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.Every Senator Counts!..

. by Capt. Nemo

Since it was Memorial Day weekend, and three days off were approaching, Subcommander Zero and Captain Nemo mounted an expedition to Cincinatti, to study the architecture and city planning.

They were pleased to discover the Roebling Brige was still in use after more than 130 years. It was a prototype for the Brooklyn Bridge, and it has pedestrian walkways that lead up to a connection with a "skyway" system of pedestrian bridges connecting several buildings in dontown Cincinatti.

Before a tour of the University of CIncinnati campus, they noticed a headline that read "Dems Poised to Take Power" next to a picture from the new Pearl Harbor movie. Subcommander Zero remarked: " the amount of time between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the battle of Midway is the same as the interval between the election and now." Nemo thought it was a good omen.

Two other headlines were juxtaposed by chance on the page reading: "White House Vows to Pursue Bush Agenda - on Titanic Formula".

There are restaurants and coffehouses adjacent to the campus. Something about the low rainclouds and the hillside activated an old dormant memory in Nemo's head. It reminded him of San Francisco in the Seventies, and the feeling that intelligent people were nearby. (This may have been an illusion created by clever architects and accountants, but it seems like a memory worth pursuing furhter.)

They then drove donwntown to a combination celebration and protest rally. It was just like these clever Northeners to save time and energy by combining two different events.

The protesters circled the large event vowing not to celebrate. Nemo and the Subcommander felt like intellectual bystanders.

A young, well dressed city councilman introduced himself to them and handed each a business card. After he left Nemo looked more closely at the businees card and was shocked to discover that it was a generic card printed for city councilmen to buy vote with a free soft drink (and with the collusion of the Coca Cola Company). He was reminded of Keenan Wynn's line in Dr. Strangelove: "You'll have to answer to the Coca Cola Company!".

That morning they browsed the news channels for a few minutes and heard a memorable line. A Republican was commenting on strategy and suggested that the denizens of the White House had learned something from the defection of one of their own Senators. He said the new strategy would be based on the idea that "Every senator counts."

Nemo finds this a poetic parallel to the Democratic party's slogan: "Every vote counts."

We will have to ask the Coca Cola Company for it's definitive position statement.

From Subcommander Zero: "That was a fantastic report, Captain!"

From Jim: " can always feel the energy going down the hill and crossing the river into Cincinatti from the south....."


From Rasputin: " I enjoyed hearing about your trip and political coke! "

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