Caps and Gowns

By Tiny

On Tuesday, October 27, 1998 we had a senior class meeting to pick colors for cap and gown. It was a mess! First, our school colors are black, gold, and white. The guys usually wear black and the girls gold. When my brother graduated in `95, everyone wore black. Then in `96 the guys wore black and the girls wore white. But the white wasn't very good because you could see through it.

Okay, back to the meeting. First they divided the guys from the girls. Then they asked the guys for color suggestiong. Black, gold, and white, of course. We voted (by raising our hands) and got black. Then the girls suggested black, gold, and white. They voted for black, too.

Well, that's when some of the guys decided we couldn't be the same as the girls and wanted a revote. Our sponser, Mrs. Herring, said no. We had already voted and we couldn't change it. The guys continued to complain, so she said she do it by ballot. That's when someone said, "pink". I thought, "No, no, no, no!" Next, instead of doing it by ballot, eveyone went up to the stage and marked on a notepad which color they wanted. There was a column for black and a coulumn for pink. I was one of the last to vote. When I did, there were only three other marks for black (yes, I voted for black). We all sat down and our other sponser, Mrs. Clevenger, announced, "Okay, the girls are black and the guys are hot pink!" I was so embarrassed. But, that's when Mrs. H. got mad and said we had to go black, gold, or white. She went around to each person and asked which color they wanted. I voted for black again... but we ended up with white.

Finally, they voted for tassle color. We could choose black, gold, black and gold, or black and white. They asked how many wanted black and white. A bunch of people raised their hands and they said, "It's black and white."

The next morning, Mrs. Herring told me that our principal said he didn't want the guys looking feminine at our graduation, so he is going to have a meeting with the class officers to have the colors changed. It will probably ended up being all black, but now some of the guys are saying that if we are going all black, the tassles will be black, too. Oh, well... I guess that's better than wearing white!

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