By: Chris Hyde

GALE WEATHERS......Courtney Cox
DEWEY RILEY.....David Arquette
JANN PAGE......Jeneane Garofalo (Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion)
MARTIN O'CONNEL....Tom Sizemore (The Relic)


It's just coming up to half past eight in the evening. The sun has long gone but slight traces of pink and yellow scrape across the horizon.

To the left is an open field that rolls into the distance. To the right is a collection of small shrubs and bushes that lead towards taller trees, packed tightly together and stretch for miles making a thick forest.

The sound of crunching grass can be heard as two sets of feet plough through towards the woods.

Two kids. About 8 years old wearing jeans and rugged outdoor clothes walk close together. One of them has a mop of brown hair and a curvy, chubby face. His name is RICK TYNE. His friend who walks close by with his head bowed down is called TIMOTHY WATSON.

RICK: You'd better be right about this.

TIMOTHY: I already told you that I'm right and I'm getting sick and tired of saying it so you'd better just shut up.

RICK: Jeez, no need to be such a bitch about it.

Timothy stops and touches Rick's shoulder.

TIMOTHY: Rick. It's serious.

Rick looks at him, trying to figure out what's going on.

RICK: All right I believe you, let's just hurry up about it.

They continue walking. Timothy doesn't say anything, Rick kicks at stones and pulls tall grass from the ground as they walk.

RICK: So....when did you find it?

TIMOTHY: Last week.

RICK: You kept this to yourself for a week?!

TIMOTHY: I didn't know what to do.

RICK: You could of told me for a start. We're friends, why didn't you tell me?

TIMOTHY: Because.

RICK: Because what?

Timothy sighs not wanting to get into it.

RICK: Would you please talk to me? What's going on?

TIMOTHY: I didn't tell you because I thought you might get hurt.

RICK: How?

TIMOTHY: I don't know. But when I found it...and I saw her, it scared me and when I got home, she followed me. She knew where I lived.

Rick shrugs his shoulders.

RICK: I haven't seen it yet so I don't know anything about it.

They keep walking. The bushes and trees are thicker now. Hardly anyone comes through here anymore.

RICK: How much further?

TIMOTHY: You'll know when we get there.

Rick isn't impressed by all these word games. He wants answers and wants to know what's spooked Tim so much. He sees Tim has a rusty key in his hand.

RICK: What's that key you're carrying?

TIMOTHY: I found it in my basement one day. It fits a lock out here.

RICK: You're lying.

They walk a few hundred yards further in silence. Timothy stops and holds his arm out, stopping Rick going any further.


RICK: What? Are we he-

TIMOTHY: Just stay back a while. I just want to make sure it's OK.

Timothy walks away through some bushes. Rick doesn't appreciate being left on his own.

RICK: Tim! God what the hell are you doing?

He looks around nervously. He turns and faces the way they came, desperately wanting to run away. He whimpers to himself. Timothy returns and grabs Rick's shoulder. Rick jumps and lets out a little yelp.

RICK: What the hell are you doing? Why didn't you just call me instead of scaring me like that?

TIMOTHY: It's OK. But we'd better be quick.

Timothy leads Rick through some grass that is the height of their chins. They brush through it like it were some kind of tropical jungle. Then they come into a clearing of trampled down grass in a circle about 12 metres in diameter. Rick looks at it.

RICK: What is this? Some kind of crop circle?

TIMOTHY: Come on. Look at this.

He leads Rick to the centre of the circle and crouches down. They both sit looking down as Timothy brushes away some grass on the ground.

The surface underneath is a kind of rock substance. There is a carving on the surface which is some kind of symbol with beams of light shining from it. Rick carefully touches the surface and then rubs his palm over the rock, feeling the grooves. Right at the centre is a square hole with a keyhole inside it.

TIMOTHY: That's what this key is for.

RICK: Use it!!

TIMOTHY: No way.

RICK: Come one!

TIMOTHY: Look, that's not all.

Timothy crawls back and spreads more grass away as though he put it there beforehand in case it were discovered. The rock surface continues and so do the carvings. Rick crawls over it, looking them over.

The carvings are of things like the sun, moon and clouds. They are carved in concentric circles around the strange symbol in the middle, extending out. The third ring of carvings is still covered up.

TIMOTHY: This is why I didn't tell you. I didn't want this to happen to you.

RICK: What?

Timothy spreads the grass away from the third circle revealing carvings of people being struck or paralysed by some kind of wispy, pointy, smoke.

RICK: What is this stuff?

Rick points to the smoke.

TIMOTHY: That's them.

RICK: Who?

TIMOTHY: I don't know, but one of them chased me.

RICK: (not believing) What?

TIMOTHY: I swear.

RICK: But how did you-


He looks around quickly, scanning the horizon.

RICK: What?

TIMOTHY: We have to go.

RICK: We just got here.

TIMOTHY: They can tell when you're near!! We have to go now.

RICK: But it's so neat, you can't hide this again!

Timothy starts spreading the grass over the rock surface again.

RICK: I don't believe this.

Something bright and blue flashes through the woods behind them. They both jump and fall on their asses.

RICK: What the hell was that?

Timothy jumps up and grabs Rick's arms, yanking him onto his feet.

TIMOTHY: The longer we stay the closer they get! Move it now!!

They take off running towards the bushes again. Another blue flash rockets through the woods right past them. Their hair blows around by a vortex created by the flash. They sprint as fast as they can.

Up ahead, one of the blue flashes turns in mid-air and heads straight towards them. Timothy and Rick scream and take off running. In different directions. Timothy jumps over a fallen tree trunk and keeps running while Rick heads further into the woods.

TIMOTHY: Rick!! Come back!!

Rick's lost all sense of direction. He's simply compelled by fear. He runs faster and faster not looking where he's going. He suddenly slips and tumbles falling over the edge of a steep muddy slope. He tumbles all the way to the bottom, banging his arms and legs, hurting himself.

When he reaches the bottom he rolls onto his back, utterly wasted and out of energy.

Further away, Timothy is killing himself over whether to risk his life by going back or going to get help.


On the bottom of the slope, Rick stares upwards, blood runs down his forehead. He groans, trying to roll over or get up but he can't.

Timothy starts jogging back to where he and Rick split up. He is completely out of breath from gasping so much.

He stops and shouts Rick's name some more. One of the blue lights rolls along in the background and slowly hovers behind Timothy's head. Timothy doesn't see it but starts to sense something behind him.

He turns and faces the object which casts blue and white lights over his face. Then it starts to morph and a woman's face emerges from it. Timothy stands not comprehending, not sure of what's going on. Then the woman's face screws up into something more sinister. She hisses loudly, a sound echoing around the forest. Timothy screams and runs away as fast as he can.

Rick rubs his head, feeling blood and looks up. One of the blue objects, a sort of spectre floats high above him near the forest tree tops. Rick watches it in a trance as the woman's face emerges, watching him. Then it turns nasty and bolts down towards him. Rick screams as the spectre heads straight towards his face.


It's a very hot and clear day here today. Hundreds of people are milling about outside, shopping, going to work or enjoying the sunshine.

GALE WEATHERS a few years older now and with a lot of life experience crosses a street and runs into the arms of DEWEY RILEY waiting for her. They hug for a few seconds.

DEWEY: Hey look at you! You're much taller than I remember.

GALE: Hey. I've only been away for four days, give me a break.

DEWEY: I still missed you.

GALE: Good! That's your job!

DEWEY: You wanna get something to eat?

Gale nods and they walk hand in hand down the sidewalk towards a restaurant at the end of the block.

DEWEY: So what fascinating stories did you cover?

GALE: Oh, the usual. Politics, business...

DEWEY: Boring!

GALE: -Sex. Drugs.


GALE: You know these politicians. It's always the quiet ones.

DEWEY: Well that's lucky I got myself one of the extroverts isn't it?

A teenage girl about seventeen years old runs up to Gale.

GIRL: Hi, sorry to bother you, you're Gale Weathers right?

GALE: Uh-huh.

GIRL: Would you mind signing this please?

Gale looks at Dewey and then takes the note paper and pen.

GIRL: I saw all your films.

GALE: Thanks I really appreciate it.

GIRL: Oh, could you sign it from 'The Stab Queen-Gale Weathers'?

Gale sighs gently.

DEWEY: Now wait a minute-

GALE: No, Dewey, it's OK.

Gale scribbles the message.

GIRL: Thanks a lot.

She takes off and they continue walking.

DEWEY: Christ. Just as we think it's all over that sorta thing happens.

GALE: They weren't involved. They don't know what it's like. Really, it's OK.

Dewey looks at her and then smiles.

DEWEY: How come no-one ever asks me for my autograph.

GALE: Can I have your autograph?

DEWEY: Why sure, little girl.

Dewey removes a pen and holds up Gale's palm ready to write.

DEWEY: What would you like me to sign?

Gale pulls him closer and whispers something in his ear. Dewey bursts out laughing.

An explosion of sound shatters the peaceful environment. Dewey and Gale snap around to see a robbery taking place inside a store. A man falls to the floor clutching his bloody arm. Dewey pushes Gale aside and removes a handgun from his pocket as people take off running in all directions.

DEWEY: Gale, stay down.

GALE: Dewey, don't, wait for the police!

DEWEY: Stay down!

Dewey runs across the street to the store, ducking behind cars. Inside the store some people are stuffing money into paper bags as two robbers aim guns at people.

Dewey hides against the wall next to the shop, listening to the robbers inside shouting. He looks across the street to Gale. He takes a deep breath and then ducks into the store, gun raised.

DEWEY: Freeze!! Don't move!!

He catches them off guard, their bodies turned away, they'll never get off a shot before he manages to shoot them.

DEWEY: Lie on the floor now!!

One of them swings around with his gun but Dewey shoots him in the chest knocking him onto the floor. By this time, the second gunman has raised his gun. Dewey lets off another shot hitting the gunman's shoulder and spinning him onto the floor.

DEWEY: Jesus Christ.

The gunman rolls on the floor in pain, the gun clatters away to a corner of the room. Outside two cop cars pull up. Dewey sighs relief and lowers his gun. The cops run into the shop.

COP: Shit, Dewey what the hell happened?

Dewey starts to say something as a door behind him is kicked open. Dewey spins to see a third gunman charge into the room who raises his gun and fires.


Gale Weathers is lying on her side in bed when her eyes flash open from the dream. Her eyes dart around as she gets her bearings, her heart racing. She sits up and looks over to the other side of the bed. A white pillow lies unused next to her. The bed sheets are un-crumpled.

Gale turns towards us. Her face is older now. Not the fresh and perfect face from her younger years. But there's still a radiating beauty.

She lowers her head as a few tears run down her cheeks. She starts to sob and then falls back against the pillow crying out loud in heart-wrenching pain.


Timothy, beat up and out of breath trudges along the road at about 12 midnight. He gasps for breath as he heads towards a house with all its lights still on. As he comes closer he falls against some trash cans, knocking them over. They crash against the road making a hell of a sound.

Two figures run out onto the porch. A man and a woman. They see Timothy and gasp.

WOMAN: Timothy!!

She runs towards him and scoops him up, talking in a storm of panic-laden words.

WOMAN: Where the hell have you been!!

Timothy can't talk, it looks like he'll fall asleep any second.

The man, Timothy's father hugs them both.

MAN: Timothy, where's Rick? Where is he?

Timothy doesn't say anything.


Two cops pull up in an unmarked police car outside a suburban house. They are dressed in suits and look pretty drained. They walk up the porch to the front doors. Before they have a chance to ring the bell, the door is opened by a woman who looks like she hasn't slept in a long time.
She is Rick's mother, JEAN.

JEAN: Did you find my son?

COP 1: May we please come in?

JEAN: Did you find my son?!

The two cops look at each other.

COP 1: Mrs Tyne. A body was discovered this morning in Greenham woods. We're very sorry but we have identified him as your son.

The woman opens her mouth in utter disbelief.


Mrs Tyne and her husband are sat in the living room talking to some police officers.

In the kitchen, the two cops from before are stood together. One is called MARTIN O'CONNEL. He is a detective working for Greenham PD. The other is called MATTHEW NIEST, his junior partner.

They talk in a low whisper to each other.

MATTHEW: This has got to be the shittiest part of a cop's job, right?

MARTIN: I'd go along with that.

MATTHEW: Will they have to identify the body?

MARTIN: We have a positive ID from a photograph and we'll check dental records but yes they'll have to identify the body.


MARTIN: An autopsy will also have to be performed.

MATTHEW: I thought....well I judged from the scene that he feel and broke his neck?

MARTIN: His neck wasn't broken. There were no fatal head injuries and although we have limited information until we have an autopsy it looks like the kid's heart just stopped beating.


MARTIN: We'll have to wait and see.

MATTHEW: Don't you have to ask-

A black female plain clothes detective comes into the kitchen holding a pad and paper. She is a local detective called KATHERINE LARSEN.

MARTIN: What did the parents say?

KATHERINE: Rick went out last night at about seven o'clock with a....Timothy Watson. They headed east out of town and were spotted by a gas station owner, Jonathan Dwight at a quarter to eight. It looked like they were heading to the woods.

MARTIN: Has anybody spoken to Timothy?

KATHERINE: A black and white went by this morning to tell them the news but there hasn't been a formal interview. You want me to head over there?

MARTIN: No. We'll take care of it. Stick around here for a while. See if you can find out why they were heading to the woods.

KATHERINE: Tom called by earlier and said he wanted an autopsy done as soon as possible.

MARTIN: How soon?

KATHERINE: As soon as is convenient with the parents.

MARTIN: Have you raised the issue yet?


MARTIN: Good. Don't worry about Tom, I'll take care of Tom. Just give them time.

KATHERINE: Yes I know I'm not a completely insensitive shit-head.

Martin rubs her shoulders.

MARTIN: I know. Come on, Matt.

They both head out of the kitchen.


Martin and Matt head down the house path towards their car.

MATT: What's this deal with the autopsy?

MARTIN: It's a serious issue. Eight year old kids aren't supposed to have heart attacks in the middle of nowhere. This could be some kind of chemical disease in which case, the quicker we find out the better.

They both climb into the car.

MATT: No, I mean you and Chief Mizon.

MARTIN: Tom? What do you mean?

MATT: No, it's just the two of you seem to have this thing where you manage to get him to side with you on almost anything. What's that about?

MARTIN: This is your what....second year on the force?

MATT: More like eleven months actually.

MARTIN: Yeah well you've got a lot to learn.

MATT: Hey, what are you my karate instructor? I'm asking a serious question.

MARTIN: OK, well then how about I just say 'it's none of your business'?

MATT: That's OK. I understand now.

Martin shakes his head and pulls the car away.


Two women, one about twenty five, the other 18 or 19 are stood in a small kitchen like room in a large open floor of a magazine office. Outside the room there are around 30 cubicles with people sat at computers typing columns for the magazine. It's pretty crowded at the moment.

The twenty five year old is called RACHEL. The younger girl, an intern is called TIFFANY. Rachel is showing her the coffee machine.

RACHEL: What most people don't realise is that you can stuff a whole bag in here and it'll still be the same taste. If you're gonna be working here you gotta realise that these people take their coffee very seriously.

TIFFANY: Got it.

RACHEL: Also don't forget that some people prefer full fat cream-

Rachel stops talking as Gale passes by the kitchen. Rachel walks to the door and watches her walk to her desk.

Gale avoids all the eyes burying into the back of her head as she passes by. She's certainly changed from the out-going reporter we used to know. She arrives at her desk and sits down rumaging through her purse for something. On the walls of the booth there are framed front covers of famous magazines with stories about her encounters in Woodsboro and with Sidney and the others. There are also some awards on a small shelf.

TIFFANY: -Rachel? You were saying?

RACHEL: Oh yeah, right.

TIFFANY: Who's that? Gale Weathers? I heard she worked here.

RACHEL: Yeah, that's her but she's not supposed to be here.

TIFFANY: What do you mean?

RACHEL: She's supposed to be on vacation. Shit, she's so pathetic. About a year ago, her husband got shot and killed while trying to stop a store robbery. And ever since she's been moping about that place like some sort of vegetable. My advice; stay clear. She's a rickety old building. And one day she's just gonna crumble to the ground.

As Gale removes some floppy disks from her bag, a chubby guy walks past her desk. He stops and then turns to her. His name is ROB BAKER, Gale's editor.

ROB: Gale, what are you doing here?

GALE: Huh?

ROB: We discussed this. You're holiday started last Friday, today is Monday. Why aren't you on a beach somewhere?

GALE: Oh God, I must have forgot.

ROB: Fine, now you've remembered, pack up your stuff and go home.

GALE: Look, I'm here now, I might as well work. I'll just head off this Friday.

ROB: Gale. You need a break. Before it gets too much for you.

GALE: Come on, Rob. You know I can handle the pressure.

ROB: Look, I'm just trying to be nice here. How about this. You go away some place on a working holiday. Huh? That way, we're both happy?

GALE: Like where?

Rob hands her a sheet of paper.

ROB: Greenham, Oregon. Nice country air.

GALE: What's the story?

ROB: Dead eight year old. Sixth mysterious death in the town.

GALE: God! Hold the front page!

ROB: That's all I'm offering you. Look, this assignment was going to Jon, but I'll switch it. Here's what happens, you catch a plane to Oregon and you cover the story for a day or two, with me so far?

GALE: Just.

ROB: Then you head down to LA and report on the Golden Globes while having a blast and spending time on the beach. Sound good?

GALE: Fine. Fine, I'll take it.

ROB: Good. Come by later this afternoon and I'll have a travel programme for you.

Rob walks away. Gale sighs to herself before packing away the stuff she's just got out.


Gale exits the magazine office and walks to a parking lot jangling some keys. A small woman dressed in black with thick black hair and wearing dark sunglasses (guess what her charcter's like!) is closing a car door. She heads towards the office. Her name is JANN PAGE.

JANN: Gale.

Gale sees her and they meet up.

JANN: Aren't you supposed to be on holiday? I thought Rob told you to get your ass to Cuba or something.

GALE: I've already had this speech from him so if you don't mind...

There is an uncomfortable pause during which Jann lights up a cigarette.

JANN: So I hear Costa Rica's nice.

GALE: He's given me this assignment in Oregon and LA. Kind of a working holdiay. But I need to keep busy! I'd rather come here!

JANN: Well, no offence but if you want mental stimulation the last place I'd come is here. Did you read my last column? I think some printer guys died because they accidently read a few sentences of it.

Gale laughs.

GALE: It wasn't that bad.

JANN: It's OK, you don't have to humour me. But you always produce gold.

She touches Gale's cheek.

JANN: A little dark under the eyes though. Only I'm alowed to wear black.

GALE: Just a little trouble sleeping.


Jann knows why she hasn't been sleeping but doesn't want to pry or get into it. She throws her cigarette to the sidewalk.

JANN: Well, I'd better get in there or Rob'll saddle up some horses and come get me.

Jann walks past her towards the buiding. Gale sighs. She realises that her situation is making things difficult for everyone else.

GALE: You uh, want to come with me?

JANN: Huh?

GALE: On my holiday. You want to come?

JANN: Yeah, right, like I'd be allowed time off after all the shit I've pulled.

GALE: It's not time off, just an assignment.

Jann looks at her.

GALE: I want to get away but I'm a little afriad of doing it by myself. Uhm...God, you probably think this is stupid, I just-

JANN: No, it's OK. I sort of understand. I'd love to go with you.

GALE: Really?

JANN: Sure.

Gale seems surprised by the response.

GALE: Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'll tell Rob.

JANN: No, that's OK. I'll take care of him.

Gale nods and smiles. She hugs Jann.

JANN: Hey, hey what's all this?

GALE: I'm just happy that someone is treating me like I was normal.

JANN: What do you mean?

GALE: Oh, just, everyone up there, it's kinda like frostbite. If looks could kill, you know.

JANN: Oh, well you have to realise that the majority of people up there went to the university of 'dumb-fuck.'

Gale laughs.

JANN: Where they majored in 'being an asshole.' Don't worry about anything. Anybody gives you shit, I'll kick their fucking asses.

Gale smiles again.


Rob is sat at his desk in his office. Jann stands at the door, half in and half out of the office, leaning against the doorframe looking bored.

ROB: Let me get this straight. Gale wants you to go with her? Does she realise how annoying you are?

JANN: Thanks, Rob. Is that what you call employee motivational skills?

The people in the office outside are all listening in.

JANN: What's the problem?

ROB: There's no problem, I just thought she'd want to be by herself.

JANN: Just because you like being by yourself, and by the way, I've seen the photographs; doesn't mean everyone else wants to be. She's told you what you want, now get up off your ass and authorise it!

Jann leaves the office and goes to her desk. She starts packing up some stuff into a box. Rachel and Tiffany, the intern stand close by watching. Jann turns to them.

JANN: And what the fuck are you looking at?

Rachel sighs.

JANN: What's the matter? Silicone implants make you deaf? I asked you a question.

RACHEL: You didn't get fired did you?

Jann laughs.

JANN: Yeah, I wish.

RACHEL : So where are you going?

Most of the office crowd are listening in on the conversation now.

JANN: I'm going with Gale.

Some people chuckle. Rachel shakes her head.

RACHEL: (smirking) So sad.

Jann stuffs some more things into a box.

JANN: Really. Because, I heard you used to hang around together?

RACHEL: That was before the...."unfortunate accident."

JANN: Oh yeah, I remember that, you getting knocked up and then having to steal money from this magazine for the abortion. That what you mean?

Jann picks up the box and heads to the door.

TIFFANY: Did you do that?

RACHEL: Shut up. I'm talking about poor Dewey, what a shame.

JANN: I don't know what you're talking about.

RACHEL: Probably better you don't. It's sad how a shooting can affect so many people.

Jann stops by Rachel and turns to her. She sets the box down.

RACHEL: But don't you think she should get over it? "Bite the bullet", so to speak?

JANN: Why don't you bite this?

Jann punches her in the nose, sending her across the floor. She quickly picks up the box and leaves the office.


Martin and Matt exit the police car and walk up the porch to the house. Matt has a flip note-pad and is reading some information.

MARTIN: Kid's name is...

MATT: Timothy Watson. Parents are Joe and Helen.

Martin rings the door bell.


Martin and Matt are sat in a spacious living room facing Timothy who sits between Joe and Helen on a sofa. Matt takes notes while Martin does most of the speaking.

MARTIN: Hiya, Tim. How are you feeling?

TIMOTHY: Not so good.

MARTIN: I can understand that. I'm sorry about your friend.

TIMOTHY: Are you gonna take me to jail?

The parents and cops chuckle.

MARTIN: Of course not, Tim. We just need to ask some questions. See, we don't know what happened in that wood. But you do. And you need to tell us so we can understand everything. OK?

Timothy nods.

MARTIN: OK. Why did you go to the woods?

Timothy thinks about it.

TIMOTHY: We were just goofing around.

MARTIN: So you didn't go to do anything in particular, you just wanted to go?


MARTIN: Did you go anywhere special? Or just around in the woods...

TIMOTHY: We just walked around.

MARTIN: OK. What happened to Rick?

TIMOTHY: He slipped and fell.

MARTIN: He feel off the little cliff didn't he? How did he fall?

TIMOTHY: He was running and he just didn't see it coming. I shouted to him but he didn't hear me.

Martin looks at him, thinking he's hiding something.

MARTIN: When you called the police, or when your Dad called, you said that you were running because you were scared.

TIMOTHY: No I didn't.

MARTIN: Yes you did. But it's OK to be scared. What were you running from?

TIMOTHY: I don't know. We were playing and Rick heard a noise and we both ran.

MARTIN: I see. Did you go to the woods a lot?

Timothy shurgs his shoulders.

MARTIN: What did you do after Rick fell? Did you try to help him?

TIMOTHY: I ran home because I thought I should get some help for him.

MARTIN: That's right, that's very smart. You did the right thing.

TIMOTHY: But he died. I wanted to stay with him and try to get him out. I didn't want to leave him in the forest.

MARTIN: Hey, it's not your fault. You did the right thing, I promise you and you're not going to get into trouble. We just have a few more questions.

Timothy sighs.

MARTIN: How long did you know Rick?

TIMOTHY: All the time. We went to kindegarten together.

MARTIN: Did you ever fall out or have fights?

TIMOTHY: Sometimes.

MARTIN: Did you ever get anrgy with him?


MARTIN: Did you have a fight yesterday?

JOE: I don't like the way these questions are developing, detective.

MARTIN: I'm sorry sir but I have to cover all possibilities.

HELEN: I sincerley hope you're not suggesting-

As they argue, Timothy looks over to Matt who's writing something. Matt looks up and catches his eye. He smiles and sticks his tongue out. Timothy laughs.

Martin looks at him and then around to Matt who quickly goes back to behaving like a cop.

MARTIN: I think we have all we need for the moment. But if we think of anything else can we give you a call?

JOE: Of course.

Martin and Matt stand.

Joe and Helen see them to the door.

MARTIN: Thank you for your time.

MATT: Bye.

Joe and Helen close the door without saying anything.

MARTIN: Very cute Detective Niest. Or should I say junior detective? You should have been a playgroup teacher.

MATT: There's still time.

MARTIN: Well at least you have the right attitude to be a cop.

Click to go to Part 2

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on June 7th 1998