or, to you uncultured people The Earthworm Jim and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Page.

Now I know what half of you are saying. They're saying: What the hell is Earthworm Jim, or the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? The other half, who know what they are, are saying: What the hell have EWJ and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy got to do with each other? The aim of this homepage is to answer both questions.

What the hell is Earthworm Jim, or the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

Earthworm Jim is a superworm who saves the Universe on a regular basis. At least, that's what his cartoon is about. The story of Earthworm Jim can be told in the lyrics to the cartoon's theme song.

Earthworm Jim.
Through the soil he did crawl.

Earthworm Jim.
A supersuit did fall.

Jim was just a dirt-eating chewy length of worm-flesh
but all that cam to a crashing end hahaha!

Earthworm Jim.
He's such a groovy guy.

Earthworm Jim.
He rockets through the sky.

Cruising through the universe, having lots of fun.
Here comes Earthworm Jim, we know that he's a mighty one.

(Look out!)

Despite his great big muscles and his really big raygun,
Jim is still an earthworm although he's the only one
With a supersuit to make him really super-strong.
Jim can be a winner if we only sing along.

Earthworm Jim.
We think he's mighty fine.

Earthworm Jim.
A hero for all time.

Earthworm earthworm earthworm earthworm Jim.
Hurray for him!

Here's a picture of Earthworm Jim to make your day:


Earthworm Jim has many enemies and allies in his quest to save the Universe. However, info about these will come in a later edition.

Next. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This is a book, or rather a series of books by Douglas Adams. It consists of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, The Universe and Everything; So Long and Thanks for All the Fish and Mostly Harmless. These books recount the tale of Arthur Philip Dent, an Englishman from Islington, Ford Prefect, his alien friend from Betelgeuse, Zaphod Beeblebrox, a two-headed, three-armed being from Betelgeuse who is Ford's cousin and ex-President of the Galaxy and Trillian, another Earthwoman.

Anyway, more will be coming soon. For more info, mail me at