Mind Control


Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control

Source: ACHES - MC

The promulgation of the Nuremburg Code on scientific research following the Doctors Trial in Nuremburg in 1946 is a watershed event in the history of medical ethics. The 50th anniversary of this landmark judgment is being commemorated by the creation of ACHES-MC (Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control).

We represent the North American survivors of non-consentual federally-funded mind control experimentation. Since 1945, hundreds, if not thousands of American and Canadian victims (primarily female) have been physically and sexually tortured, locked in cages, sadistically brainwashed with electricity, drugs and experimental military technologies, and programmed to perform specific tasks including crimes.

Some were selected before birth, and tortured throughout infancy. For others the process began later in childhood or adulthood. Survivors' stories are remarkably similar, and it is believed that we are now entering an era where third generation human subjects are being subjected to torture to induce mind control programming that begins in infancy. All of this is done in the name of "National Security". The documented acts of torture and atrocity carried out by Nazi physicians under the Third Reich have been systematically exceeded by those conducting covert mind control experiments on human subjects in North America since the end of the last World War and beginning of the Cold War. While publicly condemning the race hatred and death camps of the Third Reich, the American and Canadian governments have been harboring a concentration camp without walls on this continent.

Victims now in their thirties, forties and fifties are discovering themselves to be functioning as multiple personalities -- intentionally created to serve (body, mind and soul) as "Manchurian Candidates". Once selected, we have been used as human lab animals -- some of us have been used throughout our lifetime in one externally controlled and monitored experiment after another.

These experiments are in total defiance of the laws of nature, the Nuremburg Code (which has been "official" American policy since 1946), the Hippocratic Oath, and the judicial system. They are also in total defiance of the guidelines for federally funded biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects. However, members of the medical and behavioral research communities (bound by vested interests and threats to their professional, if not physical, lives) have been reluctant to publicly and academically address this situation.

Consequently, at this moment, an aristocratic few (those most knowledgeable about behavior control and mind manipulation) are allowed to reach among those less privileged and select their experimental fodder.

In March of 1995, Valerie Wolf, M.S.W., and two of her clients who had been subjected to mind control experimentation since early childhood appeared before the President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. After consulting with forty other therapists across the country (the majority of whom remained anonymous for reasons of personal safety), Ms. Wolf documented in writing the names of the research projects and the names of the people involved.

The two survivors, Claudia Mullen and Chris DeNicola Ebner, testified that as victims they experienced electric shock, hallucinogens, dislocation of limbs, sadistic acts of pedophilia, hypnosis and sensory deprivation. Often they were locked in cages for long periods of time. At the conclusion of the Presidential Hearing, the Committee recommended further exploration of the mind control experimentation on unwitting human subjects. It has been over a year and a half since this recommendation was made, but nothing further has been done by the President's Advisory Committee. You will not be surprised to learn that there has been no coverage or investigation by the mainstream media despite the testimony provided by Wolf, Mullen and Ebner.

Survivors seeking to end the horrors began immediately to document cases in writing, and we have now formally created ACHES - MC (Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control) in order to lobby for formal recognition of these atrocities by the government. In preparation for a Presidential Hearing, a letter-writing campaign that includes therapists and researchers, as well as survivors, is under way.

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