A Fan Short Story

By: Nikki Mock

Three Years Later:

Sydney had graduated from college, and was getting her career started. She had been offered a part on Broadway to play the main role in a hot new directors play called The Black Widow's Garden. She had just come home to see her dad, who was now retired, and to rest up before heading to New York. She lay on her bed thinking about the past six years, how her life had been torn apart by Billy, Stu, Mickey, and Mrs. Loomis. Because of them her surrogate big brother Dewey had been stabbed twice, neither times critical, but he does walk with a limp. He would have died the last time had it not been for old scar tissue. Also Gail had gotten shot twice, not to mention everyone close to her always died. But good had come out of the ordeal. She had gotten stronger, Cotton had all the publicity he wanted, and Dewey and Gail had gotten married and were expecting their first child. They had sent her a card from their new home in Rhode Island, where Dewey was Chief of Police, and Gail worked for the news station as an anchor, she had retired from the reporting business. Things were finally looking up. She slowly got up and looked in the mirror at herself, for someone who had been through so much one couldn't see it on her face. She picked up her suitcases and headed downstairs.

Sydney: Bye Daddy, I'm going to miss you.

Mr. Prescott: I'll miss you too sweet heart, but don't worry I 'll come and see you opening night and we'll go out and get a big dinner after. I am so proud of you, you are quite the young lady.

Sydney: Oh, I'm going to miss you. (she said with tears streaming down her cheeks) And with that they said their good-byes. Sydney went into town and bought a large bouquet of flowers and headed to Sunny Side Cemetery.

She stood in front of her moms grave crying. She laid the flowers by the head stone and began to speak.

Sydney: Oh mom, how could you have done all that you did, I mean not only did you ruin your life, but you ruined so many others as well.

She got up and started to walk back to her car when she saw something that made her skin crawl and her eyes bulge. Leaning over his grave was Stu, staring straight at her. At first she thought, I'm going nuts. But then he began to walk towards her. She suddenly heard this blood curdling scream and realized it was coming from her. She began to scream uncontrollably and took off for her car, he ran after her yelling her name.

As she reached the car he ran up and blocked her from getting in.

Stanley: Sydney its me, Stanley, not Stuwart, O.K., its not Stu.

Sydney: Stanley?! It's you? Oh, my gosh!! I think I'm gonna be sick.

Sydney went and sat on the bench staring at him for a moment. She couldn't believe Stanley was back, she had almost forgotten Stu had a twin brother.

Sydney: When did you get back from London?

Stanley: Three days ago. Sid I'm sorry for scaring you, I had almost forgotten what my brother had done to you. Him and that sicko Billy Loomis.

Stanley had gone to a private school in London when he was 13, he was exceptionally smart, and had a slight British accent.

Sydney: It's O.K. Stan, I mean how could you have known? Are you going to be staying long?

She still eyed him cautiously.

Stanley: Not very, I popped in to see mom and dad, and then I'm off to New York.

Sydney: WHAT!!!! Yo..your going to New York? Why?!!!!!

Stanley: Well I've been offered a job as assistant manager of an insurance agency. I'm very excited, but why do act so surprised?

Sydney: I'm going to New York to be in a Broadway Play, I just didn't expect you to be going.

Stanley: Look Sid, I'm not here to kill you, you can trust me.

Sydney: No I can't, I can't really trust anyone, because when I do it will happen again. Because of your brother and Billy almost everyone I care about is dead. Not only did they kill my mom and almost all my friends around here, but they inspired this other jerk who came to my college and killed all my friends there, and Billy's mom helped him get there, because she tried to kill me too!!! I am just so tired of having to re-live the nightmare over and over in my head.

Sydney got up off the bench and got in her car and drove off as fast as she could.

One Week Later:
Jim: Good Sydney, very good, but this time try to put more feeling into it. Remember your a cold hearted killer.

Sydney: O.k.

Jim: Alright lets try it again.

The lights dimmed and Sydney walked out dressed in solid black. She was the widow in the story, and was about to make another kill.

After the play Sydney stepped out into the cold New York air. She breathed heavy and saw the her breath before her. She ran off down the alley, not wanting to remember what just happened. Images burst into her mind. She saw her mother dead in a casket, she saw Billy covered in blood, she remembered shooting him, and killing Stu, she thought back and saw Hallie being killed and Derek being shot, and she remembered the new memory now. She saw Jim and all the other actors dead, lying in a giant pool of blood on the stage, and she remembered that face, that horrible face.

Stanley walked down the street just admiring everything, when a large black shadow jumped out of no where and pulled him down an alley.

Robber: Give me all your money, or die.

Stanley pulled out his wallet and handed it to the man, when from behind him a knife went through his back. The mans eyes bulged and rolled back in his head. When he fell over, Stanley saw the ghost man standing there. He didn't waste any time but started to run. When he got back out on the street and turned around to look, no one was there, except the body of the burglar.

(Knock, Knock)

Stanley: Sid, open up its me!!

Sydney: Stanley what are you doing here, how did you find me?

Stanley: Sid, he's here!! The ghost man is here.

Sydney: I know.

Stanley: WHAT!!! What do you mean you know?

Sydney: I mean I saw him, he killed everyone in the theater. The police are already here, come on in.

Sergeant Dan: O.k. Sydney, now tell us again, when did you see him?

Sydney: After I came back from the bathroom, I saw him through a crack in the curtain, and I ran.

Sergeant Dan: And you are?

Stanley: My name is Stanley, my brother was the guy who tried to kill Sid the first time.

Sergeant Dan: Uh-huh, and where were you about 20 min. ago?

Stanley: I was being attacked by a guy wearing that black outfit and that white ghost mask.

Sergeant Dan: So you basically have no alibi?

Stanley: Look this guy tried to mug me and then the killer killed him, the mugger has my wallet if you don't believe me.

Sergeant Dan: O.K., tell us where it happened.

Hours later the police finally left.

Stanley: Sid, are you O.K? How long were the police here before I arrived?

Sydney: After I got home from the theater I called them, they got here about 15min. before you. Are you O.K.?

Stanley: Yeah, I was so scared, I thought I was dead for sure.

Sydney: Yeah, me too.

The next morning Sydney went to go see Stanley and tell him bye. She knocked on his door, it was unlocked so she went on in. Minutes later she was running down the halls screaming. She couldn't believe all that blood could come from one person. After the police came and did a perimeter check, they asked Sydney if she needed a guard or something.

Sergeant Dan: Sydney, would you like us to have someone watch your apartment?

Sydney: That's O.K., with the production gone, all I can do is go home. The ride home was filled with tortuous memories. All she saw was blood, and those lifeless eyes of those that had died. When she got home, she found a very worried father, surrogate big brother, and one retired but pregnant reporter.

Gail: Oh Sydney, sweet heart, I am so sorry. Are you O.K.

Sydney: Sweet heart? Man this mother thing has had an affect on you.

Dewey: She's O.K. Oh, Sid I am so sorry I wasn't there for you, how are you doing.

Mr. Prescott: Yes sweetie, how are you?

She just stood there staring at them for a few moments, then she just burst out crying.

Sydney: How do you think I am, huh!!! I mean every where I go he's there! And now that I finally get rid of him he comes back except this time, he's in my head and I can't kill him.

Mr. Prescott: Hunny, what are you saying?

Sydney: I'm saying that he killed those people, and he killed Stanley, and now I have to kill him, because I always do. But I'm not sure I want to.

Dewey: Sid, are you saying there's another killer, or is it something else.

Sydney: He made me do it. He keeps making me kill those who I care about most of all, and now he wants me to kill all of you, but I won't. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!! (She screamed outloud to the sky).

Mr. Prescott: Come on Sydney, we can get you some help, we can make him go away.

Sydney: No dad there's only one way to make him go away, I have to kill him, because in the movies the good guys always win.

After she said that Sydney pulled out a gun and shot herself in the head, just as she had shot Billy and Mrs. Loomis.

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on Januaury 2nd 1997