[1/2004 release Mirror Mirror by Brandy Carter]
Soon after the death of her fiance, a programmer discovers evidence of murder and pursues a dangerous mystery attached to a computer game she co-created.
Mystery/Murder/Espionage/Romance. This fast-paced tale carries real fleshed-out characters, a touch of wit, a pinch of passion, and the right degree of suspense-filled action. An excellent debute novel! Soon to be available at Amazon.com, Borders, and Barnes and Nobles.

"When a fire is strong, it soon appropriates to itself the matter heaped on, and consumes it, and rises higher by means of this material" --Marcus Aurelius


Which is your strong hand, right or left? Both? Are you sure? Can you say the same orientation for you feet, ears, and eyes? As part of your personal quest, discovering "who am I?" hopefully, something here will add to your experiences.

TESTS ("hand orientation")

Indiana Universite has a survey, takes 10 minutes, but is very insiteful!!_ HAND Preference test_ The site is also excellent for parents, teachers, politicians, and employers!
Famous left-handers:
Dave's a lefty and so is: Oprah, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Paul Williams, Peter Benchley, Robert DeNiro, Shirley MacLaine, George Bush, Ross Perot, President Bill Clinton, Larry Bird, Reggie Jackson, Pele, Martina Navratilova, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe, Gerald Ford, Forrest Sawyer, Marcia Clark, Ted Koppel, Billy Graham, Phil Collins, Paul McCartney, George Michael, Whoopi Goldberg, Jay Leno, Carol Burnett, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Redford, Bruce Willis, Bruce Jenner.
Left-handers from the past: Ben Franklin, Albert Schweitzer, Helen Keller, Joan of Arc, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Leonardo da Vinci, Harpo Marx, Julius Caesar, Sergei Rachminoff, Jimi Hendrix, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Harry S. Truman, Nelson Rockefeller, Napolean, Jim Henson, Michael Landon, Danny Kaye, Steve McQueen, Judy Garland

Left-handed folks, or Southpaws, are extra-challenged by a right-handed society. Think of an office desk. Where are the drawers? What hand uses a scissors, pencil sharpener, spiral notebook? Ever hear of a left-hand power tool? Try here