Final Blood

By: Casey

(Thunderclap)Woman: Wes, were do you want this camera?
Wes: Oh, to the left of the stage. Yeah right over there.
Gale: So Wes, this sequel isn't going to cause another mass killing span is it?
Wes: Well I hope so, it will give us another sequel.
Cotton: I sure the hell hope not, not after what happened last time.
Wes: Cotton, Cotton, I was just joking.
Sid: Not amusing, this has happened to me, Dewey, and Gale twice.
Dewey: Yeah, but you never got stabbed 15 times in the back.
Sid: True, but hey it could have been worse, I mean you could have had nerve damage or something.
Dewey: Yeah like the first time.
Gale: We don't have to worry about that know do we?
Dewey: No. (Mumbles to self "not yet.")
(Out in back.)
Man: So when are we going to start?
(Man on phone)I don't know, probably in a couple of minutes, I'm going to make the call now.
Man: Okay, I'll check back.
Guard: Hey you, are you going to play the killer in the movie, I mean you got the mask.
Man: Not in the movie.
Guard: What the hell are you talking about? Is that a threat?
Man: Kind of, ahhh! (Runs toward the guard, pulls out a knife.)
Guard: No, stop, stop!!!
(Drops dead.)
(Dials number on a phone.)
Man on phone: Hello?
Man: Hey, um the guard is dead.
Man on Phone: Good, go in and replace the fake killer.
Man: Okay, bye. (Phone disconnects)
(Door Opens)
Wes: Killer on, Tori, get on there.
Tori: Okay Wes, can I take a second I have a phone call?
Wes: Okay but hurry, where the hell is the god damn killer?
Fake Killer: I'm here hold on I have to get a drink.
Wes: Get your ass out here!
Fake Killer: (In low voice) Ah, stop, please stop." (He coughs up blood then his body falls to the ground.)
Killer: Alright.
Wes: Alright, Tori are you ready?
Tori: Yes, that was someone with one of those voice changers telling me how he is going to kill me.
Wes: I wouldn't worry about that, just ask Sid she always gets those sort of calls.
Tori: Alright lets start.
Wes: Three, two, one, action!
Tori: Show your face to me you gutless bastard.
Killer: No problem. (He slashes at her, and cuts her arm.)
Tori: Ah, your not really supposed to cut me.
Killer: Oops. (Slashes and stabs her repeatedly)
(she falls dead on the ground, the killer runs.)
Wes: Stop, security stop him and call an ambulance!
Sidney: It's to late she's already dead.
Wes: Do CPR.
Dewey: Alright I will.
(Alarm sounds.) (Later on the news)
Reporter: Tonight, during the making of the new Wes Craven movie, which was staring Tori Spelling, had a terrible tragic turn today. A real psychotic person came on to the set today and stabbed Spelling repeatedly, she is now dead and there is a fifteen million-dollar reward for any information leading to the arrest of this person or persons.
Gale: I can't believe its happing again, it is isn't it?
Cotton: Well not yet, and even if it is I'm not getting involved in that crap again.
Dewey: Wel l Cotton if this is happening again, your probably already involved.
Sidney: That's not necessarily right, I mean it just depends where you are at certain times.
Dewey: Yeah I kind of do agree, I don't think Tatum would of died if it weren't for some of those reasons.
Gale: Well if we do have another spree on our hands we have to be ready.
Sidney: How, I mean we have no chance of catching him until they want us to.
Cotton: No, no, no, no! Last time, just no.
Sidney: I know someone who used to be Randy's best friend, he knows everything Randy would of wanted us to. I'm going to talk to him okay?
Dewey: I better come with just incase, you know?
Sidney: Okay, everyone else we'll call you in about a hour and a half, okay?
All: Yeah, bye.
(At friends house)
Sidney: Tony, you know everything Randy did, tell us the arts of the second sequel.
Tony: Alright, the things you need to make a successful third movie is 1. The body count has to be higher than the first and second combined 2. The murders have to more original, you know more blood, more excitement. 3. Anyone who screams will almost definitely die, you know because that's how it is. 4. Finally, the movie will take more twists and turns than it's big brothers. Those are the elements of a better, scarier second sequel.
Dewey: Most trilogies suck though.
Tony: That's because they don't know the rules.
Sidney: You know Dewey I think he's right.
Tony: Of course. (Phone rings in the back round.)Hold on I'll get the phone.
(Faint talking from Tony into the phone.)
Tony: This call is going to take a while, anything else?
Dewey: (whispers to Sidney.) Yes, we got everything we need, bye.
(They leave, they are now together with the others.)
Gale: So what did he say?
Cotton: Yeah, um our faces should be gone right?
Sidney: Well not really, he said the things you need to make a second sequel, then he got a phone call, it was interesting. He answered the phone and said, "So you didn't see any cops follow you right?" Then he came and said he would be awhile and we should leave.
Candy: So what, are you going to tell this to the cops?
Dewey: Were not sure, probably though.
Candy: I don't know if you should tell to many people about that.
Cotton: Hell yeah they should tell a lot of people, last time I was scared up the ass, you know?
Candy: They shouldn't because if Tony gets wind of it he may do a famous movie act.
Gale: Which one do you think.
Candy: Disappearing.
Sidney: Candy what is your real name?
Candy: Casey, why?
Sidney: We might have a copy cat on our hands, and Casey Becker and Steven Orth were the first killed in Woodsboro.
Dewey: Wait, he killed Tori first and her name wasn't Casey. Plus, Sid your mom was really the first victim.
Gale: Yes, but last year it wasn't in exact order, I mean two people were killed without the same first names, and or last names as the first to die.
Sidney: They may have killed her because no one killed me yet.
Gale: So that means that the actors who play Dewey and I are next.
Cotton: So lets go call Wes and get the numbers of those people.
Sidney: No, we have to find there house's now. The killers in the past usually don't come till' dark.
Gale: I know where Sharon lives but it's a 15 minute drive, do we have enough time?
Dewey: This is California, we should have enough time.
Gale: Alright I got my news van, or my Conversion van, which one should we take.
All: Conversion van.
(A few minutes later at Sharon's house.) (Phone rings.)
Sharon: Hello?
Killer: Hello.
Sharon: Who are you calling for?
Killer: What if I said you.
Sharon: I'd say who are you.
Killer: Well than maybe you should ask that question then.
Sharon: Mike your a dick I know it's you
Killer: How did you know?
Sharon: I don't know a Mike you pansy gay wad, who the hell is this?
Killer: Just kidding, can't you tell it's Joe?
Sharon: Oh, sorry I thought you were some weirdo. Where are you calling from?
Killer: You tell me. (Door bell rings.)
Sharon: I heard the door bell ring, hold on.
(Looks through peek hole.)
Sharon: Hel---.(A knife comes flying through eye-hole, it kills her instantly.The killer goes running away.)
(The van pulls up and everyone jumps out.)
Gale: Oh my god.
Sidney: Jesus, Dewey call the paramedics!
Cotton: Oh jez, holy crap, I always hate seeing dead bodies.
Candy: Look, in the bushes.
Sidney: Oh my god he's got a knife, Dewey!
Dewey: What? (He screams, they see the killer run away.)
Gale: Dewey, Dewey, are you alright? (The run over the find Dewey with a knife cut that just had mist his wrist.)
Dewey: (Barely audible because he has lost so much blood.) I called the paramedics, there on there way___y.(Passes out.)
(Later at the hospital.)
Police Officer: So Mr. Riely, you could obviously see that he was wearing a mask that was from Woodsboro?
Dewey: Yes, it was a white ghost mask. I saw it very clearly.
Police Officer: Okay thanks for all your help.
Dewey: No problem.
Sidney: So officer, should we stay in town or would it be okay if we went back to Woodsboro?
Police Officer: Sorry but you and your friends have to stay here, okay?
Sidney: Okay.
Gale: No, no, no, no. I have a job, I can't stay here for more than a week. I mean I'd like to stay with Dewey but I can't.
Police Officer: Well I will call you television station and have them come here, alright?
Gale: That will be perfect.
Police Officer: Alright, we will call you when we have an agreement.
Gale: Fine, I'll be here.
(Later at David Schwimer house.)
David: (Phone Rings.)Hello?
Killer: Hello Dewey.
David: Yeah, who is this how did you get my number.
Killer: When you stalk someone you usually figure out there number.
David: Well good Mr. Stalker, you just stay around caus' I'm calling the cops.
Killer: I'm at your door, the police station is two miles away, who do you think will get in first? David: Maybe I'll take chances. (Hangs up, doorbell rings. He calls the police.)
Women: 9-1-1, what's your emergency?
David: I think there is a killer in my house.
Women: Alright, there are police on their way already, just hide.
David: Fine, please hurry. (Doorbell rings again, so does phone. David's butler answers the door.)
Killer:(On phone) Listen to this.
Butler:(You can hear him on the phone.) Yes---- ah, stop, please stop. (He drops dead.)
David: No! What do you want?
Killer: To see how many times I can stab you before you die.
David:(Crying) The police are on the way so you best just leave.
Killer:(He's now in the room, you can also hear him on the phone.) Don't you wish that would scare me!
David: No, just leave me al--o-n-e.( He was stabbed in the head.)
(The killer fleas the scene.) (The police finally arrive.)
Officer 1: Oh my god, we got victim number one.
Officer 2: Here's number 2, and its Schwimer.
Officer 1: Damn, well get a five mile road block up now! Call head courtiers and tell them what happened.
Officer 3: Yes sir.
(Next day, at the hospital.)
(Sidney turns on T.V.) Reporter: Last night there was a double homicide when actor David Schwimer and his butler were found stabbed to death in his southern California home. authorities have made no arrests.
(Sidney changes channel, its Gale on t.v.)
Gale: Last night in three vicious murders of Sharon Davis, David Schwimer, and his butler Donald Walsh. The same person who killed these people also tried to kill a police officer Dewey Riely. The officer was injured but is now in fare condition. This is Gale Weathers for Eye Witness.
(Sidney turns the t.v. off, Dewey starts to wake up.)
Dewey: Sid, what happened? Where am I?
Sidney: Your in Stone Hospital, you were almost killed last night. (Doctor comes in.)
Doctor: Ms. Prescott?
Sidney: Yes?
Doctor: You have a phone call.
Dewey: Sid, don't answer it.
Sidney: I'll be fine Dewey, um where should I take it?
Doctor: Right in the lobby.
Sidney: Dewey, I'll be right back.
Nurse: Here you go Ms. Prescott.
Sidney: Hello?
Killer: Hello Sidney.
Sidney: Why are you doing this?
Killer: Why not?
Sidney: Those pansy fags couldn't kill us before so you kill who play us in a movie!?
Killer: I was just assuring there would be no more sequels.
Sidney: You think that will stop them? There already re-starting production on Stab 2.
Killer: Well I just called to give you some time.
Sidney: Time for what?
Killer: Time to get to Gale before I do.
Sidney: What??
Killer: That's right, I'm on way.
Sidney: Your crazy, I mean you'll never get away with it.
Killer: Really? (Hangs up.)
(Sidney dials Gale's cell phone number.)
Gale: Hello?
Sidney: Gale, get out of there.
Gale: What? Sidney what the hell are you talking about?
Sidney: The killer just called, he's on his way.
Gale: Alright, I'm on my way.
Sidney: Get in your car right now, he can already see you I think.
Gale: I'm already in my car I'm driving down I-82.
Sidney: Alright so your only a couple of miles from the hotel, I'm on my way.
Gale: Alright I'm going to call your car phone.
(In her car now, her phone rings.)
Sidney: Gale?
Killer: Don't you wish.
Sidney: How did you get this number?
Killer: I had a look in your car.
Sidney: What?
Killer: Oh yeah, I mean look in the back of the parking garage.
Sidney: So there you are, did you kill Gale?
Killer: Your so easy to lie to, I mean Mickey and Billy did it why wouldn't I?
Sidney: Yeah but I'll tell you the same thing I told Mickey.
Killer: What was that.
Sidney: I killed them both.
Killer: Well you can try to kill me, but you have to get mighty close to me.
Sidney: Then I guess I'll just run your ass over.
Killer: Gotta find me first.
Sidney: Where the hell did you go?
Killer: Right here. (He's right outside the window. She starts up her car.)
Sidney: Ahhh!!!!! (She hits the gas and fly's out of the parking garage.)
(Later at the hotel.)
Gale: So we definitely should be watching our backs?
Cotton: Your crazy, honestly. Do you want to stay here?
Gale: Until Dewey gets out of the hospital.
Sidney: I agree, I mean Dewey came to Winzer when we got in trouble.
Cotton: Oh, okay.
(Phone rings.)
Gale: Should we answer it?
Sidney: Go ahead.
Gale: Hello?
Killer: I don't mean to disturb you I mean you sound like your hard at thought.
Gale: Shit, it's the killer.
Sidney: What?
Killer: Yeah, it's me.
Gale: You know those faggots who tried to kill us last year did the same thing, only they could see us, you can only her us.
Killer: Guess what, I can see you right now. How else would I know your here?(The next room over a piece of glass falls. The killer swears on the phone you can hear it through the phone and the split door.)
Gale:(Holds hand over receiver) Someone go to the office and find out who's checked in next to us.
Candy: I'll go. (She opens the door and runs out, all of the sudden she goes flying into the killers room.)
(The two can be heard over the phone and in the next room in a struggle, the door from the next room fly's open and Candy's dead body comes through. The killer runs out of the room and jumps in car, he is gone.)
Sidney: No!!
Cotton: I hate this.
(A maid comes.)
Maid: How is every... (She Passes out.)
Sidney: Call the cops, the paramedics and then call the hospital and tell them to get more security at Dewey's door.
Gale: Alright, I'm going to call on my cell phone so I can get to Dewey.
Cotton: I'm coming to, I can't stay around a dead body.
Sidney: The hell you can't, I'm not staying here alone.
Cotton: Well all right I'll stay, but only in the lobby.
Sidney: Fine, fine lets go.
(At the hospital.)
Gale: Dewey, oh my god are you okay?
Dewey: I'm fine, but where's Sidney?
Gale: Her and Cotton are at the hotel.
Dewey: What about Candy?
Gale: That's why their there. Candy was killed.
Dewey: No, this means it's happing. We have another copy cat on our hands. Gale: Well after Randy it was...
Dewey: No, they tried to kill Sidney on that one night, when it pretty much started.
(The door opens.)
Sidney: Dewey!
Dewey: Oh, Sid your okay.
Sidney: Yeah, I am.
Dewey: Where's Cotton?
Sidney: He's at the police station answering a few questions.
Gale: Sidney there's a problem.
Sidney: What?
Gale: Well if the killer is going in the same order as before your next.
Sidney: I'm going to stay with Mike for the night.
Dewey: No Sid, why don't you just stay here.
Sidney: I have to stay with Mike, I'm keeping faith in my boy friend this time.
(Door opens again.)
Cotton. I just heard that and I think your crazy.
Sidney: Cotton, I have to, I mean I didn't trust Derek and he ended up dead.
Dewey: Yeah, but you trusted Billy and he almost killed you.
Sidney: Dewey, I'm sorry but this is my choice.
Gale: Alright, but will you at least let a cop sit on look-out for the night.
Sidney: Let me call Mike and ask if it's alright.
(She dials the phone, a man answers. It's Tony!)
Tony: Hello?
Sidney: Hi Tony is Mike home?
Tony: Um, yeah hold on.
Mike: Hello?
Sidney: Yeah, high Mike.
Mike: High Sid, so when are you coming over?
Sidney: How about now?
Mike: Well not right now, me and Tony are busy. Maybe in a hour.
Sidney: Okay, bye.
Mike: Later. (Hangs up.)
(An hour later)
(Sidney is at the door, she finds a note to her, it's from Mike.)
(She reads it out loud.) Sidney: "Dear Sid, went out with Tony for awhile, you know where the key is, just go in and do well whatever. Later, Mike." Hum?
(She opens the door.)
Sidney: Hey, Mike are you home yet?
Killer: No, I don't think he is, but I am.
Sidney: No-o-o-o!!!!!!!!!! Leave me alone you bastard!
Killer: I could but what fun would that be? (He slashes at her, she ducks.)
Sidney: Jesus, get away from me! (Gale pulls up in the driveway, Sidney jumps in.)
Gale: Oh my god! (She hits the gas, the killer grabs the bumper.)
Sidney: (Crying) No, leave us alone!!! (Gale hits the brakes, than the gas. The killer's mask falls off, he lets go.)
Gale: Holy shit. Holy Shit! Did you see his face.
Sidney: No, I- I couldn't see!
Gale: Should I turn around?
(Cotton pops out from under the back seat.)
Cotton: No, no you should not!
Gale and Sidney: (They scream.)
Gale: Oh my god, Cotton I forgot all about you.
Cotton: Well that's okay, I mean if the killer wouldn't have noticed me.
Sidney: What the hell are you talking about?
Cotton: Well you see my arm here, he stuck me pretty good.
Gale: Oh my god we have to get you to a hospital.
Cotton: Fine, but I'm going to go back and hide.
(They pull up to the hospital and go in.)
Sidney: Hello, nurse, nurse, um we were attacked by the killer will you call the police?
Nurse: Of course of course, you should just go lay down until the police come okay?
Sidney: Okay well be in Mr. Riely's room.
Nurse: Fine. (She picks up the phone and there is someone one the other side talking to her, it's the killer.)
Killer: Put one of those bitches on!
Nurse: Excuse me?
Killer: EITHER GALE OR SIDNEY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Nurse: One moment.
(She calls Sidney over to the phone, she picks up the phone.)
Sidney: What, what do you want?
Killer: You will die tonight, Mike is hurt, and so is Tony, so its just you and me now.
Sidney: (Crying.) What? Okay well I know its not Tony or Mike so who the hell are you?
Killer: Oh you know me, but that's not important right now.
Sidney: (Crying continues.) So what do I have to worry about?
(Crying stops, heavy breathing from Sidney.)
Killer: That I'm right in the bathroom.
Sidney: What? Why?
Killer: You see, I'm going to kill you just like Billy and Stu killed your mom.
Sidney: You see though, if they couldn't kill me what makes you think you'll be able to?
Killer: Because if you don't come by the bathroom, I'll kill Cotton.
Sidney: No!
Killer: (Cotton screaming in back round.) You wouldn't like that would you?
Sidney: No, I'll get Gale's phone and come to the bathroom.
Killer: Good, I'm going to call it now. (Sidney runs to Gale, her phone rings.)
Gale: Hel... (Sidney grabs the phone out of her hand.)
Sidney: Alright I'm coming. (She whispers to Gale and they start walking.)
Killer: Oh Sidney, you are going to die you know that right?
Sidney: Well I figured it had to happen eventually.
Killer: What do you know you were right.
Sidney: I kind of hope I can prove myself wrong.
Killer: Alright I see you now. Ditch the bitch.
Sidney: Who Gale?
Killer: No the phone, of course Gale!
Sidney: Gale you gotta go.
Gale: Why?
Sidney: He said that you have to.
Killer: Give her the phone.
Sidney: Gale here he wants to talk to you.
Gale: What?
Killer: You can stay if you want to die.
Gale: You know what, fuck you I'm staying.
Killer: Your loss, put Sid back on the phone.
Sidney: What, your talking way to long, I mean we could of traced the call by now.
Killer: Not bloody likely.
Sidney: What did you just say?
Killer: I said Cotton's getting pretty bloody in here.
Sidney: Whatever, just listen what should we do now?
Killer: Put down the phone and slowly, and come in the bathroom.
Sidney: Are you going to kill me when I walk in?
Killer: I won't kill you if I get what I want.
Sidney: What's that?
Killer: Gale, when she walks in she might as well say goodbye because she's dead.
Sidney: (She puts her hand over the receiver.) Gale he said he's going to kill you.
Gale: Alright, well I've got to go then.
Sidney: You can't... (The killer talks, he's in front of them now.)
Killer: Your not going anywhere.
Gale: Jesus, just let Cotton go.
Killer: Fine, (he lets go of Cotton) but now your mine.
Gale: Alright you can have Cotton back.
Sidney: NO! Just let him go and, and you can have me.
Killer: Your already mine, I know you and you don't know how so.
Sidney: You know what just go to hell.
Killer: (He jumps on Sidney.) Die!
Sidney: Stop, please stop! (She gets stabbed in her vocal cords, Gale and Cotton tackle the killer.)
Cotton: Get off of her you idiot! (Cotton gets the killer off, he runs away and is suddenly gone.)
Gale: Cotton, go get a nurse and tell her to come down here. (Sidney passes out.)
Cotton: Alright I'll be right back.
(He runs to the first nurse he sees.)
Cotton: (Out of breath.) Sidney, --- i-s back there.
Nurse #2: What?
Cotton: Sidney Prescott was attacked, she's down, (takes 3 seconds) there.Nurse #1: (Grabs her walkie-talkie.) We have a code red on the 3 floor in front of the mens room.
(Later in Sidney's I. C. U. room.)
Gale: Dewey you may be better, and Cotton might be fine, and Sidney is still alive.
Dewey: So that leaves you right?
Gale: Exactly, I love you and I want to stay here but I think I should leave town.
Dewey: I agree, but you can't leave your under police order.
Gale: I know, I know, but.
Dewey: But what? You have to stay here.
Gale: Dewey, I don't think I should.
Dewey: Well, then go. I mean go ahead, leave us here to be killed, but what makes you think you won't be killed?
Gale: Why, why do you care if I stay?
Dewey: Good question.
Gale: Dewey, I love you, you know that but I can't risk losing my looks, then I would loss my job.
Dewey: You know what, if that's all that matters to you I think you should leave. Now if you could just tell me which way we came from I can get on my way.
Gale: To the left, yeah that way.
Dewey: Thank you very much!
(Dewey goes to the nurse's desk, he uses the phone.)
Police Officer: (At the other end of the phone.) Hello?
Dewey: Yes Mr. Jacobs, I would like to tell you Gale Weathers is thinking of leaving town.
Police Officer: Mr. Riely, were going to come and talk to her.
Dewey: Great I'll be in my room. (They hang up, Dewey goes to his room.)
(About 5 min later.)
Police Officer: So you see Ms. Weathers, your not allowed to leave until we've cleared your name of the murders.
Gale: Yes I know but I was involved both times, what makes you think he won't come after me?
Police Officer: Well I know so we have you under twenty-four hour surveillance.
Gale: Good but you had Sidney under the same thing and she was almost killed at Winzer.
Police Officer: Well we have four secret agents that will follow you and two in uniformed officers.
Gale: You know what? Fine.
Police Officer: Well fine, the officers are all waiting outside, their all armed with basic pistols.
Gale: Alright, but I'm going to stay with Dewey for awhile.
Police Officer: That's fine, just stay here, the officers will be waiting.
Gale: Thank you Officer.
(The officer leaves.)
Gale: Are you happy now?
Dewey: No I'm not, I think he should of put you in jail.
Gale: Why? Because I want to leave so I'll be able to live?
Dewey: No, because you were going to leave the person you love and a person who is like a sister to him.
Gale : Dewey that's not what I meant when I said I had to leave.
Dewey: I can't help it if I fell that your lying to me.
Gale: Why do you fell that I'm lying to you?
Dewey: I thought you would at least want to stay with me while I'm re- habilitating.
Gale: Dewey this conversation is over, I'm leaving.
(She opens the door and walks out.)
Dewey: Wait, Gale (Yelling) Gale! (No one answers.) (His phone rings.)
Dewey: Hello, you know I know who this you bastard but your not getting into my room, there are 3 guards right outside my door.
Killer: But they weren't there when I got into your room.
Dewey: What are you talking about?
Killer: I'm just saying I think I should come out of the closet now huh?
Dewey: No, no I think you shouldn't do that.
Killer: Well now your going to die. (The closet door fly's open.)
Dewey: Help, help!!! (The guards here Dewey screaming through the door.)
(The door opens the guards come in, Dewey is being stabbed in the stomach, the killer opens the window and runs out, the killer is shoot one in the arm though he drops his knife and keeps running.)
Guard 1: Well hurry go get him!
Guard 2: I'm going to get the doctors. (He runs out of the room, Guard 3 jumps out of the window and chases the killer.)
(The doctors run in.)
Doctor: (10 minutes later.) He'll live but I'm afraid he's going to need surgery do you give that consent?
Guard 1: Of course, when Ms. Weathers arrives I'll tell them he's up there.
Doctor: That's fine Mr. Gutriez.
(The doctors take Dewey out of his room and bring him up for surgery.)
(Gale arrives in Dewey's room.)
Gale: Where is Dewey?
Guard 1: He's up in surgery right now, after it that there transferring him to a hospital in Woodsboro. According to the Detective on this case they are also moving you, Sidney, and Cotton to this hospital.
Gale: Why me, I'm not hurt.
Guard 1: He said because you're involved, and if you leave and the murders stop, one of you are the killers.
Gale: Fine, um do you know if Sid is up yet?
Guard 1: Hold on I'll ask, (he yells out the door to a nurse) excuse me, is Ms. Sidney Prescott awake yet?
Nurse: Yes she is, as a matter of fact she was asking about Mr. Riely.
Guard 1: Alright, I'll tell Ms. Weathers to give her an update on his condition.
Nurse: Fine.
Gale: So I can go see her now?
Guard 1: Of course, but could you do me one favor and tell her what happened to Mr. Riely?
Gale: Fine, be right back.
(The guard grabs her hand before she leaves and says.)
Guard 1: Don't you know you should never say you'll be right back, it's one of the rules.
Gale: Sure. (Sheleaves and he starts laughing. She is getting out of the elevator in front of Sid's room. She goes in.)
Sidney: Gale, do you know what's wrong with Dewey?
Gale: Um yeah, yeah he was attacked by the killer and is getting surgery as we speak.
Sidney: What, right in the middle of the hospital?
Gale: Uh huh, and they are um, going to move all of us to a Woodsboro Hospital.< br>Sidney: Well good, I mean isn't that supposed to be the best hospital in the Untied States right?
Gale: Yeah, but that means all of us are going back to were it all started.
Sidney: When you say all of us, what exactly do you mean?
Gale: Well you, Dewey, Cotton, and me. Oh, and your boyfriend Mike.
Sidney: Where is Mike?
Gale: He's at St. Michael's Hospital, there supposed to air lift him here in a little bit and then were all going to Woodsboro.
Sidney: Good how much longer until Dewey gets out of surgery?
Gale: About an hour, I've got to leave now anyway so I'll see you in a little bit. By the way your friend Tony was found alive but seriously injured, he's also joining us in Woodsboro.

Click to go to Part 2

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on May 3rd 1998