(AS ON 27 OCTOBER 1998)

Some of the publications listed are in the Maltese language


1. Trace '97: Directory of Social Welfare Services in Malta and Gozo. Compiled by Nora Macelli and Leonard Callus. Floriana, SWDP, April 1997. 77 pages [Includes information about 400 social welfare services grouped under 32 client categories or social problems].

2. Directory of Residential Facilities in Malta and Gozo by Nora Macelli. April 1997, 106 pages.

3. Directory of Social Welfare Services in Malta and Gozo by Leonard Callus and Nora Macelli. May 1996, 66 pages.

4. Gruppi Self-Help u ta' Appogg f'Pajjizna by Leonard Callus. April 1996, 63 pages.

Brochures, Booklets, Manuals 1. L-Ghazla tal-Fostering: l-isfida li tiehu hsieb tfal ta’ haddiehor. [Manual for foster carers]. Inter-Agency Fostering Team, 1998. 75 pages.

2. SWDP Agency Confidentiality Policy. revised version, April 1998.

3. Kif tilmenta mis-Servizz. April 1998. [Brochure for SWDP clients outlining SWDP client complaint procedures].

4. Supportline 179:Code of Practice. March 1998. 28 pages. Bilingual.

5. SWDP Job Descriptions Dossier. Updated version April 1998. 100 pages.

6. Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Counsellors and Social Workers. July 1997, 23 pages.

7. Child and Adolescent Sexual Assault Medical Assessment Kit for doctors. August 1997.

8. Servizz ta' Social Work f'Ghawdex. August 1997.

9. L-Abbuz tat-Tfal. August 1997.

10. New referral tools for social care practitioners. May 1997.

11. Services Provided by SWDP. 6 March 1997. 4 pages.

12. Butterfly Centre - guidelines for the recognition and management of child abuse in Malta and Gozo for Family Doctors. November 1996. 16 pages.

13. Foster Care Newsletter. Issues No.1 (12 December 1996), No.2 (March 1997), No.3 (27 June 1997), No.4 (October 1997), No.5 (February 1998).

14. Tista’ Tghini? - Ghandi bzonn Familja. Poster on fostering. June 1997.

15. Social Welfare Development Programme (Executive Folder - containing one descriptive sheet for each of 10 SWDP services).

16. Il-Hnejja. 1995. (brochure on the SWDP Family Therapy Service)

17. Family Therapy Service. 1996.

18. Supportline 179. 1996.

19. It-Taqsima Harsien tat-Tfal. 1994.

20. Il-Vjolenza fil-Familja u l-Effetti Taghha. Taqsima Vjolenza Domestika. 1995

21. Servizz ta' Social Work fi hdan it-Taqsima Hidma Zvilupp tal-Komunita', 1995.

22. It-Taqsima Hidma Zvilupp tal-Komunita' (Community Development Unit). 1995.

23. Il-Vjolenza Fid-Dar. January 1996.

  1. Social Work Graduates in Malta - a statistical report on the current employment status of social work graduates. By Nora Macelli. September 1997. 10 pages.
  2. Cases of reported child abuse in Malta - a statistical profile. SWDP Child Prectective Services Unit, 16 September 1997. Limited distribution.
  3. Marriages and Marital Breakdown in Malta. Statistical Update Series Nunber 3. By Nora Macelli. June 1997. 4 pages.
  4. Report on an Inter-Agency Workshop for practitioners on Elder Abuse in Malta. 12 June 1997. 11 pages.
  5. A report on the Certificate Course in Social Care. Course designed by SWDP and offered by the University of Malta Gozo Centre, October 1997 to April 1998. April 1998.
  6. SWDP Recommendations to the Commission on the Family. 30 October 1997, 30 pages.
  7. Groupwork with Children with Mental Health Problems - support to child-clients of the SWDP Domestic Violence Unit. By Pierre Cachia and Claire Scicluna. April 1998, 68 pages.
  8. Groupwork with Children with Mental Health Problems - support to child-clients of the SWDP Social Work Service at Qormi Health Centre. By Claire Scicluna and Ruth Anne Zahra. September 1997.
  9. Groupwork with Children - support to child-clients of the SWDP Child Protective Services Unit. By Claire Scicluna. August 1997, 54 pages.
  10. Groupwork with Children - support to child-clients of the Family Therapy Service of SWDP. By Claire Scicluna and Charmaine Cardona. June 1997.
  11. Groupwork with Children - support to child-clients of the Domestic Violence Unit. By Claire Scicluna. March 1997.
  12. Groupwork with Children with Mental Health Problems - support to the SWDP Social Work Service at Qormi Health Centre. By Claire Scicluna. October 1996. 24 pages.
  13. A Record-keeping Tool for Community Workers - a proposal by Nora Macelli. 1995, 5 pages.
  14. Community Access. by Renald Attard. July 1996. 12 pages.
  15. Social Welfare Services in Gozo: report of the 1st Workshop held at the Guze' Micallef Hall, Xewkija, 26 September 1996. Prepared by the Service Development Unit, 1995. 32 pages.
  16. Social Welfare Services in Gozo: input paper. Service Development Unit. 8 pages.
  17. Developing and Implementing Social Policy: Domestic Violence and Child Abuse. By Tony Macelli. Lecture notes for students of Centre of Criminology, Institute of Forensic Studies, University of Malta, 6 March 1996. 13 pages.
  18. A Pilot Study towards constructing a National Data-base on Social Welfare and Enabling Programmes in Maltese Society. E.P.Delia and Noel Cutajar. August 1995. 13 pages.
Annual Reports 1. SWDP - Rapport ta’ Sena Hidma: Settembru 1996 sa Ottubru 1997. 40 pages.

2. Achievement Reports and Recommendations for areas related to the work of the Social Welfare Development Programme (SWDP). 26 November 1996, 46 pages.

3. Taqsima Zvilupp fil-Komunita' - Rapport Ghas-Sena 1997. April 1998.

4. Taqsima Zvilupp fil-Komunita' - Rapport Ghas-Sena 1996. 22 pages.

5. SWDP Half-Yearly Report - January to June 1996. 53 pages.

6. Rapport ta' Sena Hidma. Frar 1995 sa Frar 1996. SWDP, Frar 1996, 14 pages.

7. Draft Annual Report. SWDP, December 1995, 7 pages.

8. Social Welfare Development Programme Unit Reports, August 1994 to April 1995. 20 pages.

9. Report on the Social Welfare Development Programme from 1st August to 31st December 1994 with some reference also to 1st-31st January 1995. February 1995. 18 pages.

Press Articles contributed by SWDP 1. Heavy burden. By Pierre Cachia, SWDP Children’s Groupwork Service. Feature in ‘Weekender’, Times of Malta, 4 October 1997, p.3.

2. Kids with an adult burden. By Mireille Zammit, SWDP Children’s Groupwork Service. The Malta Independent, Sunday, 26 October, 1997 p.13.

3. The Unhappy Family - a new way of working with families in Malta. By Charmaine Cardona, SWDP Family Therapy Service. The Malta Independent, 7 September 1997.

4. Possibiltajiet Godda ta' Ghajnuna lill-Familji. By Charmaine Cardona, SWDP Family Therapy Service. It-Torca. 14 ta' Settembru 1997, p.10-11

5. Ghajnuna lill-Familja b'metodu gdid. By Charmaine Cardona, SWDP Family Therapy Service. Il-Mument. 14 ta' Settembru 1997, p. 21.

6. The Unhappy Family. By Charmaine Cardona, SWDP Family Therapy Service. The Malta Independent, Sunday 7 September 1997, p.23.

7. A Series of articles written for Il-Gens by Nora Macelli on behalf of SWDP on Children’s Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:

· Il-Bidla fix-Xbieha tat-Tfulija. 28 ta’ Frar 1997, p.10.

· Xi Drittijiet ghandhom it-tfal skond il-Konvenzjoni tan-NU. 7/3/97 p.10.

· X'jghidu 20 Artiklu tal-Konvenzjoni ghad-Drittijiet tat-Tfal. 14 ta' Marzu 1997.

· Aktar artikli mill-Konvenzjoni tat-Tfal. 27 ta' Marzu 1997.

· Aktar artikli mill-Konvenzjoni dwar il-Jeddijiet tat-Tfal. 18 ta' April 1997.

· Mizuri ta' Harsien ghal Tfal abbuzati f"Malta. 25 ta' April 1997.

· X'qed jaghmlu l-Gvernijiet l-ohra ghat-Tfal? 2 ta' Mejju 1997.

· Hidma tal-Gvernijiet b'risq it-tfal. 16 ta' Mejju 1997.

· It-Tfal Invizibbli ta' l-Ewropa. 23 ta' Mejju 1997.

· It-Tfal li Jiehdu Hsieb. 30 ta' Mejju 1997.

· Jeddijiet fl-Istituti tat-Tfal. 6 ta' Gunju 1997

· Strategija Ewropea dwar it-Tfal. 13 ta' Gunju 1997.

8. 600 tifel u tifla abbuzati f’dawn l-ahhar sentejn. Interview with John Role’. Kulhadd, 11 May 1997, page 10.

9. Opportunita’ tad-Deheb. By John Role’. In: Holqa Bejnietna - Lehen il-Parrocca Sant’Anna - Wied il-Ghajn. April 1997, pages 4-5.

10. Problemi ta' abbuz tat-Tfal - rimedji u suggerimenti. Nora Macelli. Lehen is-Sewwa. 8/3/97 p.9.

11. Tfal fi bzonn ta' familja. By John Role'. Il-Gens. 17 January 1997.

Videos 1. Responding to Child Abuse. Video presenting guidelines to medical and para-medical practitioners on dealing with cases of child abuse. 1997. 15 minutes.

2. Jum l-Omm. Video featuring a community-based event of the SWDP Community Development Unit. April 1998.

3. Tista' tghini? Ghandi bzonn familja. a 35-minute Video screened on the Community Channel on June 27, 29, and 30, 1997.

4. Tista' tghini? Ghandi bzonn familja. Video (1 1/2 hours) which includes a public discussion on Fostering held at Marsascala on July 9, 1997.

5. Video on Domestic Violence which can only be used by SWDP personnel for training purposes. June 1997.

Audio Cassettes 1. X’jimpurtani (What do I Care) - a series of 19 radio programmes dealing with contemporary social welfare issues. Aired on University Radio during 1996-1997. The following is a list of programme titles:
· Il-Vjolenza Domestika · Il-Persuni b’ Dizabilita’
· Is-Social Work · Is-Social Work fl-Isptar 
· Il-Fostering · Il-Family Therapy
· L-Abbuz tat-Tfal · Il-Milied
· L-Izvilupp ta’ Komunita’ · Il-Prevenzjoni mill-abbuz tad-Droga
· L-Istupru · Il-Hospice Movement
· Is-Sahha Mentali · Il-Hostels ghaz-zghazagh fid-diffikulta’
· L-Alkohol  · Il-Kura Residenzjali
· L-Anzjani · Is-Servizzi ta’ l-SWDP
  3. LE! (No!) - a series of 17 Radio programmes on domestic violence aired on University Radio during 1997. Programme titles include:
· L-abbuz tat-tfal fl-istorja u x’inhu l-abbuz tat-tfal. · Il-prevenzjoni tal-abbuz tat-tfal - hidma mat-tfal.
· L-abbuz ta’ sieheb jew siehba f’relazzjoni. · L-ghajnuna lit-tfal abbuzati.
· L-abbuz mill-perspettiva tat-tfal. · L-investigazzjoni tal-abbuz tat-tfal.
· L-effetti tal-abbuz fuq it-tfal nnifishom. · Aspetti medici tal-abbuz tat-tfal.
· Il-persuna li twettaq l-abbuz. · Il-prevenzjoni tal-vjolenza domestika.
· Ir-rabta bejn l-abbuz ta’ l-alkohol u l-abbuz tas-sieheb jew siehba. · Il-prevenzjoni tal-abbuz tat-tfal - hidma mal-geneturi.
· L-effetti tal-abbuz bejn il-koppji fuq l-ulied. · L-abbuz tal-anzjani.
· Il-ligi u l-abbuz fil-familja. · Gheluq tas-serje.
· Il-familja li tabbuza  
  4. Il-Fostering. A 20-minute radio programme which was featured daily between 1 to 8 July 1997 on the Radio Malta 1 programme Min Ipartat u min Ibiegh. Internet Document Search Service

The following are dossiers containing materials on specific social welfare topics obtained through Internet searches undertaken by Dr Tony Macelli - Head of SWDP. The dossiers are aimed at practitioners and policy makers who need contemporary information in their specific area of work or specialisation.

1. Bullying in Schools: policies, plans, and procedures. A policy-making tool compiled for the Commission on Bullying of the Ministry of Education. 22 February ‘98.

2. International resource & contact pack on Action against Bullying in Schools. Compiled for the Commission on Bullying of the Ministry of Education, February 15, 1998.

3. Resource & Contacts Pack on Drug Abuse & Pregnancy. Compiled for the SWDP Child Protective Services Unit and the Domestic Violence Unit. February 3, 1998.

4. Selected papers on Children's Rights in a Changing World. June 1996. 54 pages.

5. Selected Papers on Youth Offenders & Secure Institutions. August 1996. 120 pages.

6. Pastoral Abusers - sexual abuse by professionals. September 1996. 76 pages.

7. Special Protection of Women and Children. August 1996. 14 pages.

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