In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


I. What is the Islamic Information Foundation (IIF)?

The IIF is a non profit educational foundation whose objective is to make authentic information about Islam available to Muslims and non-Muslims. It is a federally registered charity in Canada and US. Donations in U.S. and Canada are Tax-deductible.

II. How did it begin?

Early in 1980 a regular weekly 30-min. TV program on Islam was initiated in Halifax, Canada. The program sought to present Islam in a comprehensive and systematic manner in a question/answer format (interviews). In planning, designing and preparing these programs, a number of considerations were kept in mind; such as the emphasis on the common questions raised by Muslims and non-Muslims. The questions are answered by Professor Jamal Badawi who has been involved in da'wah and Islamic education in North America since 1963.

III. How is it financed? *

    1. Proceeds of sales of its products (non-commercially priced).
    2. Occasional unsolicited donations.

* It is IIF policy not to pay any royalties, salaries or honoraria to any of its executives. Most distributors are non-paid volunteers. Special discounts are available for needy persons. Payments by installments, if needed, are accepted.

IV. What are its products?

Audio and Video programs on Islam. Requests for these programs were received from more than 35 countries. It has been used for radio and TV broadcasting in North America and overseas.

V. How can you help?

    1. Make effective use of the foundation's products.
    2. Introduce these products to individuals, groups or institutions that may benefit from them, both Muslims and non-Muslims.
    3. Explore the possibility of using these programs (audio and/or video) in radio and television stations on your campus or in your area. Some Muslim organizations and communities have been doing that already.
    4. Make du'a' that ALLAH may bless this work and make fruitful and it will be for His sake.

Islamic Information Foundation
(a non-profit educational foundation)
8 Laurel Lane, Halifax, N.S., B3M 2P6
Send Questions or Comments To: IIF
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