Agony Uncle Corner

Max's Solutions to All Your Problems

Any problems? Then this is the page for you. Max will answer all your problems, or else stick them on his page for all the world to suggest their answers to. So send all your problems and secrets to the amateur matchmaker, psychologist and lawyer, Max.

Please help me with my problem. I've got a twerp of a nephew (from my wife's side of the family) who's asked me for some help in his maths. Since he's so absent-minded I'm sure he'll forget to get his books and his past papers with him. How can I go about making sure he doesn't forget?

Dear Unknown,
Give him five pounds if he shows up.
Yours truly,

Dear Agony,

maybe this will sound foolish (in fact it is) but in my class there is a big, huge, enormous competition between 3 of my class mates and myself - who's the best in DIY homepages. Now the problem is that one of them CALLED MAX ,ssshh don't shout!! ,has made one heck of a page... and I am ENVIOUS !!! I don't know what other people see in it but his counter is well above 420 and still rising .. and mine is still below 60... and I am more ENVIOUS !!! Then he has designed an amazing map... and I don't know how to do one ... and I am terribly ENVIOUS !!! and my envy is rising with his counter !! What shall I do? Shall I send him to hell in his INSULT ME PAGE ...after all he'll get what he wants.

Remember this is strictly confidential and mind you whisper anything to him !! UNDERSTOOD !!

Yours Truly,


Dear E-mouse,

Your problem has no solution. Max is too good.

Yours truly,


Max I want to kill somebody

do you know what that means???

who do you suggest I start with?

Erm, has anybody got a solution to Robert's problem (please?)

If you've got a problem and don't know who to turn to, turn to Max at