
Most of the images in this page are created by Maximillian John Dingli. They may be used under the following conditions:

<a href=http://www.oocities.org/Athens/2641><img src=http://www.oocities.org/Athens/2641/anim.gif alt="Visit Max's Prodigious Page of Pedagogic Puerility" border=0></a>

Feel free to centre the picture. If for some reason, it is impossible for you to include this gif in your link, simply use your imagination.

All characters in this Web site are fictional and any resemblance to people dead or living is purely coincidental. This site is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and was created using the Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word, along with the Geocities HTML editor. Thanks for this site go to Geocities, for providing the free page. If any images on this page breach copyright, please mail me and inform me.