All Of The Yo Mama's  Jokes In One!


Yo mama so bald, even a wig wouldn't help!
Yo mama so bald,you can see whats on her mind
Yo mama so bald, that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo mama so bald, when she put on a turtle neck, and looked like a busted condom.
Yo mama so bald, she looks like an overgrown testicle.


Yo mama's so big her belly button's got an echo.
Yo mama's so big she cant wear an X jacket cause choppers keep landing on her back
Yo mama's so big she uses I-95 for a Slip 'n Slide
Yo mama's so big that they had to change "One size fit's all" to "One size fits most"
Yo mama's so big when she goes to the movie theatre she sits next to everybody.
Yo mama's so big when she went to the airport and said she wanted to fly they stamped Goodyear on her and sent her out to the runway
Yo mama's so big, it takes her 2 hours just to haul ass.


Yo mama so dark she went to night school and was marked absent!
Yo mama so dark she spits chocolate milk!
Yo mama so dark that she can leave fingerprints on charcoal.
Yo mama so dark she has to wear white gloves when she eats Tootsie Rolls to keep from eating her fingers.
Yo mama so dark when people refer to Darkness comming in the future they refer to her next visit.
Yo mama so dark they made a movie of her heart transplant called "From the darkest heart of Africa"


Yo mama so dirty,she has to creep up on bathwater.
 Yo mama so dirty, she makes a pig look clean.
 Yo mama so dirty, crabs carry canteens.
 Yo mama so dirty, she used Sure and it got confused.
Yo Mamma's so dirty, that if she was taking a shower for 1000 Years and she came out, a pig would be still cleaner than her!
Yo mamma's so dirty, that her nickname is "chocolate"
Yo mamma's so dirty, that, a kid once said to her "take off your costume, it's not halloween yet!"


Yo mama's so fat, when she walked in front of the TV I missed half the show.
Yo mama's so fat her nickname is, "Damn!"
Yo mama is so fat that she uses a washing machine to make her self a shake.
Yo mama's so fat, when you hung her picture on the wall, the whole wall fell down.
Yo mama's so fat and old that when God said "Let there be Light", he told her to move her fat butt out of the way.
Yo mama is so fat that when she goes to Seaworld, the whales throw fish to her.
Yo mama is so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama is so fat, she broke the Arch Deluxe.
Yo mama's so fat, she showers in a carwash.
Yo mama so fat, her picture weighs ten pounds.
Yo mama so fat I took her out to eat and the waiter asked me if I wanted an estimate.
Yo mama's fat that when God said, "Let there be light", he was just telling yo mama to get outta the
sun's way!
Yo mama so fat Richard Simmons won't deal her a meal.
Yo mama's so fat, when her beeper goes off people think she's a truck backing up.
Yo mama so fat, if she put on a red raincoat she could be the Kool-Aid Man.
Yo mama is so fat, she looks like she's smuggling volkswagons!
Yo mama is so fat, when she gets her shoes shined she has to take the man's word for it!
Yo mama so fat, she got a run in her blue jeans. Yo mama so smelly, she slows down Speed
Yo mama is so fat, when she goes out to eat, people say, "Look at the fat lady! Wow, she's fat!"
Yo mama so fat, she laid on the beach and Greenpeace tried to push her back into the ocean!
Yo mama's so fat, she was standing down on the street corner, and the police came along and told
her to break it up.
Yo mama so fat, when she put on a Malcom X T-shirt helicopters try to land on her.
Yo mama so fat, she laid on the beach and Greenpeace tried to push her back into the ocean!
Yo mama so fat, she can't even jump to conclusions
Yo mama so fat, she's on both sides of the family.
Yo mama so fat, the police dog's stopped her at the airport for having 10 lbs of crack.
Yo mama so fat, she went to the movies and sat next to everybody!
Yo mama so fat, she takes up two Netcom accounts!
Yo mama so fat, she fell in love and broke it.
Yo mama is so fat she can sell shade.
Yo mama so fat you can slap her thighs and ride the waves.
Yo moma is so fat that I had to take 2 planes, a bus, and a train to get to her good side.
Yo mama's so fat, they had to baptize her at Sea World.
Yo mama so fat, she has more chins than a Chinese phone book.
Yo mama's so fat, when she jumps in the air she get's stuck.
Yo mama's so fat we're in her right now!
Yo mama's so fat, her highschool picture was an aerial photograph.
Yo mama so fat, when she puts on a grey sweater people it becomes a cloudy day.
Yo mama is so fat she has to use the driveway as her ironing board.
Yo mama's so fat, she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out.
Yo mama so fat she buys her clothes in only three sizes: Large, Extra-large, and Yo Mama Size.
Yo mama's so fat when she walks down the street with a yellow rain coat,people shout "Taxi!"
Yo mama's so fat, when she went out in high heels she came back in flip flops.
Yo mama so fat, when she went swimming in the ocean, the Spanish tried to clame her as a new
Yo mama is so fat, during summertime she sells shade.
Yo mama's so fat when she sat on the rainbow Skittles(tm) popped out.
Yo mama so fat when she died they have to widen the gates of heaven!
Yo moma's so fat she needs to buy group insurance.
Yo mama is so fat when she goes swimming the tide comes in.
Yo mama's so fat, they had to put in speed bumps at the buffet resturant!
Yo moma so fat that when she won a fat beauty contest they sang: "There she is... North America"
Yo mama is so fat, when she takes a shower her feet don't get wet.
Yo mama's so fat she broke the family tree.
Yo mama is so fat, she's the same height standing up or lying down.
Yo mama is so fat, she's got shock absorbers on her toilet seat.
Yo mama's so fat, the shadow of her butt weighs 50 lbs.
Yo mama is so fat, when she bends over we lose an hour of day light.
Yo mama is so fat she when she fell down she broke the law.
Yo mama's so fat, she went outside wearing a coke-cola t-shirt, and a kid tried to put coins in her
ear and press her belly button.
Yo mama is so fat, Bill Gates can't pay for her lyposuction.
Yo mama is so fat, someone threw a rock at her back and hit her in the stomach!
Yo mama is so fat, when yo family asks for Kool-Aid, she runs through the wall.
Yo mama's so fat, if the world ever blew out, we could use yo mama as a spare.
Yo mama is so fat, hurricane Fran was just you mama blowing her nose.
Yo mama's so fat, she installed chairs in the refrigerator.
Yo mama's so fat at the zoo, the elephants started throwing her peanuts.
Yo mama's so fat every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
Yo mama's so fat her blood type is ragu
Yo mama's so fat her college graduation picture was an airial.
Yo mama's so fat her yearbook picture is an arial
Yo mama's so fat if she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his word for it!
Yo mama's so fat if she wears fishnet stockings, they'd better be 50 pound test!
Yo mama's so fat if she weighed five more pounds, she could get group insurance!
Yo mama's so fat n black she jumped in the ocean and they ungee jumped and went straight to hell
Yo mama's so fat she can't even tie her own shoes.
Yo mama's so fat she can't reach her back pocket.
Yo mama's so fat she can't wear Dazzey Dukes. She has to wear Boss Hoggs
Yo mama's so fat she dries her pants in the driveway
Yo mama's so fat she eats biscuits like tic tacs
Yo mama's so fat she eats wheat thicks.
Yo mama's so fat she fell in love and broke it.
Yo mama's so fat she gets clothes in three sizes: extra large, jumbo, and oh-my-god-it's-coming-towards-us!
Yo mama's so fat she got hit by a truck and asked "Who threw that rock?"
Yo mama's so fat she got to iron her pants on the driveway
Yo mama's so fat she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets
Yo mama's so fat she has more nooks and crannies than Thomas' English Muffin.
Yo mama's so fat she has to buy two airline tickets.
Yo mama's so fat she influences the tides.
Yo mama's so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama's so fat she measures 36 24 36, and the other arm is just as big
Yo mama's so fat she plays hopscotch like this: LA, Detroit, Chicago, NY ..
Yo mama's so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller
Yo mama's so fat she sat on a quarter and squished a booger out of George Washington's nose
Yo mama's so fat she sat on the corner and the police came & said "break it up!"
Yo mama's so fat she shows up on radar.
Yo mama's so fat she stood in front of the Hollywood sign and it just said H D
Yo mama's so fat she tried to get an all-over tan, and the sun burned out
Yo mama's so fat she uses a hula hoop to hold up her socks
Yo mama's so fat she uses a mattress for a tampon.
Yo mama's so fat she uses a pillow case as a sock.
Yo mama's so fat she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo mama's so fat she wears a VCR for a beeper.
Yo mama's so fat she went to a Chinese Restaurant and ordered a 40oz. of gravy
Yo mama's so fat she's on both sides of the family
Yo mama's so fat that she cant tie her own shoes.
Yo mama's so fat that when I tried to drive around her, I ran out of gas.
Yo mama's so fat the animals at the zoo feed her.
Yo mama's so fat the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn"
Yo mama's so fat they had to baptize her at Sea World
Yo mama's so fat they use the elastic in her underwear for bungee jumping
Yo mama's so fat uses blanket as a washcloth
Yo mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people thought she was backing up
Yo mama's so fat when i took her to the beach, little keds surron "Free Willy, Free WIlly"
Yo mama's so fat when she backs up she beeps
Yo mama's so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too
Yo mama's so fat when she dances at a concert the whole band skips.
Yo mama's so fat when she fell over she rocked herself asleep trying to get up again.
Yo mama's so fat when she gets on the scale it says to be continued.
Yo mama's so fat when she sits around the house she REALLY sits AROUND the house
Yo mama's so fat when she sits on my face I can't hear the stereo.
Yo mama's so fat when she steps on a scale, it read "one at a time, please"
Yo mama's so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"
Yo mama's so fat when she went to the beach Greenpeace tried to drag her ass back in the water.
Yo mama's so fat when the bitch goes to an all You can eat buffet, they  have to install speed bumps.
Yo mama's so fat when they used her underwear elastic for bungee jumping, they hit the ground.
Yo mama's so fat you smell like bacon at 90 degrees
Yo mama's so fat, when she travels, she's gotta make two trips.
Yo mama was so fat that when she was born, she gave the hospital stretch marks.

Yo mama so flat, she's jealous of the wall!
Yo mama so flat, that she's like a pirate's dream, a sunken chest.
Yo mama so flat, that she is a carpenters dream, a board never hammered, nailed or screwed.
Yo mama so flat, she makes the Grand Canyon look like the Rocky Mountains.


Yo momma so greasy, she used bacon as a band-aid!
Yo momma so greasy, she sweats Crisco!
Yo momma so greasy, Texaco buys Oil from her.


Yo mama so hairy, you almost died of rugburn at birth!
Yo mama so hairy, she's got afros on her nipples!
Yo mama so hairy, she look like she got Buchwheat in a headlock.
Yo mama so hairy, Bigfoot is taking her picture!
Yo mama so hairy, she wears a Nike tag on her weave so now everybody calls her Hair Jordan.
Yo mama so hairy, she looks like a Chia Pet with an afro!
Yo mama so hairy, she shaves with a weedwhacker.
Yo mama so hairy, when she asked for a trim at the beauty salon, the stylist opened up her shirt.
Yo mama so hairy, she's got a gotee growin' around her belly button.


Yo mama's butt so big, she's taller when she sits down.
Yo mama's chest so flat, she's every pirates dream ... a sunken chest.
Yo mama's nose so big, she picks it with a boxing glove.
Yo mama's nose so big, you can go bowling with her boogers.
Yo mama's nosehairs so long, she can have them braided.
Yo mama's armpits so hairy, she looks like she got Buckwheat in a headlock.
Yo mama's armpits so stink, the teacher gave her an A' so she wouldn't need to raise her hand.
Yo mama's feet so big, they need license plates.
Yo mama's house so small, you ordered a large pizza and had to eat it outside.
Yo mama's house so small, I threw a rock through your window and it hit everybody.
Yo mama's house so small, the front and back doors are on the same hinge.
Yo mama's house so dirty, I have to wipe my feet before I go outside.
Yo mama's house must be made of toilet paper -- cause your whole family's full of shit.
Yo mama's so stink, she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo mama's so stink, she sweats Black Flag.
Yo mama's ears so big, she can't hold cigarettes behind them.
Yo mama's ears so big, she gets satellite reception.
Yo mama's teeth so bad, her dentures' got cavities.
Yo mama's teeth so yellow, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.
Yo mama's  teeth so yellow, traffic slows down when she smiles.
Yo mama's teeth so yellow, she'd put the sun out of business.
Yo mama's  teeth so yellow, you never needed a crayon to color the sun.
Yo mama'steeth so yellow, when she smiles, people start singing, "I got sunshine, on a cloudy day...".
Yo mama's breath so bad, when she yawns, her teeth yell, "DUCK!"
Yo mama's breath so bad, when she stuck out her tougue, it was on a stretcher.
Yo mama's breath so bad, her gums went on strike.
Yo mama's breath so bad, she needs a Tic Tac with batteries in it.
Yo mama's breath so bad, people look forward to her farts.
Yo mama's lips so big, Chapstick had to invent a spray.
Yo mama's strong ... then again, smell ain't everything.
Yo mama's arms so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo mama's missing a finger and can't count past nine.
Yo mama's got a head so small, she uses a teabag for a pillow.
Yo mama's got one leg shorter than the other and they call her Hip-Hop.
Yo mama's in a wheelchair, screaming, "I AIN'T STANDING FOR THIS!"
Yo mama's only got one leg and telling everyone to get off on the right foot.
Yo mama's got one leg and a bicycle.
Yo mama's got one hand and a Clapper.
Yo mama's  got no fingers and a banjo.
Yo mama's got no ears, but she still says, "I hear ya!".
Yo mama's got green hair and thinks she's a tree.
Yo mama's got a bald head with a part and sideburns.
Yo mama's has no neck and they call her Head and Shoulders.
Yo mama's has only two fingers and she's asking people to "gimme five".
Yo mama's has an afro with a chinstrap.
Yo mama's has three teeth; one in her mouth and two in her pocket.
Yo mama's has one ear and has to take off her hat to hear what you're saying.
Yo mama's has one short leg and walks in circles.
Yo mama's has one short arm and can't applaud.
Yo mama's has everything a man can want: muscles, a big chest, and a beard.
Yo mama's like a potato chip -- Fri-to Lay.
Yo mama's like a screen door -- the more I bang her, the looser she gets.
Yo mama's like the Pillsbury Dough Boy -- everyone gets a poke.
Yo mama's like peanut butter -- smooth, creamy, and easy to spread.
Yo mama's makes a great golf course, everyone gets a hole in one.
Yo mama's like shotgun: one cock and she blows.
Yo mama's like a rifle: four cocks and she's loaded.
Yo mama's like a hardware store: four cents a screw.
Yo mama's like Domino's Pizza -- "Something for Nothing".
Yo mama's like a refridgerator, everyone puts their meat in her.
Yo mama's like a bus -- guys climb on and off her all day long.
Yo mama's like a Toyota: "Oh, what a feeling".
Yo mama's like Chinese food -- sweet, sour, and cheap.
Yo mama's like a bowling ball -- you pick her up, shove your fingers into her, throw her in the gutter and she still comes back for more.
Yo mama's like a casino: licker in the front, poker in the back.
Yo mama's pussy so dry, even the crabs carry a canteen.


Yo mama so nasty, when she goes to a hair salon, she told the stylist to cut her hair and she opened up her shirt.
Yo mama so nasty, She gotta put ice down her drawers to keep the crabs fresh!
Yo mama so nasty, she made speed stick slow down.
Yo mama so nasty, she brings crabs to the beach.
Yo mama so nasty,,she made right guard turn left.
Yo mama so nasty, the fishery be paying her to leave.
Yo mama so nasty, she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo mama so nasty, that her sh*t is glad to escape.
Yo mama so nasty, Ozzie Ozbourne refused to bite her head off.
Yo mama so nasty, I called her for phone sex and she gave me an ear infection.
Yo mama so nasty, lice consider her a great vacation place.
Yo mama so nasty, she was declared quarentine since before she was born
Yo mama so nasty, she joined the four horseman: war, death, famine, disease and Yo momma
Yo mama so nasty, the bitches teeth look like she got jumped by the Cavity Creeps!!!
Yo mama so nasty, she has two pussys and they both stink.
Yo mama so nasty, she went swimming and now we have the dead sea.
Yo mama so nasty, skunks run from her.
Yo mama so nasty, she had to cut the strings from her tampons to stop her crabs from bungee jumping.
Yo mamma's so nasty, that her fart was the cause off the disease in the movie"OUTBREAK"


Yo mama so old I told her to act her own age, and the bitch died.
Yo mama so old she has Jesus' beeper number!
Yo mama so old her social security number is 1!
Yo mama so old that when God said let the be light, she hit the switch'
Yo mama so old that when she was in school there was no history class.
Yo mama so old she owes Jesus 3 bucks!
Yo mama so old she's in Jesus's yearbook!
Yo mama so old she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.
Yo mama so old she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.
Yo mama so old she was a waitress at the Last Supper.
Yo mama so old she ran track with dinosaurs.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate is in Roman numerals.
Yo mama so old she sat behind Jesus in the third grade.
Yo mama so old and old she knew the Virgin Mary when she was 10 and said, "Li'l Mary will never amount to anything".
Yo mama so old she was Jesus Wet Nurse
Yo mama so old shes blind from the big bang
Yo mama so old even God calls her mother!


Yo mama's so poor, when as I walked out of her apartment the rat tripped me and the roach stole my wallet.
Yo mama is so poor, she can't pay attention.
Yo mama's so poor, I went in to the front gate of your house and I tripped out the back gate.
Yo mama's so poor she chased down the garbage truck with her shopping list.
Yo mama's so poor, when I seen her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, she said, "Moving."
Yo mama's so poor, when I ring the doorbell, she has to say, "DING!"
Yo mama's so poor, burglars break into house so they can leave money.
Yo mama's so poor, she can only afford the "Wel" on the "Welcome" mat.
Yo mama's so poor, she waves around a popscicle stick and calls it air-conditioning.
Yo mama's so poor, she's trying to get married so she can get the rice at the wedding.
Yo mama's so poor, I asked her what was for dinner and she popped ME in the oven.
Yo mama's so poor, your TV's got two channels: on and off.
Yo mama's so poor, she eats cereal with a fork so she can save milk.
Yo mama's so poor, when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers.
Yo mama's so poor, they put her face on a foodstamp.
Yo mama's so poor, she used a tumbleweed for a Christmas tree.
Yo mama's so poor, she hangs the toilet paper to dry.
Yo mama's so poor, I saw her trying to put a food stamp into a gumball machine.
Yo mama's so poor, saw her wrestle a squirrel for a peanut.
Yo mama's so poor, you can't kill the roaches in your house, cause they pay half the rent.
Yo mamma's so poor, that, when I stepped on her skateboard, she said "Hey! Why did you break our family car?!"
Yo mamma's so poor, that if I went to her house for dinner, and when I ask "What's for dinner?" she would say," Air."


Yo mama so slutty, she could suck-start a Harley!
Yo mama so slutty, she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch ball!
Yo mama so slutty, she could suck a golf ball through six feet of garden hose
Yo mama so slutty, when she got a new mini skirt, everyone commented on her nice belt!
Yo mama so slutty, she was on the cover of wheaties, with her legs open, and it said "breakfast of the champs"
Yo mama so slutty, that I could've been your daddy, but the guy in line behind me had the correct change.
Yo mama so slutty, she had her own "Hands across her ass" charity drive
Yo mama so slutty, that when she heard Santa Claus say HO HO HO she thought she was getting it three times.
Yo mama so slutty, I fucked her and I's a chick!
Yo mama so slutty, she blind and seeing another man.
Yo mama so slutty, John Holmes just looked at her and got AIDS.
Yo mama so slutty, she is known as Homecomming Disease
Yo mama so slutty, she has Trojan written on her gumline. Africa"
Yo mama's so slutty that in sex-ed in Highschool, she was the homework!


Yo mama is so ugly, when she looks in the mirror it doesn't look back.
Yo mama so ugly  when she joined an ugly contest, they said "sorry, no professionals."
Yo mama so ugly had to get her baby drunk just so she could breastfeedYo mama's so ugly, when she walked in to Taco Bell everybody ran for the border! .
Yo mama so ugly her face is closed on weekends!
Yo mama so ugly when she was a kid and played in the sandbox, cats tried to bury her.
Yo mama is so ugly I shot her and I died.
Yo mama so ugly, when she fell off the ugly tree she hit every branch on the way down.
Yo mama so ugly she turned Madusa to stone.
Yo mama so ugly, she scares blind children.
Yo mama is so ugly, yo daddy had to put the mirror inside the medicine cabinet.
Yo mama is so ugly, a freight train took a dirt road to avoid her.
Yo mama is so ugly a train took a dirt road to avoid her.
Yo mama so ugly she makes onions cry.
Yo mama so ugly, her parents fed her with a sling-shot.
Yo mama so ugly, when she was a baby her mom had to get drunk to feed her.
Yo mama is so ugly she made pigs grow wings and fly away.
Yo mama so ugly, she has to trick or treat over the phone.
Yo mama so ugly they taped "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower.
Yo mama so ugly her mama had to tie a steak around her neck to get the dogs to play with her.
Yo mama so ugly her picture is on the inside of a Roach Motel
Yo mama so ugly I took her to haunted house and she came out with a job application
Yo mama so ugly I took her to the zoo, guy at the door said "thanks for bringing her back
Yo mama so ugly instead of putting the bungee cord around her ankle, they put it around  her neck
Yo mama so ugly just after she was born, her mama'said "What a treasure!" and her  father said "Yes, let's go bury it."
Yo mama so ugly people go as her for Halloween.
Yo mama so ugly she can look up a camel's butt and scare the hump off of it
Yo mama so ugly she could be the poster child for abortion/birth control!
Yo mama so ugly she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
Yo mama so ugly she could scare the moss off a rock!
Yo mama so ugly she has to trick or treat over the phone
Yo mama so ugly she looks  out the window and got arrested for mooning.
Yo mama so ugly she made an onion cry.
Yo mama so ugly she scares the roaches away.
Yo mama so ugly she threw a boomerang and it wouldn't even come back
Yo mama so ugly that if ugly were bricks she'd have her own projects.
Yo mama so ugly that Yo father takes her to work just so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.
Yo mama so ugly the doctor is still smacking her ass
Yo mama so ugly the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
Yo mama so ugly the last time she heard a whistle was when she got hit by a train
Yo mama so ugly the psychiatrist makes her lie facedown.
Yo mama so ugly they didn't give her a costume when she tried out for Star Wars.
Yo mama so ugly they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower
Yo mama so ugly they know what time she was born, because her face stopped the clock!
Yo mama so ugly they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
Yo mama so ugly they push her face into dough to make gorilla cookies.
Yo mama so ugly they put her face on box of Ex-Lax and sold it empty
Yo mama so ugly when she passes by a bathoom the toilet flushes.
Yo mama so ugly when she sits in the sand the cat tries to bury her.
Yo mama so ugly when she walks in the kitchen, the rats jump on the table and start screaming.
Yo mama so ugly when she walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillence cameras
Yo mama so ugly when she was born she was put in an incubator with tinted windows
Yo mama so ugly when she was born the doctor smacked everYone.
Yo mama so ugly when she was born, her mama'saw the afterbirth and said "Twins!"
Yo mama so ugly when she was born, the doctor slapped HER mama!
Yo mama so ugly Yo dad first met her at the pound.
Yo mama so ugly You could stick her face in dough and make monster cookies
Yo mama was such an ugly baby that her parents had to feed her with slingshots.
Yo mama's so ugly, that everyone in the whole world said "Nice and scary costume!" to her!
When Yo mama was born they had to take her out of the trash can cause doctor said "Throw this shit away!"

Got any more Yo Mama Jokes e-mail me at 
Copyright 1998