Millenium Channeling
Father & Mother, God & Goddess, I align myself with You, the Source of the Stillness, and the Source of all things. From the center of my being, I call upon all angels of light, all archangels, and all the great Prophets and Teachers. I call upon Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, and Metatron. I call upon the Living Spirit of Christ Consciousness, and I ask that I be centered, cleared, and cleansed. I ask that what comes through me be for the highest good of all, and that it be of service, benefit, healing and light. I ask that others may receive the Life Spark for themselves, so that they may receive Your Guidance according to their own needs, and their own nature. And I ask that all beings be guided to our most perfect place of manifesting. And for this Blessing, I give thanks. Amen.
Light-Beings:"And what would you ask of us this day, Harmony?"
Harmony: Please share your insights in regard to the coming Millenium? And, of course, whatever else you feel is important for us to know at this time, thanks.
Light-Beings: "Dear Ones, let us start from that plane which is the Source of all Times and all Places, yet which transcends them. Always we start from the Stillness, and always return to it; never in fact leaving it, because We are one with it. As we commune with you, we celebrate the lifting of limited concepts, and the dissolving of Illusions, and the bringing in to all the increase of Light.
And so it is this day that you do ask of us what we would say about your human Millenium. For it is a human time, and a human date-shift. The turning of a thousand years is the passing of one day, and within one day, the unfolding of Spirit within each moment.
And yet your human minds and hearts do dwell upon it, for you have come to identify yourselves with a particular time, and indeed, your particular places on earth. There is a great wondering, and a great restlessness as to Who you will be in what you conceive as a new time. And we do reassure you that you are as ever you have been, and that is, Spirits of Light.
The breath of Spirit is alive and new within each instant of Time. Any point in your human incarnations can be used as an opportunity to increase your vibrations of light, to let go of that which no longer serves, and that which has become inappropriate to Who You Really Are.
And so it becomes a simple continuation of this awareness as far as the Millenium is concerned. Bring to this one day that Awareness of Source, and that Conscious Recognition of the Unity of All Things, that you would any other day. For it is that we celebrate the Interconnection of all things in the divine Dance, and we would ever have your hearts and souls be filled with Joy and Abundance in every moment.
And so, Dear Ones, what we would speak of is a quality of Life lived beyond the appearance of things. Learn to enjoy your differences, for you are all unique; and yet hold in your hearts the commonality of your Source. For you all do breathe in and out: even the fish in the sea, in their own way. And even the mouse in the field takes his place in the Dance, and the Dance is better for having known the mouse in the field, the fish in the sea, and each and every One of you.
Enter the Dance with respect for the wind and tides; for grains of sand and clusters of stars. Enter the Dance with the Awareness that you are beyond time and space; and that, Finite as you seem to be, you spring into being from Infinity.
Love is a quality of energy that has always been within All-Things, that can be considered faster than the speed of Light, for the simple reason that, occupying all from the very Beginning, it needs to go nowhere, nor do it in a hurry. And within this Love-Energy, particles move in tandem; in synchronization. Time and distance do not matter. The particles move as they have always moved, in the Dance. And Love is also that only Energy that can pass unchanged through what you know as a Black Hole.
And so, as you continue your life upon your planet, bring with you into each instant of life your awareness of this Dance. See beyond the appearance of things. And your life will reflect the quality of this Awareness. Abundance will come as need arises. Good Will shall be known through your acts and deeds. Harmony shall be a matter of course.
Behold your planet as we do see it, whether it be deep within the core of the Earth, or from far out in Space. Behold all your human beings as you do stand in waiting for the Touch of Spirit. And the Spirit quickens within all races, and all religions, and all classes, all nations; indeed, it transcends them.
And now this message ends, if only from your side of things. For we are always with you. You can always call upon us for the Awareness of Source. Go about your day with joy, and Blessed Be. In Peace, in Peace, in Peace."

Channeled this day through Harmony, 30 December, 1999.