Yep, the screamers were there again this year at the 98 MTV Movie Awards. This year though, they didn't get nominated for the best movie award-but Neve campbell got nominated for her portrayl of Sidney Prescott again! On the runway into the awards ceremony was Courteney Cox and Jamie Lee Curtis (seen to the right and left) who came to show their support for their fellow scream queen, Neve Campbell. Another scream queen who showed up to show support was Jennifer Love Hewitt and upcoming scream queen, Brandi who'll star next to Hewitt in the sequel to I know what you did last Summer.

Neve Campbell!!!!

Yep, thats right. She lost to Claire Danes last year, but this year-she won!! You go girlfriend!!! Finally a horror actress as been appreciated for her work!! Viewers thought that she was so very good in SCREAM 2 they voted her for best actress of 1998-I mean, thats got to say something about horror movies in themselves-or at least the SCREAM franchise itself, ya know?. Anyways, congrats Neve, and girl-you rock on with your bad self!

SCREAM 2 star, Heather Graham! She was the actress who played Casey Becker in the film version of Gale Weathers book about the Woodsboro murders. She won for Best Breakthrough Role of 1998. She beat out co-SCREAM 2-star, Sarah Michelle Gellar who was nominated for her role as Helen Shivers in I know what you did last Summer. Personally I was voting for Sarah, but is cool that Heather won too=)

Anyways-next year at the 1999 MTV Movie Awards, SCREAM 3 wont be nominated for anything since it'll open after its been shown on TV-but I'm sure it'll get nominated for something at the 2000 MTV Movie Awards! I just hope at least one horror movie will at least be nominated for something from here on out.

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on June 22nd 1998