own.

I am guilty of war when I show disregard for the rights and properties of others.

I am guilty of war when I covet what another has honestly acquired.

I am guilty of war when I seek to maintain my superiority of position by depriving others of their opportunity of advancement.

I am guilty of war If I believe a heritage entitles me to monopolize resources of nature.

I am guilty of war when I believe other people must think and live as I do.

I am guilty of war when I make success in life solely dependant upon power, fame, and riches.

I am guilty of war when I think the minds of people should be regulated by force, rather then by reason.

I am guilty of war when I believe the God I conceive is the one others must accept.

I am guilty of war when I think that a land of a man's birth must necessarily be the place of his Livelihood.

------------------Ralph M Lewis

Welcome, and thanks for visiting!
And I just gotta say it: I HATE FRAMES! There, 'nuff said.

A new dawn comes to life every 24 or so manmade hours,
and with each dawn, the realization that this is a really
fantastic world, with truly diverse species. I believe we as
the (laughingly referred to as) dominant species MUST begin
to treat all other species better than we do now, including our
own. Another belief of mine is that communication is one of
] the keys with which to open that door of positive evolution.
One way I'm communicating is with some songs I've written
and recorded that more or less give thanks for all that
surrounds us. If interested in learning more about that,
email me.


  • Thank You for This World of Wonder
  • Thank You for Your Words
  • Thank You for The Flame
  • Zoroaster, My Spiritual Master
  • Ahura Mazda's Words to Man

    Other forms of communication work, too. If you want to
    dialogue about all the endless possibilities in this universe,
    I've an open mind and an email address.
    If commonalities are of concern, I:

  • live in the high desert
  • love many types of music, listen mostly to jazz
  • eat vegetarians. Oops, I mean, I eat vegetarian
  • have 23 animal companions: 5 dogs - Zorro, Sheba, Kong,
    Sherman (named after the tank!),
    and Simba,
    found nearly starved to death on an Apache reservation;

    6 cats - Dracula (even though Drac passed from this plane on June 7, 1999,
    at the ripe age of 18-1/2 years, believe me, he is still with us!), Peebo, Kit, Six, Seven (Six has 6 front toes, Seven has, well, you get
    the picture) new kitty Whiz, whose back end doesn't work right, but she gets around fine, thank you, and last new kitty "Blue", named for her turquoise eyes;

    and the brood of 8 chickens, 3 roosters and 1 duck (they all have names, too, but I'm not going to bore you further with that!)
  • love to garden, really into herbs and flowers

  • fancy myself a great science fiction screenplay writer
  • have few expectations and rarely, if ever, take
    myself seriously
  • oh, yeah, I'm a Gemini, for sure, yeah, and I read
    those Tarot cards, too
  • am a
    Pagan/Earth Religion/Wiccan/Witchy type,

    and dance and sing 'neath the moon with great regularity!
  • am a certifiable (I mean certified) clinical hypnotherapist
  • have been a dj, chef, hairdresser, singer/songwriter/musician,
    counselor, hypnotherapist and am always a writer
  • am active in a local animal rescue league and we place
    MANY "unadoptable" dogs and cats each year, and we NEVER
    put them down, and TLC has many wonderful people foster caring
    animals, nursing them back to health, and keeping them safe until
    a home can be found for them
  • ADORE Kevin Sorbo and his portrayal of Hercules,

    and his rockin' hot movie, KULL THE CONQUEROR
    Click here for my tribute to Kevin Sorbo

    By the way, on the off-chance a literary agent
    happens onto this page, I'm semi-desperately seeking one. I have written
    or co-written about 20 science fiction, action-adventure,
    original storyline, filled with rock and roll screenplays. Email me!

    Click here for Hot Links, Cool Sites!

    "For fast acting relief, try slowing down."
    Lily Tomlin

    If Dolly Parton married Salvador Dali, she'd be Dolly Dali.

    If Bo Derek married Don Ho, she'd be Bo Ho.

    If Oprah Winfrey married Depak Chopra, she'd be Oprah Chopra.

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  • This number represents how many times you've been (choose one:)
    1. arrested
    2. abducted by aliens
    3. asked out by your favorite celebrity
    4. late for work
    5. interviewed on television expose program