~~Kirsanths Eggs...~~

You have discovered an almost invisible entrance and now stand facing an enormous golden dragon...,

Three firelizards (hatched from Naronis Weyr) swoop in and alight upon an overhanging ledge to survey the goings on of the queens weyr.


*Hello human...* Her soft voice floats through your head. * I am Khirsanth, a queen Pernesian dragon. Mind your footing and please try to be silent.* Flexing her great glittering wings she continues, *You must be here to see my eggs, Its my first clutch and they are developing so quickly!* You gaze in awe as her eyes whirl green-blue and she gives you a draconic smile. Behind you, you hear light footsteps quickly approaching. You turn around to face a young woman with long copper hair that she has tied back into a pony-tail. Her smiling hazel eyes regard you with trust."Hello there, I'm Jillian, and this beauty, is my dear Khirsanth" Jillian gestures to the golden dragon who holds her head proudly. You explain that you have already met. "Ahhh, and she told you the news??" Jillian's voice faulters with excitement. You nod your head at the joyous girl, confirming that you have been told about the eggs. "Wonderful!! Mabey you would like to Impress one?" Khirsanth curls her tail around her forlegs and blinks worried eyes at Jillian. "Oh don't you worry dear one, I will only let the very finest and trustworthy be candidates to Impress your children! It's your first clutch after all" The girl smiles up at her companion, who in turn sighs and resumes her placid stance.


First, there are a few things to know about Pernese dragons:

**Pernese dragons come in five basic colors. Blues, Browns, and Bronzes being male, and Greens and Golds female. Male dragons can only be Impressed by male candidates. Female dragons can only be Impressed by female candidates.

**Bronzes are the largest and highest ranking males who breed with the Gold Queens. Browns are the second largest males and Blues are the smallest. Gold dragons are Queens (the highest ranking females) and are the largest of all the dragons. Greens are the tiniest of the dragons and can breed with Browns or Blues but never Bronzes. Greens and blues are most plentiful.

**Occasionally, a white dragon will be born, but this is VERY rare. White dragons can be male or female, but cannot breed (Thats why they are so rare). Whites can be Impressed by males or females.

**Only Golds can clutch succesfully.

**Once a human Impresses or bonds with their dragon, its for life. No ands ifs or buts.
Thats about it...
So, what do you want to do??

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Pern and all related names and ideas are copyright by Anne Mcaffery. Read her novels!!

This And All Following Backgrounds Courtesy of Silverhair

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