A Fan Script

Someone has taken their love of sequels one step too far, again!

Ellen Wells picked up the phone.

"Hello, may I ask who is calling?" she asked in a kind, trusting voice.

"Hello Ellen." The creepy voice said.

She was confused, she hadn't heard this strangers queer voice before. Maybe he was a secret admirer. She got calls from boys all the time. Even though she had a boyfriend, Cotton Weary.Ellen replied, "Who is this?"

"Your worst nightmare, bitch!" he said and then he hung up.

Suddenly, she heard loud screacing and realized that it was only her cat.

Missy. "Shut up!" she screamed. The cat stopped. The phone rang once again and Ellen answered.

"Hello, who is this?" she asked, not at all bothered by the previous call.

"Hey Ellen," it was Cotton.

"Hi, are you coming over tomorrow for a little rendezvous?"

"Sure, if you want me to?"

"Of course I do baby."

"Ok, I gotta go, see ya."

"Bye, love you!"

Twenty-five minutes later the phone rang again. "Hello?" Ellen questions.

"Miss me Ellen?" It was the mysterious caller.

"No, I don't even know who you are."

"You'll find out soon enough, bitch." The anonymous voice replied.

"Why? Are you going to come to the door with flowers and candy?"

"No, I'm going to come to the door with a knife and gut you like a fish!" he said and then hung up.

Ellen pushed her bright red hair back, slightly scared and then she remembered something. A few years ago, Casey Becker was called on the phone by a maniac and gutted by two sicos, Stu and his friend Billy. But those killers were dead, so she didn't worry . It was probably just a prank.

Ellen sat down with a beer when the doorbell rang. She set her drink down, and got up to answer it. She looked through the little peep hole and no one was there. So, she sat back down with her beer.

About ten minutes later the phone rang again. "Hello?" asked Ellen.

"How come you didn't answer the door?" the caller questioned her.

"I'm sorry was that you?" she replied.

"Open the door and you'll find out"

"Will you be waiting there with a big scary knife?" she asked in a mocking tone."You'll find out."

She walked to the door and opened it. Her mouth fell open, her eyes went wide, she turned white, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. It was an ear-piercing scream that would have made you want to run away. Right before Ellen was her cat. It was lying on the ground, it's head missing. It was covered in blood. Ellen closed the door and locked it . What kind of a person would do something like that? She went towards the phone and before she could lift it up, it began ringing. She prayed to God it was her parents or boyfriend."Hello?" she asked in a nervous voice.

"Did you like my little present? I thought it was beautiful." it was him.

"I think you're sick, you ass hole!"

"Do you really?" he replied, "Tell me, when did you see your parent's last?"

Ellen's throat became dry. They would be home any minute... could he have gotten to them."If you hurt them, I swear I'll kill you!" she screamed.

"That's not likely going to happen...have you ever heard of Casey Becker?"

"Why do you ask?" she replied.

"Because she was torn open and gutted." he yelled.


"You're about to join her, bitch."

"You can't get to me all the door's are locked."

"Sure I can." he replied.

"You better go the hell away."

"Make me, bitch" he mocked her.

Suddenly, Ellen's parents came crashing through the giant wood door. Behind them came the killer in a Father Death costume. The same costume that was worn when Casey Becker was killed and Sidney Prescott was attacked. Ellen ran to the kitchen and frantically opened a knife drawer and pulled out the largest knife she could find. She heard the killer walking right behind her. She turned around and stabbed the knife into the killer's throat. The killer fell to the ground trying to breath. He choked out, "See ya in hell bitch." The voice didn't sound as scary as it did on the phone. Probably because she had stabbed his vocal chords. He began to stand up, she stabbed him over and over and over, until he was dead and partually mutilated. She dropped the knife and ran to her parents. They were alive, but they had a bunch of cuts from the shatterd wood door. They were both tied up and gaged. She bent down to untie them. Before Ellen could untie them, another figure appeared outside the broken door. There was another killer, and then, she saw another one walk up and stand next to that one. There were three altogether! Ellen's mom reached towards the phone,to call the cops, and the killers made their move. They jumped through the door and leaped at Ellen. Ellen tried to move away, but they were fast. One of them grabbed her by the hair and the other one, who had an extra-long knife slit her throat.

The killers then looked over to her parents with their ghost-faced masks. One walked over and gutted the mother completely hallow, her insides were everwhere.Before the killers could get to the father he blacked out with the shock. The killers left him alone, jumped out the door, and where lost in the darkness. When the father came to, he saw the cat's head , the body missing. The same thing had happened to his wife and Ellen.

It was year's after the horrible deaths at Woodsboro and at the college where Sindey had been attending. Sidney Prescot and her dad had moved on and tried not to think about the terror they experienced. Sidney had a new best friend, Samantha, that was almost as good a friend as Tatum and Hailie had been, if not better. Sidney had also got pregnent by her dead boyfriend Derak. She had decided to go ahead and have the child. Sidney had hired a babysitter until her dad got home.

Sydney was going to a college that was about an hour away. Samantha was a year younger and was still going to Woodsboro High. They lived right next door to each other. Gale Weathers and Dewey Riley still lived in Woodsboro. Sydney started going out with Paul Johnson about four months after the second blood bath . Gale and Sidney learned to like each other. They even wrote a book about the incident's they shared together it was called" The Sorority House Murders". Amazingly, Dewey and Gale were married. A movie was being made about the book it was called "Stab 2". Sidney was being played by Meg Johnson. Gale was played by Rose Carpenter. Dewey, Cotton, Mickey, Mrs. Loomis, Hallie, Randy, Derek and the Police were being played by new actors.

When Sidney finally got home. She walked into the room to see her dad cradling the baby in his arms. The baby was a female named Tatum Hallie Prescot. Sydney had never truly gotten over Tatum and Halie's deaths. So she decided to name her baby after her two best friend's she had ever had."Hi Dad" she said hanging up her School jacket.

"Hello Sydney" he replied. At that instant, the phone rang.

"Hello?" Sidney said.

"Sydney, you'll never believe what happened" Samantha said on the other line.

"What happened you? You sound histerical." Sydney exclaimed.

"I guess it's better that I shouldn't tell you, but Ellen Wells was just killed.

Her mom and even her cat were killed. The only survivor was the Father. What you may find most disturbing, is the killers wore the Father Death costume. These new killers seem even more vicious."

"Oh my do you know there was more than one killer?" Sydney replied.

"Well, for one: The dad witnessed it...for some reason they didn't kill him, stupid huh, and two: Ellen managed to kill off one of the killers, and you wont guess who it was.

"Who was it?" asked Sidney.

"It was Randy's father, the cops think he just went crazy!" Samantha said.

"She would still be alive if there was one killer. But there isn't just one killer. According to Ellen's dad there were three killers altogether."

"Three!?" sputtered Sidney.

"Yeah..." Samantha replied.

Sydney heard a beeping sound. "Let me call you back Samantha, there's someone on the other line."

"Sure." Samantha replied. Sydney hung up the phone and it rang. She picked it back up and on the other line was Meg Johnson."Hey Syd, guess what?"

Meg and Sydney had become friends after the movie started."What?"

"They want you for a cameo part in the movie, you know...kind of a joke."

"I don't think they should put jokes in this movie, Meg"

"Why not?" she replied.

"Because people were viciously mangled and slaughtered! That's why not!" Sydney exclaimed.

"Gale and Dewey are going to be there, I don't see..."

"No!" Sidney interrupted.

"Please Sid..." she replied.

"Why do you want me to be a part of this film?"

"Because I get paid two- thousand bucks extra!"

"Fine, I'll be there soon." she replied.

"Thanks!! You're alife saver!"

"Sure." Sidney said in a very annoyed voice.

Samantha, Sidney's dad and the baby had come to watch Sidney. Sidney was happy underneath all of the complaining she did. She had never been in a major movie before. This movie was going to be in the theaters. She deserved to have her moment in the spotlight. The director had Gale, Dewey, and Sidney all sitting at a coffee table, talking when the actors who were playing them strolled on by. Those three had one minute, not five...but oh well..

"Wait , I'm going to the restroom really quick before we go." Sydney told her father.

"Okay" he replied.

As Sydney washed her hands, she looked in the mirror. She remembered the bathroom incident from a few year's before. The killer was in one of the stalls. That was a scary experience, heck, the whole two days were a scary experience. Sydney knew she had a good reason to fear once again, because another killer was back. And he was even more vicious than the others. Hopefully the killer wasn't after her. Sydney walked out of the bathroom and no one was there. Everyone was gone. That was not good. She kept walking, hoping to run into someone, but she didn't. After a long time of searching, she saw Paul running towards her.

"Syd, it's not good, the killers are here. There are two of them! We have to get out of here! They killed off most of the cast, the only two actors I saw get away were Meg and Rose."

"What about my dad, and Tatum!? Did they get away?" Sydney yelled.

"I don't know, let's go they probably already left!"

"No Paul, my dad wouldn't leave me." she replied.

Suddenly, they saw her dad running to them, with Tatum in his arms.

"We need to get out of here, you two!" he said."

"Told you so " said Sidney.

The three of them started down the long hallway and were almost at the door. From other side of the hall, were the killers. They wouldn't make it in time. They began backing up, while the killers came forward. Their white ghost faces glared at Sydney. She hated that face. It killed her best friends, it killed her mom, and the worst thing of all, it scared the shit out of her.

"Who are you?" asked Sydney.The killers came forward.

Sidney turned and saw an exit.

"Dad," she started, "Get Tatum out of here. Go through the exit."

"I can't leave..."

"The baby comes first" she said.

He began running down to the door.Sydney grabbed a chair and hit one of the killers on the head. Next, she swung at the other one but missed.

"Watch out!" cried Paul. He jumped in the way to protect Sydney and was stabbed ."AAAAAAAAgh!" he screamed.

"Paul!" Sydney cried .She ran over to him. "Are you hurt?" she asked.

"Yeah" he replied, holding his wound. Suddenly, the wind began blowing from outside when Syd's dad opened the door. The killer's clothing clingged to them and Sidney could see that they were girls."Meg, Rose? I know it's you two!"

Rose and Meg pulled off their masks."So, how did you know?" asked Rose.

"I could tell you were girls because of the wind. Since Paul told me that he saw all of the cast die, except for you two, then it had to be you. I can't believe it! You're the killers! What about the movie?"

"Who cares about the movie?" replied Rose. "You killed my cousin, Billy."

"Billy was your cousin?" exclaimed Sydney.

"Yes!" Rose replied

"I killed him because he was trying to kill me. He was a psycho." Sydney replied.

"And then my lover got killed by Ellen Wells." Said Rose.

"Randy's father was your lover?"asked Sidney.

"Yes" replied Rose.

"That was out of self-defense!" Sydney said.

"So why are you helping her, Meg?" asked Sydney."Because Stu was my cousin."

"What?!" she screamed.

"You heard me, so I decided to help Rose and we got parts in the movie. I thought it was a perfect time to kill with everyone, being at the set and all. We got someone else to kill that bitch, Gale Weathers."

"There's another?" asked Sidney. "Of course" replied Meg.

Meg and Rose came forward with their long knifes, Paul and Sydney both stepped away. The two killers started going faster, and faster until they were running. They chased Sydney and Paul down the hall until the two soon-to-be victims were at the emergency exit. When Meg was almost at Sidney, Sydney startled Meg by turning around, grabbing his knife and poked it into his side. Sidney still had a grip on the knife so she gutted Meg like a fish.

Rose came running forward and Sidney held the knife up.

"Stay back, you don't want to look like Meg, do you?!" Syidney yelled, pointing over to Megs' bloody corpse.

"You're going to die Sydney, why don't you just get used to the idea that I'm going to kill you?"

"You're nothing but a bitch, you know that ?" said Sydney.

"Your mother was a bitch!" she replied.

"I don't care, I can put the memories of my mother behind me." Sydney replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that!"


"Because you'll be with her very soon" Rose replied.

Rose reached for her knife over towards Sydney's right shoulder, but Sydney was fast. Sidney grabbed Rose's arm and stuck the knife into Roses' chest. Rose let out a groan and dropped to the ground.

"Syd, you're one tough bitch, you know that" said Paul.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" she replied.

Gale and Dewey trembled with fear as the killer came towards them. They didn't know what to do. No protection. Of course, there were two of them. The killer was only a few feet from them when Sidney and Paul walked in. The killer took off down the hall.

"Are you guy's okay?" Sydney asked the two of them, panting heavily.

"Well, we were about to be sliced and diced, but other then that, we're fine." remarked Gale.

"There's one left" replied Dewey.

"We can see that, Dewey" Sydney replied in a sarcastic voice.

Samantha had called the police and they came a few minutes later. Paul went to the hospital and Samantha was spending the night at Syd's house. Gale and Dewey went home to relax and watch a nice Jim Carrey comedy.

"Dewey, I don't ever want to watch a scary movie again!" Gale said.

"Me neither" he replied.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash at the sky light and a rock came in and hit Dewey right between the eyes. He was knocked out cold. Gale peered out the sky light and saw the psycho in the Father Death costume. The sky light was right next Gale the killer jumped through the sky light. Gale ran , but it was too late, he was inside. This time the killer had a machete.Gale ran behind the couch to avoid him/her. The killer knelt beside Dewey while Gale ran. She peered once more at Dewey and the machete right above him , and she ran out the door. She got into her car and drove away.

Sydney saw a memo on the refrigerator that said: Need baby food. Just took Tatum with me. Be back. Love, Dad.

"Well it looks like we're alone" said Samantha.

At that instant, Gale pulled up and quickly hopped out of the car. She ran to the door and rang the doorbell. Sydney answered it.

"Hi!" said Sidney opening the door, confused to why Gale would come at 10:00 at night.

"Sydney, the killer broke into my house, we need to call the police, I just wanted to warn y-" Gale let out a scream as the killer plunged the machete into her back. Gale fell to the floor with it stuck in her back and the killer pulled it out viciously. Sydney tried to close the door, but the killer broak it open.

"Samantha, call the cops!" screamed Sidney.

She turned around and the killer had his/her's face right in her's. She kicked him between the legs and the killer bent over in pain.

"At least I know you're male!" She said.

Sydney walked in the kitchen to discover Samantha in the arms of the masked psychopath, with a knife up against her throat. "Not again!", thought Sidney, "I'm not losing my best friend to a masked killer again." The killer began laughing and Sidney then realized that the killer was a he. The killer pulled off his ghost face and revealed Ellen Wells's boyfriend, Cotton. He stabbed Samantha and threw her on the ground next to Gale."No!" screamed Sidney in grief.

"It's too late for her, the question is, can you save yourself from me?" Cotton said while laughing.

"Why would you do all of this?" screamed Sidney.

"Why am I doing this?!"Cotton replied, "I'm doing this because I saved your life back at that college campus, and you were played by a major actress, I should have been given some acknowledgement, I was played by a nobody ! It's not fair!"

Sydney got up and started running away, but Cotton grabbed her by the shirt and held the knife up to her throat, just as she had done with Samantha. Suddenly, shot's were fired, Cotton lost his grip on the knife, and fell to his knees. Sydney turned around to see who fired those shots, and stand there with the gun in his hand was Dewie, he was still alive!

All of a sudden Cotton got to his feet and charged towards Dewie, there was a giant fight and from out of nowhere Cotton pulled out a knife from his pocket, he was about to stab Dewie when Cotton suddenly screamed like he had been stabbed and fell numb, blood started running from his mouth, Dewie knew he was dead, he pushed Cotton's corpse of of him and standing above him was Sydney with the knife. Sydney helped Dewie to his feet, they hugged.

"You save my life Syd, how could I ever thank you!" said Dewie.

"You saved my life too, Dewie!" replied Sidney.

Suddenly Syd heard a faint voice, it was Samantha's. Sydney rushed over to Samantha's side while Dewie Called an ambulance.

"Sam! Are you all right, I thought you were dead!"Sidney exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was only stabbed in the shoulder, that killer didn't have very good aim!" Samantha said.

D+-ewie suddenly saw Gale on the floor, he rushed over to her, he checked her pulse it was vary weak but she was luckily to have one after what happened to her. Dewie bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you" Dewie whispered into Gale's ear. At that moment the paramedic's came through the door, they took all of them to the hospital, except Cotton he was taken to the morgue.

Remarkably, Sydney, Dewie, Gale, Samantha, and Paul survived.

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on February 15th 1998