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  • 3/2 - 12/28
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  • 9/3 - 9/22
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  • 4/14 - 6/17

  • Wednesday June 27, 2001
    27th already? you're kidding.

    I'm $300 short right now. some mother fucker (guess) owes me $300. no. not $3.00. not $30.00. $300. What is $300? that's a new computer. That's some new clothes. That's a new monitor.

    I could really really use all 3 of those.really.

    shit. add interest and i can get a whopper with some free fries.

    god damnit.

    My gpa last year at this time was 1.25. this year, I got a 3.25. I like to think I've improved my studying, but really, i haven't. I just have an easier time figuring out opengl, minix, matlab, and sql, then differntial equations, circuits, native american studies, and wack physics. But when it comes time to talk to the engineering person about my future, i will lie like hell. "oh. i stopped partying and drinking and smoking pot, and now i sit in the library and study" "good for you"

    nothing else to say. see you in july.
    Wednesday May 23, 2001

    I'm wasting away right now. the last 2 days I haven't really been eating anything, and I've been sleeping a lot. I just don't feel that good. sad sad.

    counter strike is fun and all, but I'm growing tired of the cheese. Militia is a gay camping map. Assault is a gay camping map. What the fuck is with people who like these damn camping maps? Everytime I join one of those maps, the teams are always 2 ct, 10 terrorist. i auto assign to ct (unlike all you other faggots), get raped, then it auto balances and everybody thats reassigned drops. My averages on those maps is horrible. like 5/10 always. how fun is fucking cmaping anyway?

    I don't camp. Sometimes if I hear footsteps, i'll duck behind a box for about 20 seconds and wait. but if nothing runs by, i'm up and gone. but some fuckers just stay there. Set up a tent, and cook fucking marshamallows out of their ass fire.

    And then people will say gay shit like "oh. if you knew he was camping there, then don't go there." wtf is that suppose to mean? you want me to camp too? fuck that. I've got better things to do then build up gay frags. I'll take my 5/10 record over a 10/1 sniper post.

    "oh. i do't camp. my allies are campers. not me" fuck that. you're only doing good because i'm always worried about the fucking campers, and i'm not looking for retard rambo coming at me.

    but i respect your kills more than the campers. easily. rambo is fun. rambo is excellent.

    whatever. I'm not thinking straight. I'm sitting in the cs labs, dead tired, too lazy to look at code, too lazy to respond to email, too lazy to eat the sandwich rotting in my bag, too lazy to think about how fucked i am in all my classes. damn. but instead, i sit here with my netscape browser open thinking about how gay counterstrike was yesterday. fuck this that and everything.
    Tuesday May 1st, 2001


    god damnit. argh. ahhhhh. argh. damnit. fuck. bitch. damnit. damnit. damnit. damnit. argh argh. argh.

    this sucks. this sucks. this sucks.

    AHHHHHHHHh. LSADKGJk lsldlkl damnit. fuck. damnit. argh. argh

    today will be a good day. today will be a good day.


    iritating. easily. i need a fix.

    go kings. go kings.

    Tuesday April 24, 2001
    New Found Glory - hit or miss - have I waited too long. have I found that someone. have i waited too long. To see you.

    Linkin Park - With you - It's true. the way i feel. what's promised by your face. the sound of your voice. painted on my memories. even when you're not with me. I'm with you.

    how cool is this. I try to make my 1 post per month so i just fill it up with the lyrics of what ever's playing on winamp. hahah. or what.

    Foo Fighters - Generator - Yeah, can't you hear my motored heart. You're the one who started it.

    Oh wait. I got something to say. earlier today, alex practically raped me while I was at work. what the hell is wrong with that dude. hahah. ever see that friends episode where chandler keeps getting the ass slaps but decidees to not want it. and so it stops, and then he wants it back? I swear as soon as alex stops kicking my ass, i'll miss that. haha

    And i already miss that too.

    Sum 41 - Fat Lip - I'll never fall in line. become another victim of conformity. (god damn guys. sing fucking slower)

    Happy 4/20 + 5. GO KINGS!

    Wednesday March 28, 2001
    This was originally going to be at Datafox, but bah. whatever.

    Fun facts :: Mad Ownage was still growing like a crazy bastard before it dissapeared. It actually acheieved over 7500 Uniques in it's final month and over 2500 uniques in it's final week. And that was only 2/3 a month really. To put it in perspective, this website would be happy to get 2500 in A month.

    How Gibworld couldn't afford Mad Ownage :: aprox 10k page visits a month (non unique. every one counts) * 50k average a page (the main page was around ~30k, but the archives blew 100k easily) * The processing power needed to submit,build,modify,display news (that was a 2meg+ file. This page has died twice and it's only a 200k file. Add the fact that the viewnews.cgi that I used for reviews/stories had to process the ENTIRE file every time a review/story was pulled up.) - profit from banners ($10 at most) = A whole lot of monies.

    The next server Mad Ownage will be housed on will die a lot. I guarentee it. I've already been told it dies frequently. Add Us, and it's like playing Alice on my box.

    Friday March 16, 2001
    God damnit. I have a Final tommorrow. So I need to talk about something important. My BODILY FUNCTIONS.

    alright, the last couple days/weeks have been really weird.
    1) I HAVE BOOGERS. yeah. boogers. pretty weird right? Usually I've been limited to just runny nose snot, but recently I've got the opportunity to get real real snot. And it's awesome. I pick my nose all the fucking time now. IT'S LIKE A FUCKING GOLD MINE! (hey, at least I'm not picking my ass)
    2) MY FEET SMELL. I have no fucking idea, but the smell coming from my feet whenever I take off my socks is completely disgusting. it literally smells like an entire gym coming out of my feet. And no TOe jam either. just nasty smell. I have no idea if this has any relation to #1.

    That was worth reading right?

    oh yeah. and i fixed that link way down there to the archive.txt. surprise surprise.
    Thursday March 1, 2001

    nevermind. not worth telling. I always fear that the information will get into the wrong hands, and I'll compltetly fucked from it.

    Alright. how about another story.
    Alex, the network administrator, comes into the office. Always the same way. "Robertooooooo. what's up?" Then I'll either say "nothing" or point him at the shit i'm doing. Today, I didn't get to say anything, he came in, closed the door behind him, sat down next to me, turned down my streaming kwod, and uh. talked to me.
    alex : MIke (boss, directory guy) is telling me he needs Dreamweaver 4.
    me : yeah
    alex : what for? I know you don't need it right?
    me : yeah. Mike wants dreamweaver 4 so he can learn it i think.
    alex : So you don't want it right?
    me : yeah. I don't need it.
    alex : alright. I'm not going to get it then. THere's going to be a ___ (i forget) meeting, and I'll tell them that we're not getting dreamweaver 4. I know the insides of this unit, and that you're doing all the web stuff, so if you don't need it. I'm not getting it.
    me : .. eh. alright. i guess.
    alex : oh yeah. there's going to be an audit. We're trying to get rid of all the illegal software.
    me : shit.
    alex : don't worry. I'll give you an extra month to get rid of it.
    me : geez. This box is 100% pirated material.
    alex : If you need any programs, just tell me, and I'll get them.
    me : alright. You're going to be buying me a bunch of shit then.
    alex : yeah. so what are you working on?
    me : let me show you. (click) (Harddrive murmur)
    alex : why's this shit so slow?
    me : this is the layout I've been thinking about.
    alex : it looks nice.
    me : really? ALl my images are fucked though. I did that in the last 10 minutes.
    alex : hey, don't let other peopel's opinions force you to change your work. I thought the page now looks alright, but lots of people think it's crap.
    me : yeah. haha.
    alex : alright. later.
    me : see ya.
    *** 5 minutes later. me go down the hall.
    me : hey Blah blah blah IIS 5.0 blah blah netscape server blah blah blah
    alex : whatever you want.
    me : hm. alright. **walking away
    alex : That page looked really nice robert. See, It only took you 10 minutes out of 2 quarters to finally do something!
    me (turn laugh) : **under breath ** fucker.

    You read that? damn you suck.

    well anyway, where i work has become a complete shit hole. EVerybody I work with is fucking lame. Yeah. really.
    Mike : doesn't know shit about web pages and what we're doing. yet he's in charge.
    Neil : Keeps telling me "damn. mike don't know shit. I'm going to quit." I keep saying, quit dude. you're not going to learn anything here.
    Navdeep : This nigga knows nothing. nothing at all. and he's a loser too. At the very least, neil and mike are cool guys. But navdeep is just a dumbass. And he stutters, so talking to him is a pain in the ass. His pro? I AM GOOD WITH MACS. wtf? geez mike. you hired this nigga?
    Ut : yeah. for those not in the know, I got ut a job. and damn he sucks. haha. THere's really nothing for him to do there. Mike has him and navdeep doing bullshit work, which is a fucking waste of time and money. Ut keeps saying he needs this, wants that. And I can only say, you don't deserve it. easy as that. While ut's skills are better than mike and navdeep (that's not saying that much actually, I haven't seen neil's though.), he still is missing a lot of the basics in order to make really good shit.

    damn . survivor soon. gonna watch. gonna fucking rule. I picked tina. Bah
    Wednesday February 13th, 2001

    Irritated. yes. iritated. yes. Iritated? yes.

  • No idea. maybe something cool? I was thinking something hi-tech and graphically intense.
  • .... or the backstreet boys or something. haha.
  • *NSync page :: not complete. I just thought of something that I had forgotten. RANDOM INSERTIONS OF comments. hahaha. So like entire posts will show up and be all gay and shit.

    MAD OWNAGE 4? 3?
  • someday you bastards.
  • someday.
  • take my money. buy a server.
  • Tuesday February 13, 2001
    No problems below. I didn't get screwd. not yet at least. I pray.

    CODING TONIGHT. ALL NIGHT. who wants some?

    I was at the TA's office hour for my networking class (the class i've got to code in), and the grader for the class walks in. blah blah blah "the professor told me that to give them good grades as long as they show effort."

    Is there a better way to write down "CHICK CHING." DOLLAR SIGNS. MONEY. WOOHAA.


    I hate software companies. They suck.

    If anybody can find me Visual C++ 6.0, tell me. that proggie is what i need.

    Saturday February 10, 2001
    Bastard Administrators.

    I'm taking a computer networking class. ecs 152a. The teacher is a fucking loon during the lectures. Nobody has any idea what he's saying during lecture. Nobody has any idea if he's even speaking english.

    But he's nice guy though. He gave me an extension on my 2nd program because i had idea what i was doing (longer story. not going to discuss). He gives us like 5.8 million handouts. AND he even moved the discussion hour which is normally at 8freaking AM to the lecture hour, and vice versa. That way we'd actually be able to figure out the program.

    But the fucking adminsitration didn't like that. Don't know why. Maybe they wanted to fuck us all over. But he's been forced to move it back. And now I'm screwd. Program 3 due wednesday(thankfully he extended it because of the switch), and i have no idea what i'm doing. again. fuckers.

    Laugh you ass off. hahah
  • Thursday February 8th, 2001
    I'm trembling right now. i'm just compeltely shaking all over like something is going to happen to me or something. but nothing has. I can't explain it. Help me.

    nothing else to say. just wanted to say i was trembling for no apparent reason.

    8:08pm : Survivor's over. From last week episodes i thought keith was a gay fucker, but now it looks like he's the only one with a brain. too bad he doesn't have anything else going for him. Tina is a complete faggot. i sure as hell wouln't want her as my nurse. I hate Peer pressured faggots. gay.

    I don't like Mitchell at all. what a fag. I don't really like Jerri either, but she's got a brain, unlike follow_the_leader mitchell. I respect that. but i don't like her.

    Which brings me to my irritation. I'm really afraid right now of being stuck in a bad position. You guys will find out soon enough. but i'll let you in somewhat.

    I hate peopel without brains. I hate mindless zombies. I couldn't care less if you're a genius on paper, or whatever, you're going to have start THINKING.

    It's not just thinking. I care a lot about other people. Sometimes I feel I put them over me, looking for success in others where I failed or where I don't think I can succeed. When I see others just trample over other people and not care... It hurts me. I feel like such a faggot when I see that.

    Maybe I'm in a bad mood, but right now I'm just not feeling the best. Even with survivor usually bringing me to a euphoric high, it just wasn't enough I guess. I guess.

    Maybe it was just seeing Tina backstab Kel, then Maralyn. I feel like I'm next. I'm on the fucking island now, and I'm going to get reamed.

    It's too bad the world is based on greed
    Step back and stop thinking bout yourself
    Start thinking about
    There's no money, there's no possession
    Only obsession, I don't need that shit

    I'm going to start being such a bitch soon. If you didnt think I was bitching before, wait until you see me in a week. I'm going to be piece of walking shit.

    I apology in advance

    no i don't. fuck you. If i have reason to be mad, fuck you.
    Saturday January 20, 2001
    Get ready for hell. next week, I'll have about 80 millions things to do. Lots of it being homework, which means I should start now. But I'm not gonna.

    I've got $5 so far from Gozing.com credited to my paypal.com account. I'm suppose to get $5 more too. pretty sweet. They gave it to me for watching some new movie trailers. (I can't find anything about the movie thing on their site. guess i'm special) One for some keanu reeves + charlize theron movie. looked gay. And the other for a John Travolta movie called Swordfish, where he plays some kind of hacker. They asked for my opinion, so I gave it. "JOhn Travolta sucks."

    They asked me if the preview trailer conveyed certain vital elements of the movie to us stupid watchers. One was "That the title swordfish is a l33t h4x1ng term l33t people use in reference to hacking or something." SWord fish? hacking? wtf? Somebody tell me I'm not just a retard that's never heard that term before. SWORDFISH BIOTCH!

    Because I've got paypal money, I went looking on ebay for stuff to buy. SOmething I wanted was Magic : interactive Encylcopedia. I thought it was like the magic i have now, except with A lot more info & all the new cards. Turns out that it's just Apprentice with graphics. You can play against somebody else, BUT THEIR ARE NO RULES. if you DOn't Want to reduce your health when you get hurt, you opponent can't do anything about it. gay gay gay. SO I sure as hell don't want that now.

    I don't need ram anymore, so no searching for that on ebay. hahaha. (you know why I don't need ram right? hahahah)

    I don't need a wrist rest anymore either. hahahahah

    My free cdrom from staples better come soon. 48X memorex drive. whatever speed, as long as it reads and works. Not that I really use my cdrom anymore, but it's just nice to be able to read cds everyonce in a while.

    FOR SALE : TOSHIBA 12X CDROM. IT WORKS! (just not all the time)

    the freaking Kings Practice Shirt is gone. I wanted that damn thing too. $18 is very freaking expensive, but I really wanted that shirt. WH DO YOU MOCK ME NOW GOD? oh well. It's not like no other store on the internet sells that shirt.... oh wait.

    Stamps. gonna get me some stamps.

    Mad Ownage status, same as below. I've done nothing.
    Datafox Status, same as below. I've done nothing.

    Sunday January 7, 2001
    holy crap. nearly 3 years old over here. wow. All those niggas are always talking about how they were OG E/N sites. Bitch please. This page has been here ever since I got Net access. I AM THE MAN. I AM THE ONE AND ONLY ORIGINAL GANGSTA!

    I went ahead and uploaded (holy fuck. there's an ant on my keyboard. shit) damnit. the damn thing craawled in and I had to shake it out. bastard. anyway, I found the archives.txt that I copied all of my old news too and uploaded it, so you too can see how very very gay I typed back in 98. archive.txt. Even though it says 1/26/98, I know we all signed up for web pages before that (note : According to the archives, it was 1/15/98. scary). At the very least, read the top post on the page with dancin mario. hahah. nearly 3 years, and still no game. hahah.

    9 months of archives in one phat file. man.

    Next version of Mad Ownage :
    Concept : 20%. I've got ideas.
    Design Ideas: 40%. How I"m going to get it to work is the real problem.
    ACTUAL WORK (like html, cgi, gfx) : 0%.
    I'm scrapping the 3.0 design, and shooting for 4.0. If netscape and wizards of the coast (revised and then 4th edition? shouldn't it be 5th? haha. that was 9th grade) can pull it off, so can I.

    Next Version of Datafox
    Ideas : a lot.
    Random colors? : worse. You're going to love this. There are 2 ways this sucker is going to go. Flash (i can't make flash worth shit. if i could, I'd probably be done tonight) or html (no magic flying gfx, but the concept alone is enough to make you piss in your shoe)
    huh? : Before that idea comes up, I'm going to tweak the page some more first to Make it friendly. Whatever.
    ACTUAL WORK : 5%. that's progress.

    You know, i should write down or draw my ideas before I forget them and start over. oh well. scrwe that.

    This post actualy said january 3rd. The calendar next to my desk is a 2k calender and is still on the month of dec. I took a look at it and typed in the 1st sunday I saw, since today is the first sunday of the year. smart. where's my GOD Calendar?

    What the hell am I doing.

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