
The Quest

   Dagen wandered the streets aimlessly paying no attention to where he was going. Will I ever find that monster? Sorren must pay for what he’s done to Catrina! He has to!! Kicking up dust clouds in frustration Dagen sought out the closest tavern. If I can’t find him, I can at least drown my misery.

   Grabbing an ale, he made his way to the darkest corner. The scowl on his face was sure to keep everyone away. I’ve been on Sorenn’s trail for two moons , and I’m no closer then when I started. What powers does he possess to stay ahead of me like he does? I don’t care how powerful he is, I will avenge my Catrina or die trying!! Does he know I’m on his trail? How could he know? He would have to be a wizard to know. We will have to be more careful and try to out trick him. Maybe I should go to a seer and have her read the cards for me. I’m ready to try anything.

   Motioning for another ale, his thoughts turned to Lorstern. My friend, I’d be lost without him. He took on this quest without a second thought, and has stayed by my side faithfully. He was quite happy to leave me to my own devices tonight though, with that wench to warm his bed, he won’t be giving me a second thought for hours. At least one of us is having fun. Sometimes I swear Lornstern came with me so he could have a different girl every night.

   Bringing a fresh mug to his lips, Dagen looked around the tavern. The faces looked the same as all the other faces that had passed before his eyes. He could almost swear the crowds were following him from town to town. Looking to his left he noticed a wench making her way to his table. He growled and she veered away. I have no time for these games, and no desire for anyone but Catrina. Does she wait for me? She vowed she would. I have to keep faith . Catrina I miss you. I never thought I would feel so strongly for someone. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. It’s been too long.

   I had about given up on loving someone ‘til she came along. I think I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. Even though she had been badly beaten and near death, I could she her beauty. If I hadn’t come along when I did, he would have killed her. How I wish I had slain him But he ran off and I knew I had to get her to the healers. At least I know she is safe now. The priests promised to hide her until I return. I think they know more about Sorren than they where willing to say.

   Dagen made his way out of the tavern. Turning left he trudged, back to the town centre where he’d seen the seer’s shop. What do the cards have in store for me I wonder....

Copyright ©1998, Tina Larson


My StoriesThe Quest Part 2


Moyras Web Jewels