Ode to the Boy Scouts

By Tiny

Many people know that I'm a Boy Scout
But most don't know what that's all about.
So, in this poem I am going to explain
The things I enjoy in snow, sun, or rain.

Boy Scouts is not just a little kids' clan
Helping old ladies cross streets and picking up cans.
From 11 to 18 our ages stretch out,
And some follow the trail to Eagle Scout.

In cabins we stay in the cold of winter,
But staying in a tent doesn't make you a sinner.
You get a polar bear patch below 32 degrees.
All it costs you is all feeling below your knees.

During the spring, when it's much warmer out,
Camping's more plentiful, and you just cannot doubt
The fun that we have orienteering and hiking,
Lashing, canoeing, fishing, and biking.

During the summer I work at Camp "K"
("K" stands for Kikthawenund, which is Lenni Lenape).
The things that I do and the people I meet
Makes it worthwhile, though the pay checks kind of reek.

Autumn makes being a Boy Scout wonderful
Being outside with the trees so colorful.
The Troop of the Year competition soon will end.
Right now my troop's second, but I think we will win.

As I look back at all of my great adventures
I swear to myself (although I don't curse)
That I'll stay with the Boy Scouts and help other young men
Become the greatest they can, again and again.

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