The Glossary Page

(c) 1997 Kevin L. Callahan

Please Note that there is a Glossary of Human and Nonhuman 
primates, a Glossary of Terms, and an Index in the back of your 
textbook. In addition you have a Vocabulary page and a Glossary Page
on this website and photos of all of the Lab Specimens and Hominids.
Each Chapter of your textbook also has a keyword list and there are 
definitions in blue in the margins of your textbook for major terms.
Good Luck!

Human Origins VOCABULARY and TERMS list - a hypertext list of terms from lecture that you need to know. By Kevin Callahan TA

Try the Britannica Online or the WWWebster's Dictionary for specific words, people, concepts,
biographies, sites, etc. on the Anth.1101 Human Origins Home Page.
Frequently whole articles will appear describing something you would like explained or defined.

Glossary of Genetics Terms:

Glossaries of Human Origins Terms - UC-Santa Barbara Glossaries for Anth 5 "Introduction to Biological Anthropology":
(From their textbook: Boyd, Robert and Joan V. Silk -How Humans Evolved)

Glossary of Archaeological Terms:

Mesa College Student Glossary:

Glossary of Cave Art:

Glossary of Rock Art Terms by Kevin L. Callahan, Anthropology Department, University of Minnesota

Historical Figures in Evolution Darwin, Malthus, Cuvier, Lamarck, Linnaeus, Comte de Buffon, etc.: (Not really a glossary but it describes these individuals.

You could also try a search for the word using a search engine like Yahoo or Hotbot or Infoseek.

If you feel like this.Don't give up!

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