My Favorite Pics

Even though this site is mostly about Bob, I couldn't help but put up a bit about Scully and Mulder and Gillian and David.  I guess you could go to about any X Files Page and read about the characters and I'm just going to put some of my favorite pictures from various magazines and books up here!

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Dr. Bambi Barumbaum and Mulder...from one of my favorite episodes, War of the Coprohages!

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Is it just me, or is her tongue exceptionally FAT?  Anyways, a classic picture! 

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Very attractive, David.  Is that a mouse? 

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Here's a pic of Donnie Pfaster, from my favorite episode of all time, Irrestible!  *I still cannot spell that word right!*


Oh, enough already!  I wanna go home!