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--- Some of my school-related bookmarks ---

George Fox University
This is where I go to school!...check 'em out!!!
George Fox's CS department
This is where most of my pals hang out...

--- Some M.U.D.'s I'm on ---

NEW!!!Quagmire Realms
I build for this board
An awesome board that I hope to one day build for...look for Voidkiller
NEW!!!Eclipse of Fate
A great mud that's been around for a while now...I'm trying to become a builder there...(*hint, hint, hint*)

--- Some of my political bookmarks ---

The Right Side of the Web
This is for all you Conservatives and Rush Limbaugh fans out there!!!
A place where Conservatives and Liberals alike can hash out problems in a friendly atmosphere (note: not a newsgroup, but a cgi-BBS)
Republican National Committee Homepage
I haven't actually been here yet, but it's the home of my side, so I might as well put it up...=-)

--- Some poetry stuff ---

My poetry...
Gee, an idiot and a poet too...what's the world coming to?
Submit Poetry here!!!
Think you're a good poet, a bad poet, or something inbetween, but want other folk to see what you've got? Then I'll post it!!!
The Poetry Web
A great place to look at other's poetry, it has a regualr newsletter, and it is also home of The Slam Pit
The Slam Pit
Submit your poetry here...if you dare...

--- Some Pen-Pal Links I have used ---

Pen Pal Depot
A great board for this sort of things, it's trying to get back on it's feet. Check them out.
An "ok" penpal board. Searching is free...but you have to pay to add your name. However, the current database of people is impressive...
Welcome Students
haven't personally used this one, but it looked good...
NEW!!!Pen Pals Inc.
A great database, although rarely updated. I've met some awesome people here...

--- My friends on the Net ---

Lorraine's Home for the Mentally Insane
I love this gal's page...and it's even got a pix of me on it...=-)
HailStone's Bang on the Head
This is a new gal I just met on the web. She's got an awesome set-up! Check it out!
Goblin Girl
One of my many Chathouse pals. Check out her growing page. It's a bit new...
Bonnie's page
This cool gal I met while chatting...who for some reason thinks that I'm a gentleman.
Feanix's Nest
They don't get any stranger than her!!! But, ya gotta love 'er!!! =-)
Seth Nickeson's Electric/Eclectic Hompage
This guyy was one of my roommates last year at fox, and he's got an awesome homepage. Be sure to check it out.
Amy Dent
A fellow Language Arts Major at George Fox
Ben Boyer
My roommate this year at G.F.
Jon Maia
That wacky guy who can't figure out what he wants to be when he grows up...
Ryan Zempel
A fellow George Fox student and Alan Keyes supporter...
Scott Foster
A fellow Conservative Christian who also posts on alt.rightside.web
NEW!!!Muzik's Homepage
This gal has been a support and a constant friend, despite my constant inability to write back. She has a great head for the Christian ministry, and I expect her to go far...
NEW!!!Andy Miller's Home Page
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you're Andy Miller. Both, of course, mean the same thing...

---Some Cool Chat Sites---

The Castle
I like this one...look for "Lion's Kin," that's me...
The Balcony
Another good one...look for "Lion's Kin" here too!!!
The ChatHouse
Home of The Castle, The Balcony, and many other cool chat sites...

---ProLife Links (taken from Ryan Zempel's Page, thanks bud!)---

Pro-Life Encyclopedia
Stop Fetal Tissue Research!
MANY Pro-Life Quotes
The ProLife News
Order Right to Life audio tapes here

Why isn't YOUR address here? Because you haven't sent it to me yet, that's why! Let me know your address, and why it should be here, and I'll see what I can do...Email me at this address..

(c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of this page are original works of Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

So, what do you think of my page? Any links not working, or does some strange blob appear at the corner? Or would you like me to link to your page? If so, let me know at this address, ok?