X-Factor #149 - "Times Change"

Reviews by Silver the Black King

Writer: Howard Mackie    Pencils: James Fay    Inks: Scott Koblish

   Well I guess this is the last issue of X-Factor. Hey we beat Excalibur to it! Anyway this issue is good enough for a wrap up issue. The shock ending really doesn't pack much wallop considering we know Havok will be back next month in some alternate reality, but its still nice to go out with a bang (heh heh). The concept that one of the time traveler might start to flip out work well for me. Maybe it's been done before but I haven't seen it. Definetly gives time travel a new twist with some unpleasant possibilites, which I like.

   Lorna Dane is another great part about this book. I enjoyed seeing her reactions to Havok taking charge. It might also have been nice to see how she would have handled becoming team leader upon Havok's "death" (oops sorry to spoil the ending!). Too bad we won't get to though, which bring me to another point...

   With Uncanny and X-Men down to eight members shortly and Excalibur cancelled, do we really need a book staring 'alternate versions' of characters? Both Storm and Madelyne Pryor appear regularly in the MU proper so we already get our fix of them monthly. Brute, Ice-man, and the Fallen don't much count as Beast, Iceman and Angel but it should help their fans out a little. So shoving all of X-Factor, most of the X-Men and Excalibur into comic limbo seems like a bad move to me. Don't get me wrong I'm excited to see Mutant X (Raney's pencils in particular), but the X-Universe just a LOT smaller. Maybe that'll have good effects in the long run, but I'll miss seeing what X-Factor is up to... that and who the heck killed Graydon Creed!?! Razzum frazzum issue #150... Seems like we've been waiting all this time to really get going and now we start all over again! Oh well... next month should prove interesting!

"Alex... that had better not be for me... again!" "Er... No... Lorna... Don't be... No!" - Polaris and Havok, X-Factor #149

Mutant X #1

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