By: CRigg55412

flash to: 4 teenagers one with a video camera.the group Freddy, Jennifer, Chris, and Allyson

nighttime -a park

Freddy(pointing a hand held video camera): action!

we see Jennifer running from ghostface, he is chasing her with a knife.

Freddy: cut!

Jennifer: man im getting tired can we wrap it up?

Chris: no come on we can at least finish this scene.

Allyson: come on baby im ready.

Chris: oh please let me finish this scene?

Freddy's cell phone rings

Freddy: hello?

voice: hello. filming a movie i see.

Freddy: yeah stab 3.

voice: i loved the last one.

Freddy: i didnt like it.

voice: why not?

Freddy: i have my reasons.

voice: oh thats right your poor brother bit the dust.

Freddy: fuck you!

flips the phone so it hangs up.

the phone rings again

Freddy: yeah?

voice: its me again.

Freddy: what do you want?

voice: to make sure your movie goes well.

Freddy: i dont need help.

voice: by the way why make a movie like this when the last one killed your brother?

Freddy:its my tribute to him.

voice: ahhh very sweet too bad you and your friends will join him tonite.

Freddy: whatever buddy.

angrily hangs up the phone.

Chris taking off the ghostface outfit

Chris: who was that ?

Freddy: just some wakko . ok next scene.

Chris: wait i have to take a leak .

Chris goes around the corner. he stands there and suddenly he hears a classic scary movie twig snap.

Chris: freddy i told you i have to take a leak. now get out of here.

voice(through voice changer): and i said someones gonna die tonite!

Chris turns around shocked as soon as he does ghostface stabs him in the throat.

Freddy: Jennifer go check on chris.

Jennifer: no way its allyson's boyfriend

Allyson: ok, ok. ill get him.

allyson turns the corner and sees a blood trail and follows it.

Allyson: chris? where are you?

she sees chris dead on the ground and she turns to run and ghostface is standing there in front of her. he grabs her by the hair and repeatedly rams her head into the brickwall.

flash to: A Hollywood apartment we see sidney prescott older, stronger. shes on the phone.

Sidney: look ill be at the set on time dont worry.

hangs up the phone

Brooke walks in the room

Brooke: you ready the director's gonna flip if were late again. maybe after you get through youll have enough to buy a new car.

Sidney: look my cars fine and we'll be on time i always show up on time.

Brooke: can you believe it we finally made it.

Sidney: when i win an oscar ill think i made it.

Brooke: you and your serious attitude.

on t.v.: two windsor college students were killed last night. they were in the process of making a movie for their film class the movie stab 3. stab 2 is now filming here in hollywood.

Brooke: sid dont even think about it.

Sidney: think about what?

Brooke: dont worry about this .

Sidney: im not that part of my life is over.

Brooke: good now lets get to the set.

brooke and sid walk out the door and the phone rings as they do.

Sidney:go on ill get it.

sid walks back and gets the phone.

Sidney: hello?

voice: hello sidney.

Sidney:who is this?

voice: you know who this is .

Sid: ok kiddie do you know prank calls are an offense?

voice: tisk, tisk. sidney you should know better.

Sid: know what?

voice: than to think you can win again.

Sid: you know i think you forgot.

voice: whats that?

Sid: you have no idea who youre dealin with.

voice: uh -oh im scared but this is a trilogy.

Sid: youve seen too many movies.

voice: all the remaining cast members always die its one of the rules.

Sidney:you know who i am now who are you?

voice: youll find out soon.

Brooke coming back inBrooke: you coming ? whats wrong?

Sidney: huh? nothing im all right.

cut to: sid in her bed at night

(in a dream)

ghostface: are you ready to die sydney?

we see sid tied up in a chair

Sidney: let me go!

ghostface: you have to know its not that easy. randy, derek, tatum, hallie.....

Sidney:what are you doing?

ghostface: these are all people who have died just by association to you . do i need to go on?

Sidney: please leave me alone.

ghostface: i think its fair that i show you who i am before i kill you.

ghostface takes off his mask and .....

sidney wakes up.

brooke walks in the room

Brooke: girl you allright? i heard you screamin.

Sidney: yeah just a bad dream

Brooke:sounded more like a nightmare to me.

Sidney: (whispers)yeah it was.

Brooke: the killer again?

Sidney: yeah it got farther this time.

Brooke: like how far?

Sidney: he was gonna show himself and then....

Brooke: then what?

Sidney: i woke up.

next day- sidneys place

theres a knock at the door

sidney opens it up and standing there is.....

Sidney: cotton what are you doing here?

Cotton: i just wanted to ask you a question.

Sidney: i already went on diane sawyer

Cotton:im not here for an interview.

Sidney: well what do you want?

Cotton: why wouldnt you play yourself in the movie?

Sidney: cause i dont think playin out my tramatized life on the big screen will help me.

Cotton: well look heres the number if you change your mind.

Sidney: thanks but i dont need it.

Cotton: just think about it.

Sidney: yeah maybe.

cut to: windsor college police station

Chief hartley: so you say your friends were killed by the killer from stab ?

Freddy: we saw him runaway before we found chris and allyson.

Chief: and you didnt try to stop him?

Freddy: he was already gone by the time we found out what happened

Chief: this is a little far fetched.

Freddy: far fetched youve been through this before remember randy meeks?

Chief: yeah it rings a bell.

Freddy: he was my brother

Chief:so why were you making a stab movie if your brother was.....

Freddy: im in the same film class its my major and my tribute to him.

Chief:look im sorry about your brother but this stuff is getting old fast.

Freddy: im getting out of here awhile me and lisa that is.

Chief:sounds like a good idea but the dean wants to see you first.

cut to: deans office

freddy walks in

Dean: have a seat ah whats your name again?

Freddy: freddy, freddy meeks .

dean: oh im real sorry about your brother

Freddy: me to.

Dean: now im gonna get to the business at hand.

Freddy: and whats that?

Dean: well your grades are very bad and with two people being killed in one of your movies that makes me believe that you shouldnt be here anymore.

Freddy: what are you talkin about? you dont think i killed them do you?

Dean: well no i just dont wanna see this doesnt happen again get my drift?

Freddy: yeah im getting out of here a while.

Dean: good and maybe things will better when you get back.

freddy leaves

a thump at the closet door in his office.

he checks the door. nothing.

Dean: what the heck is going gone?

he walks back towards his desk .

another thump. the dean turns around.

ghostface emerges from under his desk and repeatedly stabs the dean in the back. till hes dead.

cut to:freddy loading up a car. jennifer walks up to him.

Jennifer:where you going?

Freddy: gotta get out of here awhile.

Jennifer: without your girlfriend?

Freddy: yeah sorry bout that. i just need to be alone.

Jennifer: i want to go.

she grabs his arm and twistes it.

Freddy:(laughing ) ok, ok. you can go.

they get in the car.

Jennifer: so where we going ?

Freddy: L.A.

Jennifer: does this have anything to do with randy ?

Freddy: yeah maybe.

cut to:a news station

Gale: look joel i need that footage done by tonite.

Joel: ok but im gonna be here all day.

Gale: and i care why?

Joel: (sarcastically)what was i thinking the great gale weathers cares about no one.

Gale: glad to see the job comes first

Joel: ha, ha very funny.

Gale turns around and standing there is dewey.

she hugs him.

Gale: dewey!

Dewey: i told you id be here.look i need to talk to you.

cut to:dewey and gale in a restraunt

Dewey: you know randy has a brother right?

Gale: no i didnt know why?

Dewey: well he goes to windsor

Gale: just like his brother.

Dewey: yeah .

Gale: what are we talkin about here dewey?

Dewey: well he was makin a horror movie .

Gale: which one?

Dewey: one of those stab movies.

Gale: and?

Dewey: well he said 2 of his friends got killed by someone whereing one of the stab costumes.

Gale: you dont think that someones after sid do you?

Dewey: i dont know but thats what im afraid of.

Gale: well don't be its just some copy cat if that at all.

Dewey: but.....

Gale: but nothing dewey were in california if there is another killer he's across the country.

cut back to:sid's apartment

she there alone, nightime

we sid watching t.v. on her couch

the phone rings

sid looks at it hesitantly , it rings a few more times

she picks it up.

Sid: hello?

voice: did you miss me?

Sid: what do you want?

voice: oh you know what i want .

Sid:what's that?

voice: for you to die a very slow violent death.

Sid: why dont you come kill me then?



Sid turns around and faces ghostface with a knife in his hand . he charges her to the ground. he raises the knife above him ready to strike . out of nowhere we see dewey charge into him and tackle him.

ghostface gets up as we see dewey still with a limp run after him .

dewey turns to sid.

Dewey: you ok ?

she runs to him and hugs him.

Sid: dewey!

Dewey: its ok . are you allright?

Sid: yeah are you ok?

Dewey: well i was until this guy showed up again.

Sid:why i this happening again dewey?

Dewey: i dont know sid but im not gonna let you get hurt.

Sid: no dewey youre always protecting me . this part of my life is over for good.

cut to: sids kitchen dewey and sid are sitting at the kitchen table.

Dewey: so hows the movie thing going?

Sid: its great me and brooke are in the same movie.

Dewey: whos brooke?

Sid: oh she's my roommate .

Dewey: you dont think.....

Sid: no dewey i dont think shes a killer.

Dewey: anyone else that maybe a suspect? you know boyfriend?

Sidney: no im taking everything real slow you know?

Dewey: thats good to hear.

Sidney: why is this happening again dewey?

Dewey: dont know but two more kids got killed at windsor a few days ago.

Sid: what? who?

Dewey: they were friends of randys brother?

Sid: freddy? is he ok?

Dewey: it was just two of his friends.

two days later

cut to: a movie set outside

we see brooke and james taking a break on a park bench.

James: how is she?

Brooke: she's fine its just somebody playing a sick joke.

James: well where is she?

Brooke:she'll be here later her scenes are not till later.

James: who was this guy who saved her?

Brooke: his names dewey, dewey riley . he's like her brother or something.

James: is he anyone to worry about?

Brooke: dewey? no he loves sid as much as you do.

James: but look everyone she's loved hasnt been angels her first boyfriend tried to kill her.


director: ok guys come on its your scene.

James: back to work.


Freddy: hey hold on.

freddy walks to james and brooke.

Freddy: you guys wouldnt know sidney prescott would you?

Brooke: yeah why?

Freddy: she's workin on this movie ? good i thought so.

James: and you are?

Freddy: freddy meeks im a friend of hers from childhood.

Brooke: and her?

pointing to jennifer standing beside their car.

Freddy: thats my girlfriend jennifer.

James:and what exactly do you want with sid?

Freddy: i just need to warn her about something.

James: what do you need to warn her about?

Freddy: who exactly are you that i need to tell everything to? boyfriend?

James: yeah thats it im her boyfriend.

Brooke: no he's not. look she'll be here in a little while, if you want to wait.

Freddy: no that's ok i have stuff to do.

freddy walks away.

James: no youre telling me that's not a killer?

Brooke: what are you talking about?

James: ah nothing.

freedy getting into his car.

Jennifer: well did you talk to her?

Freddy: no she's not here yet.

Jennifer: whats this about freddy?

in the car now

Freddy: i have this feeling that whoever sliced and diced chris and allyson is after us and anyone else with connections to woodsboro.

Jennifer: why would they go across the country to kill you and then kill someone else?

Freddy: maybe they're out to scare me then kill me and the same thing with everyone else.

he starts the car

Jennifer: where are we going?

Freddy: to find sidney prescott.

cut to: outside news station

Gale: look this is just some copy cat who found out who you were .

Dewey: maybe but we know how dangerous a copy cat killer is now dont we?

Gale: yeah but we have no reason to believe theres someone out there to kill sid again.

Dewey: no reason! remember i just tackled a guy off her and we have no reason to think anything?

Gale:(sarcastically)you know youre right dewey. lets put out an all points bulliten on a guy in a stab costume.

this makes dewey mad.

Dewey: there you are running off at the mouth again. look whoever this guy is , is out to kill sid and im not gonna let that happen.

Gale: im sorry youre right. is dinner still on for tonight?

she kisses him.

he eases up.

Dewey: yeah ill pick you up at seven.

back to: sid's apartment

theres a knock

through the door

Sidney: who is it?

Freddy: its freddy. you know freddys little brother.

she quickly opens the door.

Sidney: i know who you are.

she hugs him.

Freddy: its been a long time.

Sidney: uh look im sorry about randy.

Freddy: yeah me to. but theres something else.

Sidney: what?

Freddy: two of my friends were killed and the dean was to .

Sidney: i know dewey told me except for the dean that is.

Freddy: im scared i think hes after everybody from woodsboro.

Sidney: i know i was attacked.

Freddy: what are you ok?

Sidney: yeah dewey showed up and saved me.

Freddy: thats awfully convient.

Sidney: what do you mean?

Freddy: that dewey shows up out of nowhere to save the day.

Sidney: look dewey's no killer ok?

Freddy: look im sorry its just stuff like this makes you nervous.

Sidney: i know ive been through it before remember?

Freddy: i know im sorry. where's dewey?

Sidney: i think hes with gale at the news station.

Freddy: well ill cya later.

Sidney: ok uh bye freddy.

cut to: movie set outside

next day nighttime

James and Brooke are again taking a break. sitting at the same bench.

James: man this sucks we've been here 15 hours already.

Brooke: thats the price you for pay for being an actor.

James: ah these are the days of our lives.

Brooke: how long is this break ?

James: an hour why?

Brooke: cause im gonna to my car and take a nap.

brooke walks away.

James cell phone rings

James:(half alsleep) hello?

voice: long day huh?

James: buddy you wouldnt believe it.

voice: filming a horror movie i see?

James: yeah were gonna fight stab for the top spot.

voice: you cant be stab its the best movie of all time.

James: we plan on tryin. by the way where are you?

voice: why do you wanna know that?

James: cause i have this feeling im being watched and i think youre the one watching me.

voice: good call i always let everyone know me before i kill them .

James:(now fully awake)what?

voice: do you wanna die tonite james?

James: now thats original, who is this brooke?

voice: no .

james is looking around . its pitch black dark. he hears footsteps.

James: brooke is that you?


voice: ready to die james?

james turns around and ghostface stabs him in the throat. james slowly dies.

brooke walks back. looking in her purse.

Brooke: freddy have you seen my keys?

no answer.

she looks up to freddy sitting on the bench with a hole in his throat.

she screams.

cut to: restraunt

Dewey: you order whatever you want.

Gale: whoa dewey did you break the bank?

Dewey: (seriously) no why?

Gale: dewey lighten up i was only kidding.

Dewey: look weve ben dating a year and i have a question for you.

he reaches in his pocket.

gale's beeper goes off.

she looks at it.

Gale: joel must be through with the footage look i need to go get that. can this wait?

dewey gets his hand out of his pocket.

Dewey: huh? yeah it can wait.

she kisses him .

Gale: bye.

Dewey: bye.

we see gale and freddy walks past her.

Freddy: uh dewey is that you?

Dewey:(looking down) yeah?

Freddy: its me freddy. randys brother.

dewey looks up.

Dewey: hey freddy long time no see.

shake each other hand.

Freddy: look im sorry to bother you i saw you and gale come in.

Dewey: no problem. i heard about what happened at windsor you ok?

Freddy: yeah me and my girlfriend are in a hotel down the street.

Dewey: what brings you here though?

Freddy: i figure the killer is after all the people from i asked sid's dad her address and came on out here.

Dewey: you maybe right he sid was atackked again.

Freddy: i know now what i wanna know is why.

Dewey: shouldnt we know the rules ?

Freddy: what rules?

Dewey: randy always had rules i figured you would to.

Freddy: oh those rules. ok rule number 1. always inticipate the worst, if it can go wrong it will. rule number 2 . you have carnage candy but about 5 times worse. and number 3. this is a trilogy. you want the franchise to end with a bang. the killers would be the last ones you expect.

Dewey: now who are the suspects?

Freddy: well first that really dorky guy named james.

Dewey: he has a crush on her.

Freddy: a crush huh? well if history repeats itself like mickey said then he's already dead.

Dewey: then theres brooke.

Freddy: hmmm... the roommate i dont believe thats been done before.

Dewey: then you.

Freddy: what do you mean me?

Dewey: you show up and sid is attacked. you leave a place where 3 people die.

Freddy: hey you showed up just in time to save sid didnt you? thats convient .

Dewey: youre right lets move on.

Freddy: lets.

Dewey: you come from a crazy family you know that right?

Freddy: but theres gotta be a method to my madness right? right?

cut to: back to sids apartment.

Sid: i cant believe he's dead.

Brooke: i know i wasnt gone 5 minutes.

Sid: why would someone kill him?

Brooke: cause he knows you?

Sid: everytime this happens my friends start dropping like flies. so if i were you id get out of town.

Brooke: no way we got a movie to finish, remember?

Sid: maybe someone doesnt want the movie made.

Brooke: well we end our scenes tommorrow.

Sid: then im getting out of here.

Brooke laughs

Brooke: im with you on that one.

cut to: newsstation nighttime.

in an editing room.

Joel: whats this for?

Gale: im doing a documentary on killers and movies that inspire them.

Joel: i cant believe im still workin with you. im gonna end up dead.

Gale: better you than me.

Joel: no but my ghost will come back and haunt you.

Gale: me being a bitch would repel it right?

Joel: youre probably right. im gonna get some coffee want some?

Gale: yeah ill take some were pulling an all nighter.

Joel: thats just great. my girl hasnt seen me in a week.

Gale: oh im sorry she broke up with you. i didnt give you the message?

Joel: youre hilarious.

cut to: break room

joel at the coffee machine.

Joel: come on.

bangs on the machine.

Joel: it took my money.

the door of the breakroom closes.

Joel: what? whos there?


Joel: whoa joel youre going psycho.

he hears a bang noise .

he turns around nothing.

ghostface comes behind him.

he rams joels head into the machine and you see joel getting shocked and coffee poured on him.

Gale:(from down the hall) joel you got that coffee yet?

nothing .

she opens the breakroom door.

she sees joels body on the floor . very dead.

shes speechless. she turns around and bumps into ghostface.

she runs into the breakroom and locks the door . ghostface stabs the knife through the door a few times.

then. nothing.

gale opens the door and.....


Gale: oh shit i gotta warn sid.

gale runs down the hall.

cut to: a movie set.

sid is there with a script . she theres alone.

gale runs in a back door.

Sid: gale what are you doing here?

Gale: come on we gotta get out of here.

Sid: what? why?

Gale: the killer is gonna catch up with us before long.


voice: to late.

they turn to see ghostface standing out the door.

they dash out the door. as ghostface runs after them.

cut to: parking lot

Gale: oh shit i forgot my keys.

Sid: well lets go get em.

they walk slowly to the door and back in.

Sid: where are they?

Gale: i dont know.

all the lights on the set go on.

Sid: whos doing that?

Freddy: hey youll ok?

Sid: freddy , dewey is that you?

Dewey:yeah we looked everywhere and finally found you.

over the p.a.

voice: well this makes it easy. all the hens in one house.

Dewey: wheres that coming from?

Sid: the p.a. who is it?

Gale: dewey why dont you and freddy go check it out.

Sid: no we should just get out of here.

Dewey: no sid lets end this.

Freddy: ok lets go.

Sid: dewey dont go home on a stretcher this time.

they walk down the hall into another large room. a costume room.

Freddy: see anything?

theyre walking down diffrent rows.

a bump noise. we then see ghostface run out a door .

Freddy: there he is.

freddy runs after him.

Dewey: freddy wait!

cut to: back to the set where sid and gale are.

Sid: we should go after them .

Gale: no were safer right here.

Sid: thats funny i didnt think we were safe anywhere.

Gale: im going to call the police.

cut back to: an auditorium

freddy is walking down the rows looking for freddy.

Freddy: dewey where are you?

voice: right here.

freddy gets hit in the head and falls to the floor.

back to : the set.

sid is standing there.

the lights go out.

one big spotlight flashes to.

we see brooke tied around a pole with a rope on the set.

Sid: brooke! brooke! are you allright?

she doesnt answer. shes knocked out.

another big spot light flashes on freddy. the same thing . knocked out.

lapping as all the lights come back on.

ghostface comes within feet of sid.

Ghostface:(through voice changer) hello sidney.

Sid: who are you?

Ghostface: well i guess its fair i reveal myself.

ghostface takes off his mask revealing.....

Sid: cotton! wh...why?

Cotton: oh you should see your face right now.

Sid: why cotton?

Cotton: is that all you can say? you wanna know why huh? well its simple.

Sid: then what is it?

Cotton: i save your tail and you dont star in my movie. thats why?

Sid: thats your motive? how pathetic.

Cotton: plus this story will cap off the trilogy quite nicely. now would you ike to my partner?

sid nods.Cotton: partner will you come here please.

we see brooke get up. obviously not really tied up.

Sid: brooke why?

Brooke: cotton here guaranteed me the lead in the next movie if i help him.

Cotton: no ill give you the chance sid do you wanna untie freddy or not? i mean he could be with us or maybes hes not.

Sid looks up at freddy half awake.

Freddy:(gasping) please sid get me untied.

Cotton: boy youre facing a problem here. i mean he could help you or maybe he blames you for randy's death.

she doesnt move.

Freddy: please sid theyre gonna kill us.

Cotton: wait were not through with celebrities here sorry brooke youre out.


cotton pulls out a gun and shoots her repeatedly . she falls down.

Sid: what do you want cotton?

Cotton: oh its far past what i want its what someone else wants. my guest partner at this time please welcome my partner.

ghostface walks through the door.

ghostface takes off the mask revealing.....

Sid:(shocked) dewey?


Cotton: dewey?!

dewey runs at cotton knocking the gun out of his hand.

Freddy: sid get me untied.

she looks at him.

Freddy: look i know you dont know who to trust but if you ever loved randy get me down you can trust me.

she goes to untie him.

Gale:(pointing anothergun at sid.) i wouldnt do that if i were you.

Sid: gale what are you doing?

Gale: sorry sid its business.

we see dewey and cotton fighting in the background.

gale picks up cottons gun.

she fires a shot in the air.

Dewey: this just keeps getting better.

she flips one of the guns to cotton.

Cotton: wait right there dewey boy.

Gale: just call it poetic justice.

sid kicks gale in the stomach and freddy trips gale with his feet.

sid unties freddy as dewey grabs the gun for a standoff with cotton.

Dewey: now this is more like it.

gale gets up and charges sid.

Cotton: you know its too bad that guns not loaded.

Dewey( looking at the gun): what?

cotton shoots dewey in the shoulder.

freddy grabs dewey guns quickly.

Cotton: well it goes from one idiot to the other. that guns not loaded my friend.

Freddy: im not your friend.

Cotton: you know that hurts. really. especially coming from a guy whos brother was killed a nobody. i mean they hardly mentioned your brothers name at all.

Freddy: fuck you.

he pulls the trigger and shoots cotton in the stomach.

we cut back to see: sid atop of gale punching her.

she gets up

Sid: live for the camera die for the camera.

she drops a big movie camera on gales head.

Sid: you got the spotlight to yourself just like you wanted it gale. poetic justice.

Freddy:(standing behind her)yeah.

Cotton gets up and aims the gun at sid.

Cotton: youre gonna die now sid.

a gun shot goes off as a bullet hits cotton in the head.

we see dewey slouching to the floor with a gun in his hand.

sid runs to him.

Sid: dewey are you ok?

Dewey gets up.

Dewey: yeah im alright.

cut to: outside as we see cast and crew plus police tape off the area.

we see freddy and jennifer hugging.

Jennifer: are you ok?

Freddy: yeah im alright thanks to them.

they walk over to sid and dewey who are banadaged up .

dewey pulls a ring out of his pocket.

Freddy: hey man sorry.

Sid: its ok i have a feeling thats its finally over.

Dewey: im ok really . besides youre an actress you know some famous women and youll introduce me right?

Sid:(laughing) absolutely.

dewey throws the ring down.

they all four walk off.

the end.

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on May 3rd 1998