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(The cobra disk indicates a special page! Be sure to check it out.)

The Amazing Ancient World - A Wealth of Information!

Ankhesenamen's Tomb Fantastic site - updated frequently!

Ankhesenamun's Loss The beauty of the words on this site is incredible.

Alliance of the Phoenix A beautiful site with several teaching methods.

All Things Sekhmet A site created to fascilitate the awakening of followers of Sekhmet.

Ancient Egypt A site anyone interested in Ancient Egypt must visit!

Ancient Egypt: The Mythology An excellent site!

Bubastis: House of Cats The look and feel of Bast!

The Egyptian Galleries Incredible amount of information and check out the Time Warp Gallery!

Mythos From the Heart of the World Some of the Egyptian creation stories.

The Goddess Nepthys Excellent site on Nebet Het

Netjeru Crossings A site honoring Anpu, Tehuti, Set and Sekhmet

Temple of Anubis A sharing of the author's personal experiences with Anpu

Temple of Shu and Tefnut Beautifully done page honoring the Twins
Apparently this site is temporarily down
The Temple of Anubis Another excellent site on Anpu

[Tomb of the Chihuahua Pharoahs] You HAVE to check out this site!!

Walk Like An Egyptian Lots of great information!!

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A Festival Calendar of the Ancient Egyptians
The Ancient Egypt Site
Alma Tara Multi-Versity Website
Ancient Egyptian Gods
Ancient Egyptian Religion, Paganism & Wicca
Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Education
Ancient World Web: Meta Index
Anthony's Egyptology
Ayman Rezeika Home Page
The Bennu Bird (The Phoenix)
Church of the Eternal Source
Egypt Links Page
Egypt WWW Index
The Egyptian Culture Reflected in Worship
Egyptian Goddesses
Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet
Egyptian Gods - The Great Nine
Egyptian Gods: Summaries
Egyptian Mythology
More Egyptian Mythology
Encyclopedia Mythica - Egyptian Mythology
The Eye of Horus - An Oracle
The Fellowship Of Isis
The Goddess Sekhmet
The Glory of Isis
Gods, Goddesses & Stories
Gods of Ancient Egypt
The Gods of Ancient Egypt
The Gods of Egypt
The Great Pyramid
Guardian's Egypt
Hathor Home Page
Isis - Child of Earth and Sky
The Iseum
Junko's Place: Egyptology & Hittitology Sites
Lapis: Annals of the Invisible College
Life in Ancient Egypt
The Magic and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Modern Egyptian Ritual Magick
Neithti's Between the Worlds Egyptian Mythology
Nile Valley Spirituality
Notable Gods
Portals of Majkia
Proverbs from the Ancient Egyptian Temples
Pyramidal Chasm
Reading Hieroglyphs - The First Steps
Rigby's World of Egypt
Rivendell's Ancient Egyptian History
Sekhmet as an Archetype
Seshat: A Name of Netjer
Smiles from Ancient Egypt
The Temple of Bast
The Temple of Ma'at
The Virtual Altar
Who's Who in Egyptian Mythology

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[Ancient Sites]
I am a citizen of Ancient Sites, known as Akhentef Mutemwiya

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[Netjeru Crossings Award for Appearance]
Thank you for the beautiful award Todd!

More links will be forthcoming, so check back often!

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