
The Ultimate Guide to Relationships.

Suggest your own favourite Soulmates for inclusion on this site.

Please fill out as many sections as possible. Thanks! Note that it sometimes takes me several months to do an update. PLEASE NOTE: From November 2000 through to February 2001, I have been having huge problems with my mail server and therefore many suggestions have not come through. If it's not on the site now, please send again!

The full names of the couple:

Where are they from? (eg "Star Trek"):

Enter a picture URL:

If the picture isn't on the net, you can mail it directly to as an attachment.

Enter the URLs of any websites you may know of for this couple (or related to the show/film in general). Also please include the title of the sites!:

Enter a brief description of the couple and their relationship to be included in Soulmates. (No more than 2 paragraphs, please.)

Which section should I include these Soulmates in?

Your Details (optional)

Your name (as it will be listed on the Soulmates Credits Page) :

Your email address:

Do you have/know of a website similar to Soulmates? Enter the URLs here for linking purposes:

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