SPELLS: Spellbooks and Casting

Note: This article may be copied and posted as long as it remains in it’s ORIGINAL format. It may NOT be altered in anyway. -- HornDawg

I've received many requests for spells. Requests pour in everyday. Most requests are from new or inexperienced witches, I have even had requests from people who aren't Pagan. Let me clear the air about spells.

Spells are a tight form of prayer. It is the practice of manipulating energy and forming the energy into a desired result. Spells are a personal thing to most witches, especially to solitary witches such as myself. Don't expect a witch to hand you her/his spellbook so that you may copy the spells you desire. First, and I learned this from experience, most witches simply won't. Second, if you should happen to find one that will allow you to copy, her/his spells will not necessarily work for you. A spell is something personal between a witch and the Goddess.

Now, that I've cleared the air about spells, here are a few guidelines for spells and spellcasting:
1. The most important rull of all, HARM NONE. This is a hard and fast rule followed by most witches.
2. THINK before you cast. Many witches have had bad side-effects from spells because they forgot TWO simple words: HARM NONE.
3. Have consent before casting a spell on another. Sometimes "good intentions" result in bad effects.

Here is a generic template for casting a spell, feel free to use it:

I hope this may have helped you with any questions on spells or spellcasting. May the light of the Goddess brighten the path to Understanding, for only through Understanding can we dispell the darkness of Prejudice.

Merry part and brightest blessings.

HornDawg (horndawg@hotmail.com) or (edged@hotmail.com)