Dark Matter Lifeforms

The Dark Matter Lifeforms are aliens located in the Delta Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy. In 2376, a swarm of these creatures attacked the Delta Flyer after Crewman Herron killed one of them in a panic. One of the creatures entered Crewman Telfer's body, but it left and attached itself to a nearby console. Herron phasered it because he believed it was disabling life support. Janeway was not happy with Herron, especially since she ordered him to leave the lifeform alone. The Flyer was able to detonate a radioactive asteroid field and jump to warp before the aliens could destroy it. However, several parts of the hull were ripped off, and the Flyer escscaped with some heavy damage. Crewman Tal Celles was also present on the Flyer when it encountered the lifeforms.

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