Active Listening & Communications Skills Links

Active Listening
(from the International Online Training program on Intractable Conflict)
Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, USA
Added September 9,20002
Active Listening Techniques for Educators
Added September 9,2002
Active Listening Technique Handout
Center for Nonviolent Communication
Communication Skills from Iowa State University College of Agriculture
Added June 11,2001
Communication Skills Inventory Test (Revised)
Added June 11,2001- updated September 9, 2002
Compassionate Listening & Reconciliation
"An enemy is one whose story we have not heard."
- Gene Knudsen Hoffman, Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) Peace Activist
Added June 11,2001
Cooperative Communication Skills-Internet Resource Center
"Encouraging people around the communicate more creatively, successfully, and compassionately, to prevent violence, and to work together in building more cooperative families, friendships, workplaces and communities."
Added June 11,2001
Exercise Four:Active Listening
Added September 9,2002
Gordon Training International CIOs must improve communications skills
-Article:"Senior technology officers are under pressure to improve their communication and business skills as their role in guiding corporate strategy increases, according to a report published Monday"
Added June 11,2001
Let's Talk
Added 30.March.2001
Lessons in Lifemanship-Chapter 3
Active-Listening with Children and Young People
Added 7.August.2000
Listening and Empathy Responding-Psychological Self-Help
"Listening and empathy training
Listening and empathizing are essential skills when relating to others. Most of us spend 70% of the day communicating, 45% of that time listening. We all want to be listened to (but spouses talk only 10-20 minutes per day). It is insulting to be ignored or neglected. We all know what it means to listen, to really listen. It is more than hearing the words, it is truly understanding and accepting the other person's message and also his/her situation and feelings. Empathy means understanding another person so well that you identify with him/her, you feel like he/she does. The Indians expressed it as: "Walking a mile in another person's moccasins." It is listening so intently and identifying so closely that you experience the other person's situation, thoughts and emotions. Good therapists do this, so do good friends (Berger, 1987). How do good listening and accurate empathy help?"
Added September 9,2002
PDC workshops Developing Interpersonal Skills
Added 7.August.2000, updated September 9, 2002
Poor Listening Skills
SFSP: Help by Actively Listening
San Francisco Suicide Prevention-
America's Oldest Community Crisis Line
"Active Listening is a communication skill which involves both the sender and the receiver in the communication process. At San Francisco Suicide Prevention we teach our volunteers to practice Active Listening with every call they receive. It is the foundation of our entire program."
Added 7.August.2000, updated September 9,2002

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