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Callahan's Links

Callahan's Saloon Callahan's Saloon Forum
Cstar The Jedi GoodKight's Place
CHAOS: Callahan's Crosstime Saloon Callahan's Fan Club
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Spider Robinson's Books Science Fiction and Fantasy
Welcome to Spider Robinson's Commercial Site
Hurrah!!*tossing up streamers of confetti!* Spider's got his own site! Hurrah!
October 22,2000-
Have just started this page.
Please let me know about any great Spider Robinson and/or Callahans Links you come across- thanks! Harmony. ICQ# 16072290
January 17,2001- My interest in Spider Robinson and the folks in Callahan's started when my friend, Terry Lewis, handed me a copy of Callahan's Crosstime Saloon. I was immediately hooked. So, by the time Terry was handing me the next couple of books in the series, my ears pricked up when he remarked "You're never going to believe what planet these folks come from".
I should've known, I guess. My whole experience thus far on Planet Earth feels as if I landed on it from somewhere else.
Just joking! (sort of)
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