Society of the Ukrainia Native Faith "Pravoslavya"
Kyiv, Ukraine.

The Society was founded in Kyiv in 1993 and was registered in 1997 (certificate No. 829)
The Name
    Ukrainian  "heathenism"  is  a  generic term referring  to  the  national  religion  of  Ukrainian ancestors 1000 years ago, prior to Christianity and which is now enjoying in Ukraine.
    We reject the term "paganism" imposed by the Christian priests, as the Latin "paganus" has a negative connotation in the Ukrainian language, suggesting "bad", in Ukrainian "pohany". In the English language, we use the transcription Yazychnystvo and the full name "Confession of the Ukrainian Native Faith "Pravoslavya""
    The name "Pravoslavya" originally an ancient heathen term, was adopted by the Christian Orthodox Church to deceive the faithful during the first centuries following conversion to the Christian religion.
    "Prav" means "peace of Gods and divine law". "Slavya" is a ceremonial diving heathen service, as well as the name of the Goddes Slava. Thus, the term means "the laudation of the Gods".
Holly Scripture
    The Ukrainian heathens have the ancient Ukrainian chronicle (oaken boards) "The Book of Veies", written in V-IX centuries. This document contains various historical, mythological and perspective sources of Ukrainian Native Faith, as well as the approaches to God - understanding different prayers and holidays.
    "Volkhovnyck" - are the presentations of the main approaches of heathen Faith, written by the modern Ukrainian language.
    "Pravoslov" - the prayers to Native Gods - Proceedings of prayers and religious songs presented in "The Book of Veles"  and people's memory.
Scientific Investigations.
    Prof. Volodymyr SHAYAN (1908 - 1974) - Ukrainian philosopher, Sanscritist, poet and publicist began the Renaissance of Ukrainian Native Faith in 1934.
    In 1943 in Ukraine "The Knighly Order of The Sun God" was founded. The fundamental works are presented in the book "The Faith of Our Ancestos" (Hamilton, Canada, 1987 V.I.).
    Halyna LOZKO is the chairwoman of the Society (Confession) of the Ukrainian Native Faith "Pravoslavya", a scientific member and author of many publications on the Ukrainian heathenism.     The dissertation "Ukrainian heathenism as a sours of everyday religion syncretism" proves the possibility of a reconstruction of the ancient Ukrainian religion.
Mission and Vision Statement of Society (Confession)
of the Ukrainian Native Faith "Pravoslavya".
    1.  The collection and systematization of Ukrainian national faith sources.
    2.  The scientific and theological treatment and revival of  ancient traditions, prayers, songs and religious artifacts.
    3.  The education and cultivation of respect toward religious heritage of the Ukrainian people, the nature and the development of ecological mentality and behavior.
Knowlege of God
    The ancient God of our Faith is Svaroh the main God of the Universe, the Heaven Zodiac. His daughters are Lada, Leiya, Kupala, Dana, Perunytsya, Mokosha, Kolyada dna others, his sons are Dazhboh, Perun, Veles, Stryboh, Yarylo, Khors, Lado, Kupajlo, Symarhl, Pozvizd, Pereplut dnd others.
    All of them with their various names, as God is immortal, polifacial and polinamed. Our Faith is genotheical.
Trinity of Existence
    Is reflected in the idea of saintly Tree of Life - the roots of this tree achieving to the underground depth (the Universe of the ancestors) - Nav, i.e. the roots of our Family; the trunk and branches symbolize the manifestation of Life (the Universe of living people) - Yav; the crown and leaves - the place for existence of Universe Sovereings (Gods and God's Law), who rule the Universe - this name is Prav.
    Themain idea of our Faith is to obtain a better knowledge of Nature and theUniverse and to praise our Gods for the happiness in our lives.
    This feeling is essential condition of human happy life. Our holidays help us cultivate a feeling of beeing a part of Cosmic Life, a cell of the great Cosmic ocean, to obtain a positive solar energy from our God's love. Thus, there is a conception of of Sainthoold as the Creative Strength of God in our Native Faith.