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Sim Recons 

Sim Covers 

Long time, no see.  A bit of an update as of Dec. 11, 2000.  The MA Sim is not longer in service since August of 2000.  Main reason is lack of paticipation, thus causing stories to drag out for long periods of time.  Right before August it was agreed to let the sim take a break for a month.  Well that break has lasted longer than a month.  I decided not to do the sim anymore as I'm burnt out on simming and have other things I want to do on Sundays that I wasn't able to do before.  Don't fret, however, as there are other Doctor Who Simulations out there, especially ones like the MA Sim.  Got to and check out some of the other Doctor Who Simulations out there.  There are on various days and times, so there might be one suitable for you.  This sim site will still be around for a while, mainly as an archive of what we have done, like the reconstructions and covers.  Good day to you all.
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff

If you have any comments, questions, email DoctorWho8.

people have visted this site since Nov. 12, 1997.

All graphics and contents are Copyright 2000 by Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff (DoctorWho8)

NOTE: The Adventures of Doctor Who Simulations are roleplaying groups not associated with the BBC or Virgin Publishing. No copyright infringement is intended.

This Doctor Who Time Ring site owned by Bill Rudloff

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