SCREAM 3 Story
Writen By A Fan

Setting: College Dorm Room
Time: 9:45 pm

Claire, this goth/punk freakish kind of person obsessed with death and Horror movies and the Woodsboro Murders. She Is taking a photography class and is in her makeshift closet darkroom. She is developing some pictures of herself a freind took at a party. When they come out, they have "You're gonna die tonight!" scrawled accross them and Semi-transparent ghost faces superimposed on them. Her face curls up into a strange, confused, frightened look.

"Knock Knock Knock!"
Someone Pounds on the door. She yanks it open.
No one.

The phone Rings.
She hesitates.
She gains courage and walks over to her bedroom, where her phone sits on a nightstand adjacent to her bed.

Still nothing.
She hangs up.
She stands and begins to walk away.

She snapps around and grabs the phone.
"Who is this?"

"You're gonna Die tonight!"

She slams the phone down.

"Listen you bastard, I don't care who this is, but..."
She never finishes her sentance.

A hand shoots out from beneath the bed, wrapping itself around her ankle. It pulls her down to the ground abruptly. She looks back under the bed, terrified.
she sees the glowing face of Father Death staring back at her.
She kicks him right beween the eyes. The powerful grip falls away with a grunt. She scrambles to her feet and out of the dorm room. She is about ten feet down the the hall when ghost face shoots out of the door and around the corner. Claire bursts through the door and into the emergency staircase at great speed. But as she does, she slips and topples over, knocking over a yellow plastic "slippery when wet" sign. She gets to her feet just as Ghost Face Slide through the door, blocking the path down the staircase, the path to the exit. Instinctively, she turns and runs the other way, running UP the stairs- towards the roof. She gets there, and I pop out of the door, only a second behind her. I realize I have her cornered. She has nowhere to run. She knows it too. Whimpering, she slowly backs away, as I walk menacingly toward her. She doesn't know it, but she is slowly nearing the edge. i speed up, causing her to do the same. This makes her carelessly fall slip over the gaurd rail. I run to her, just as she flips over the edge. I grab he wrist, halting her decent. She's hanging over the edge, and she thinks I'm going to pull her up. I begin to do so. Just as she's about to grab the railing and climb over, I lift my knife and slash her throat. I hold her there just long enough to watch her look of hope dissapear and one of suprised, sorrowed, agony take its place. Then I cast her away, sending her plummeting to the Earth below, just as her last seconds of life are fading away. She falls upon the flag pole just in front of the building, impaling herself through the stomach. She lifts her head ever so slightly tho look down at her predicament. then she turns her gaze to me, in a look the seems to say "why?"

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on Febuary 9th 1998