A Fan Story

By: Kevin

Close on huge beach. a young couple sits around a cozy fire.
Close on Rachel

Rachel: it's kind of creepy out here

Jake: c'mon Rach, I'm here to protect you

Rachel: well, I just don't like being out here alone

Jake: ever since we saw stab 2 you've been acting all weird

Rachel: it's just that, all those kids that died in the movie. that really happened

Jake: look, why don't we talk about something else…

Close on Steve's back. a shadow moves across his back.

Rachel: why don't we just go

Jake: fine, wait here. I gotta take a whiz, I'll be right back

Rachel: OK.

Jake walks over to the porta-potty. he turns around just as he gets to it.
two hands reach out from the door and pull him in.

Steve: help!

the hand wraps around his mouth, muffling his desperate cries. a knife goes into his back. his eyes bulge.

Rachel: Jake, hurry up, it's getting cold out here

inside the porta-potty
a ghost masked figure slams a hunting knife into Jake's back continuously.
the port-a-potty sways from side to side almost falling over.
a ghost masked figure steps out and walks toward Rachel. she turns around and screams.
Rachel: Jake! take that off, you scared the shit out of me

the figure shakes his head no.

Rachel: if you're trying to scare me, it's not working anymore.

the figure pulls out a hunting knife dripping with blood
Rachel gasps, realizing that it's not Jake. she stands up and runs to the car. she tries to open the door. it's locked. she bangs the window.

Rachel: shit

she turns around looking for the figure. it has disappeared.

Rachel: oh no, please no

the figure jumps out of the shadows at Rachel. she kicks him in the stomach and runs back to the beach. she goes inside the port-a-potty and locks the door. Jake's body falls against her. she reaches inside his pocket and pulls out the car keys. runs back outside.

Rachel: help!

she unlocks the car door and gets inside. the ghost-masked figure is sitting next to her. the hunting knife tears into her stomach. she lets out a weak gasp.

Rachel: please, no

the figure raises up the knife.
close on knife
and brings the knife into her chest again and again.

scene 2.

Gale weathers sits in a chair, watching the news. it shows a picture of a young couple.

News Anchor: young Rachel Collins and Jacob Lopez were brutally killed last night at the westside beach.

Gale: it's starting again

she turns off the TV, and shakes her head.
the apartment door opens and Dewey Riley rolls in on a wheelchair

Dewey: did you hear what happened last night

Gale: I heard

a cry from the room next door catches their attention

Dewey: I'll get him
Gale: no, let me
Gale walks in the room, carrying a baby bottle.

Dale: what's wrong Dewey jr.

the baby grins and giggles at the sight of his mommy

Gale: mommy's here, did you trick me?

Dewey rolls in and smiles

Dewey: I'm gonna call Sid and let her know what happened

Gale: you got her new number

Dewey: yeah

scene 3

Sidney Prescott stands in front of a widescreen TV at a store. a news anchor is talking about the murders that had occurred last night.

Sidney: oh no

her cellular phone rings.

Sidney: hello

Dewey: hey, Sid. it's Dewey

Sidney: Dewey, it's happening again isn't it

Dewey: I don't know

Sidney: I'm scared

Dewey: why

Sidney: the main character always dies in the third sequel of a scary movie

Dewey: this isn't a movie Sid

Sidney: I know but-

Dewey: Gale, junior, and I are coming over tomorrow

Sidney: I'd like that

Dewey: I'll be seein' ya

Sidney: bye

Sidney puts the phone back in her purse. it rings again.

Sidney: what now, Dewey

Voice: hello Sidney

Sidney stiffens up and turns around.

Sidney: hi

Voice: I bet you're scared right now

Sidney: no, not at all

Voice: how do you wanna die, Sidney

Sidney drops the phone. a tear rolls down her cheek.

scene 4

close on a huge mansion
inside mansion
a young girl is washing dishes.

Wendy: I always get stuck washing the dishes

she walks into living room and lays down on the couch. the phone rings.

Wendy: hello

Girl: Wendy, it's me Debby

Wendy: where the hell are you, you were suppose to be here almost an hour ago.

Debby: sorry, I got held up, anyway I'll be there in about twenty minutes

Wendy: okay bye

behind Wendy, a ghost masked figure walks towards her. he ducks down behind the couch as she turns around.

Wendy: someone there

the phone rings again. she jumps.

Wendy: ahh, hello

Debby: Wendy

Wendy: what now

Debby: my fucking brother took the car tonight, could you come pick me up

Wendy: I don't have a car remember

Debby: oh yeah

Wendy: well, maybe we could go to the club tomorrow OK

Debby: yeah, bye

Wendy hangs up the phone and walks into the kitchen
the figure walks into the kitchen, and steps back into the shadow.
Wendy turns around and screams as the mask leans toward her. it lunges at her with a knife and misses. she picks up the broom in the corner and swings it at the figure's head. it connects and sends the figure flying. it lays there, not moving.

Wendy: homerun, baby

she turns around and picks up the phone, she dial's 911.

Operator: what is your emergency

Wendy: this guy wearing a ghost mask attacked me

she looks back and drops the receiver. the figure is gone.

Wendy: shit

the figure stands behind her and raises a hunting knife.

she turns and screams as the knife rips into her chest. she falls to the floor and tries to crawl away.

Wendy: no, please don't kill me

the figure brings the knife up and slams it down into her chest

scene 5

Gale Weathers and Joel the camera man sit inside the news van

Joel: I don't know about this, Gale

Gale: what are you talking about

Joel: I think this dude is trying to finish me off

Gale: why would he be trying to kill you too

Joel: I didn't die in stab 2 remember

Gale: so

Joel: the camera man died in stab

Gale: Dewey, Sid, and I didn't die either man

Joel: you got a point there

Gale: don't I always

Joel: no, actually you never have a point

Gale: ha ha

Joel opens the van door and steps out.

Joel: you ready

Gale: yeah

Joel points the camera at gale

Gale: hi, I'm Gale Weathers, and I'm here live at the latest murder scene. young Wendy Ayala was stabbed to death tonight, by an unknown killer. the police are clueless except they know that the killer was wearing the very same mask seen in stab and stab 2

scene 6

a young police officer stands in front of his chief's desk

Officer Macher: I think somebody is trying to make a stab 3, chief

Chief: why would the killer want that

Officer Macher: maybe he's another psychopath who's in love with scary movies

Chief: hmmmmmm

Officer Macher: alls I'm saying is that if somebody is trying to create another sequel, we'd probably get some clues if we went to see stab 2, and rented stab.

Chief: you were always on point Macher

Officer Macher walks out of the Chiefs office with a smile on his face

scene 7

Sidney sits on her bed, reading, and repeating a script

Sidney: freeze right there, tough guy

her boyfriend John Ceaser walks in and freezes in respond to Sidney reading the script.

Sidney: no, not you

John: for a minute there I thought you were loosing it

Sidney lets out a small giggle

Sidney: are Dewey and Gale here yet

John: no, they should be here any minute

Sidney: OK

John: are you still scared

Sidney: no

John: tell me the truth

Sidney: sort of, I'm reading this script to get my mind off it

John: that's good

Sidney: what happened to your head

Sidney notices the bump on John's forehead

John: I bumped it

the doorbell rings

Sidney: I'll get it

Sidney walks over to the door and opens it

Dewey: hey Sid

Sidney: I missed you so much

Dewey: me too

Gale walks in pushing a baby carriage.

Gale: Sidney, how's it going

Sidney: OK

Sidney gives gale a hug and motions her to sit down on the couch. Sid takes the carriage and leans down towards Dewey jr.

Sidney: how are you doing little man

the baby grins and spit bubbles pop out of his mouth

Dewey: what you been up too, Sid

Sidney: nothing much

Dewey: how's the movie going

Sidney: we're gonna start filming it next month, I can't wait

Dewey: when you win that "best actor" award, you better mention my name

Sidney: of course I will

Gale sits on the couch and turns to John

Gale: Sidney

Sidney: what

Gale: aren't you going to introduce us

Sidney: oh, you guys, this is my boyfriend John Ceaser

Dewey: pleased to meet you

John: the honor is all mine, sir

Gale: so, how are we going to find this guy

everybody looks at gale

Gale: the killer

Dewey: I don't know

Sidney: me either

John: I'm totally clueless

Sidney walks over to a picture of Tatum Riley.

Sidney: nobody had to die

Gale: I know

Sidney: I mean, if it wasn't for my mother, none of this would have happened

Dewey: we don't need to be talking about this

Sidney: it's OK, I need to let it out

John puts his arms around Sidney and hugs her as she starts to cry

Gale: c'mon Sid, don't cry, it's gonna be okay

Sidney: after last year, I thought my life was back to normal, but now, it's starting all over again

Dewey: I'm gonna go back to my car and drive down to the police station

Sidney: why

Dewey: if it'll make you feel any better, I'm gonna see if I could get you in protective custody

Sidney smiles at him

Sidney: thanks

Dewey: welcome

Dewey leans forward and opens the door. he rolls out into the driveway.
a shadow sweeps across the lawn
Dewey: hello

the ghost masked figure comes out of nowhere and slams the hunting knife through Dewey's chest, pinning him to his van.

Dewey: help

Gale, John, and Sidney are all laughing loudly.

Gale: I haven't laughed like this in a long time now

Sidney: me either

John: anybody want some chips

Gale: no, you got any coke

John: of course, Sid, you want anything

Sidney: I'm fine

John walks into the kitchen

Gale: so where'd you meet him at

Sidney: at the audition for the movie

Gale: oh, really

Sidney: yup

Gale leans toward Sidney and whispers.

Gale: do you think he's the killer

Sidney gasps

Sidney: I can't believe you would say something like that

Gale: well, wasn't your boyfriend the killer in Woodsboro

Sidney: look, John wouldn't hurt a fly

Gale: how do you know

Sidney: I know him

Gale: didn't you "know" Billy Loomis

Sidney: listen, it's not him OK

Gale: fine

scene 8

Joel tools around with his camera as Gale puts on her makeup

Gale: Dewey's been missing for a day now, last night I had to take a cab home because Dewey hadn't come back from the police station

Joel: gale, I'm gonna tell you this as a friend, and I hope you don't get upset, but I think Dewey's dead

Gale slaps Joel so hard his face turns red

Gale: how could you say that

Joel: well, there's a killer on the loose, Dewey's missing, he's probably dead

Gale: we don't know this for sure

Joel: if you say so

Gale: you stay in the van, if anybody calls tell them I'm on my lunch break

Joel: wait, where you goin

Gale: I'm going to find Dewey

Joel: where's Dewey Jr. at

Gale: at the baby sitter, why

Joel: I must be buggin', for a second I thought the baby was the killer

Gale shakes her head and leaves the van
inside van
Joel takes out a box of donuts and starts chomping them down. the phone rings.

Joel: hello

Voice: hello

Joel: yeah, who is this

Voice: you tell me

Joel: how am I suppose to tell you, if I don't know

Voice: do you wanna know who this is

Joel: that's why I asked

Voice: I'm outside the van

Joel opens the van door, and stares wide-eyed at the ghost masked figure

Joel: oh shit

the figure slits Joel's throat in one quick movement. Joel tries to scream as he falls to the floor. the figure closes the van door.

scene 9

Sidney lays down on the couch watching a talkshow. John walks through the door, and sits down on the floor.

John: hey, Sid, can we talk for a minute

Sidney: sure

John: who was the guy that killed your mother

Sidney: I already told you, it was my boyfriend

John pulls out a small square-shaped gadget, and puts it next to his mouth

John: sound familiar

Sidney: straightens up

Gale walks through the open door and stops in her tracks when she sees John.

Gale: it was you

John pulls out a hunting knife and walks toward Gale

John: don't move

Sidney picks up her cordless phone and dials 911.

Operator: what is your emergency John takes the phone from Sidney and hangs it up

a police officer walks through the door and raises his gun.

John: ooh, look, it's Officer Macher

Sidney: Stu?

Officer Macher: close, Sid

John: I bet you're real confused now, huh

Officer Macher: I guess Stu didn't tell you about his twin brother Dave

Dave points the gun at gale and pulls the trigger. gale falls limply to the ground.

John: ya see Sid, me and Dave met two months ago at the movie theater, he told me all about what you did to his beloved brother

Dave: yeah, he was pissed off

John: so I located you, asked you out, and planned this whole thing

Sidney: why did you kill the others

John: don't you watch scary movies

Dave: did you ever see a scary movie with only one person getting killed

John: I don't think so

Dave: and now you gotta die too

Sidney: no

John lunges at her. she moves out of the way and trips him. she pulls the knife out of his hand and stabs him repeatedly with the knife. she moves toward Dave and slits his throat. Dave falls to the floor, and looks up.

Sidney: you sick fuck

Dave aims the gun at Sidney's head and shoots. she falls to the floor just as he does. both of them lay on the floor, dead.

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on January 11th 1998