
by Tina Larson

        Sacha longed to leave her village, all she could think about was the big cities. She would sneak away from her chores to sit under her favorite tree in the meadow next to the cottage; there she would daydream about being a noblewoman shopping in the huge markets. Sacha created a grand life for herself, servants to do all her bidding, and a husband that gave her everything she wanted.

   Sacha was right in the middle of buying a beautiful silk scarf when she was interrupted.

   Garret saw her dozing under the tree, silly girl, he thought she'll never change. He managed to sneak up right behind the tree, “Sacha!” he screamed, “ma’s looking for you.”

   “Aagh,  Garret!” Sacha squealed jumping up holding her chest, “one of these days you’ll be the death of me!”

   Garret ran off laughing, “ hurry up she’s mad,” he yelled back at her.

   Sacha smiled as she watched her little brother racing through the trees, he’ll make a fine tracker one day, she thought, maybe even good enough to be assigned to the King’s hunters. She loved him dearly; he was so full of life and laughter.

   Dusting herself off she made her way back to the cottage, “Ma ya called for me?” she asked innocently, when she came upon her churning butter.

    “Girl!” her mother replied  indignantly, “ You gotta quit running off to them woods, leaving your chores behind, I got enough to do without doing yours. Now git it the barn and feed them chickens, the ruckus they’re making is drivin’ me batty. And git your brother to help you with the cows when you're done; go on now girl, times a wasting.”

   “Yes ma, I’ll do it right away.” Sacha scooted off to the barn before she got a switch taken to her. She grabbed the feed bucket and raced to the chicken pen, spreading out the seeds quickly so they’d settle down. Will I never be free of this place, she thought. Returning the feed bucket she went off in search for her brother.

   “Garret! Come on we gotta git the cows in the barn for the night,” looking around the yard he was nowhere to be found.

   Then out of nowhere he came up behind her, “you looking for me?” he said.

   “How do you do that?”

   “I’ll never tell,” he replied running ahead to get the poles they used to herd the cows. By the time Sacha made her way back to the barn he had the rear doors to field open and was almost at the back of the field. Grabbing her pole that he left leaning on the fence, she raced out to catch up. It was such a pain to round them up ever night, but if they didn’t the wolves would get them.

   “The cows are in the barn ma.” Sacha stated as opened the door to the cottage.

   “’Bout time, now both of you wash up for dinner, I’ll not be eating with you two stinking of barn.”

   Sacha and Garret washed quickly and made their way to the table; the smell of the stew on the fire made them remember how long it had been since lunch.

   Garret sat down rubbing his hands to dry them, “ Smells good,” he said as he dived into his plate, breaking off chunks of bread to sop up the gravy.

   Sacha's eyes met her ma's across the table both smiling at Garret’s enthusiasm; he ate the same way he did everything, as quickly as he could.

   Sacha dawdled over her meal, day dreaming again. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her family, she just didn’t want to live here. Sacha wanted to live in a big city full of people and excitement.

Copyright ©1998, Tina Larson


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